MODSERIAL PID controller edit

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed

Fork of PID_controller_Motor by BioBitches TN

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Oct 25 18:15:05 2016 +0000
Commit message:
EMG signaal geimplemteerd, doet nog een beetje raar.

Changed in this revision

biquadFilter.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/biquadFilter.lib	Tue Oct 25 18:15:05 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Oct 25 13:51:57 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 25 18:15:05 2016 +0000
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
 #include "QEI.h"
 #include "math.h"
 #include "HIDScope.h"
+#include "BiQuad.h"
 // Definieren van de HIDscope ----------------------------------------
-HIDScope scope(3);               
+HIDScope scope(5);               
 // Definieren van de Serial en Encoder -------------------------------
@@ -43,12 +44,35 @@
 DigitalOut ledgreen(LED_GREEN, 1);
 DigitalOut ledblue(LED_BLUE, 1);
+AnalogIn    emg0( A0 );         //  right biceps
+AnalogIn    emg1( A1 );         //  left biceps
 //Definieren van de tickers ------------------------------------------
 Ticker motor_ticker;                        // Deze ticker activeert het motor_runs programma, dit leest motor pos en ref pos uit, rekent de PID uit en stuurt met dit de motoren
 Ticker hidscope_ticker;
+// Het definieren van de filters ----------------------------------------
+BiQuadChain bqc1;       //  Combined filter: high-pass (10Hz) and notch (50Hz)
+BiQuad bq1( 9.21171e-01, -1.84234e+00, 9.21171e-01, -1.88661e+00, 8.90340e-01 );
+BiQuad bq2( 1.00000e+00, -2.00000e+00, 1.00000e+00, -1.94922e+00, 9.53070e-01 );
+BiQuad bq3( 9.93756e-01, -1.89024e+00, 9.93756e-01, -1.89024e+00, 9.87512e-01 );
+BiQuadChain bqc2;
+BiQuad bq4 = bq1;
+BiQuad bq5 = bq2;
+BiQuad bq6 = bq3;
+BiQuadChain bqc3;       //  Low-pass filter (5Hz)
+BiQuad bq7( 5.84514e-08, 1.16903e-07, 5.84514e-08, -1.94264e+00, 9.43597e-01 );
+BiQuad bq8( 1.00000e+00, 2.00000e+00, 1.00000e+00, -1.97527e+00, 9.76245e-01 );
+BiQuadChain bqc4;
+BiQuad bq9 = bq7;
+BiQuad bq10 = bq9;
 // HET VASTSTELLEN VAN ALLE TE GEBRUIKEN VARIABELEN EN CONSTANTEN ======================================================
@@ -108,6 +132,17 @@
 enum which_motor{motor1, motor2};               // enum van de motoren
 which_motor motor_that_runs = motor1;
+int  digital0;               //  Define digital signals fot EMG
+int  digital1;
+double  threshold0 = 0.3;       //  Define thresholds (signal is normalized, so 0.3 = 30% of maximum value) fot EMG
+double  threshold1 = 0.3;
+double max_out0 = 0;            //  Set initial maximum values of the signals to 0, the code will check if there's a new maximum value every iteration
+double max_out1 = 0;
+int final_signal;               // Dit is waarmee de reference position gezocht gaat worden.
@@ -141,7 +176,6 @@
 // Functie voor het vinden van de positie van motor 1 ---------------------
 double get_position_m1(const double radpercount){          //returned de positie van de motor in radialen (positie vd arm in radialen)
     counts1 = encoder_motor1.getPulses();           // Leest aantal pulses uit encoder af
@@ -160,10 +194,54 @@
+// Functie voor het uitlezen van het EMG signaal ------------------------------------------
+int get_EMG()
+    double in0 =;                   //  EMG signal 0 (right biceps)
+    double in1 =;                   //  EMG signal 1 (left biceps)
+    double filtered0 = bqc1.step(in0);          //  Filter signals   (high pass and notch)
+    double filtered1 = bqc2.step(in1);
+    double abs_filtered0 = abs(filtered0);      //  Absolute value of filtered signals
+    double abs_filtered1 = abs(filtered1);
+    double out0 = bqc3.step(abs_filtered0);     //  Filter the signals again to remove trend  (low pass)
+    double out1 = bqc4.step(abs_filtered1);
+    if (out0 > max_out0)                        //  Check if the signals have a new maximum value
+        {   max_out0 = out0;    }
+    if (out1 > max_out1)
+        {   max_out1 = out1;    }
+    double normalized_out0 = out0 / max_out0;   //  Normalize the signals (divide by maximum value to scale from 0 to 1)
+    double normalized_out1 = out1 / max_out1;
+    if (normalized_out0 > threshold0)           //  If the signal value is above the threshold, give an output of 1
+        {   digital0 = 1;   }
+    else                                        //  If the signal value is below the threshold, give an output of 0
+        {   digital0 = 0;   }
+    if (normalized_out1 > threshold1)           //  Do the same for the second EMG signal
+    {   digital1 = 1;   }
+    else
+    {   digital1 = 0;   }
+    scope.set(0,in0);           //  EMG signal 0    (right biceps)
+    scope.set(1,in1);           //  EMG signal 1    (left biceps)
+    scope.set(2,digital0);      //  Signal 0 after filtering, detrending, rectification, digitalization
+    scope.set(3,digital1);      //  Signal 1 after filtering, detrending, rectification, digitalization
+    scope.set(4,digital0 - digital1);         //  Final output signal
+    scope.send();               //  Send all channels to the PC at once
+    return digital0 - digital1;         //  Subtract the digital signals (right arm gives positive values, left arm give negative values)
 // Functie voor het vinden van de reference position van motor 1 --------------------
 double get_reference_position_m1(double &ref_pos_prev, const double vrijheid_rad){
     double ref_pos;
-    int final_signal = -;     // Het uiteindelijke signaal uit de emg als output zit is -1, 0 of 1.
+    final_signal = get_EMG();     // Het uiteindelijke signaal uit de emg als output zit is -1, 0 of 1.
         case 0 :
             ref_pos = ref_pos_prev;
@@ -352,7 +430,7 @@
-        call_HIDscope(PID_output_2, reference_pos_m2, position_motor2);
+        //call_HIDscope(final_signal, reference_pos_m1, get_position_m1(rad_per_count));