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PLANTOWER PMS5003 Mbed OS driver

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Mbed OS PMS5003 driver

Mbed OS 5 driver for the PLANTOWER PMS5003 digital universal particle concentration sensor. This device is also sold as the Adafruit PM2.5 Air Quality sensor.


You’ll need two pins: UART TX, UART RX. Additionally you can specify a power pin, in case you have a power switch in your design. This is recommended to shut down the sensor when it’s not being used. If you don’t have a power pin just mark it as NC.

#include "PMS3005.h"

PMS5003 pm25(D8, D2, D3); // UART TX, UART RX, POWER

static EventQueue queue; // The callback from the driver is triggered from IRQ, use EventQueue to debounce to normal context

void pm25_data_callback(pms5003_data_t data) {
    printf("Concentration Units (standard)\n");
    printf("PM 1.0: %u", data.pm10_standard);
    printf("\t\tPM 2.5: %u", data.pm25_standard);
    printf("\t\tPM 10: %u\n", data.pm100_standard);
    printf("Concentration Units (environmental)\n");
    printf("PM 1.0: %u", data.pm10_env);
    printf("\t\tPM 2.5: %u", data.pm25_env);
    printf("\t\tPM 10: %u\n", data.pm100_env);
    printf("Particles > 0.3um / 0.1L air: %u\n", data.particles_03um);
    printf("Particles > 0.5um / 0.1L air: %u\n", data.particles_05um);
    printf("Particles > 1.0um / 0.1L air: %u\n", data.particles_10um);
    printf("Particles > 2.5um / 0.1L air: %u\n", data.particles_25um);
    printf("Particles > 5.0um / 0.1L air: %u\n", data.particles_50um);
    printf("Particles > 10.0 um / 0.1L air: %u\n", data.particles_100um);

int main() {
    printf("Hello world\n");

    // This callback runs in an interrupt context, thus we debounce to the event queue here
