
Dependencies:   MQTT

Fork of PGO6_VoteController_template by Jens de hoog

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Show/hide line numbers debounce_button.h Source File


00001 #include "mbed.h"
00003 /**
00004     Due to the imperfect design of the buttons, a press on the button is registered multple times.
00005     The debouncer module makes sure that these false positives of the button are going to be ignored.
00007     Also, this module provides a multiclick service which allows the user to press the button multiple times 
00008     within a certain time frame. Therefore, multiple actions can be mapped to a single button.
00010 */
00013 extern volatile bool button1_pressed;   // Used in the main loop
00014 extern volatile bool button1_enabled;   // Used for debouncing
00015 extern volatile int multiclick_state;   // Counts how many clicks occured in the time slot, used in main loop
00016 extern volatile bool button1_busy;      // Informs the mainloop that the user is clicking the button
00018 void button1_multiclick_reset_cb(void); // Resets the amount of clicks, but stores this value for the usage in the main loop
00019 void button1_enabled_cb(void);          // Enables the button again after a timeout, used for debouncing the button 
00020 void button1_onpressed_cb(void);        // Callback which is called when the user presses the button
00021 void count(void);
00022 void button1_busy_enable(void);