library for stepping motor

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun Mar 08 03:38:37 2020 +0000
Commit message:
Firm ware for Antenna rotator

Changed in this revision

Suteppa.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Suteppa.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9da9efc2119c Suteppa.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Suteppa.cpp	Sun Mar 08 03:38:37 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#include "Suteppa.h"
+void Suteppa::init(unsigned long allStep, void (*stepper)(int))
+    _allStep = allStep;
+    _speed = 10000;
+    _stepper = stepper;
+    _smooth = false;
+    timer.start();
+void Suteppa::setSpeed(unsigned long speed)
+    _speed = speed;
+    _initDiff = _initSpeed - _speed;
+void Suteppa::beginSmooth(unsigned long step, unsigned long initSpeed)
+    _smoothStep = step;
+    _initSpeed = initSpeed;
+    _initDiff = _initSpeed - _speed;
+    _smooth = true;
+void Suteppa::beginSmooth()
+    _smoothStep = _defaultSmoothStep;
+    _initDiff = _defaultInitSpeed - _speed;
+    _smooth = true;
+void Suteppa::setDefaultSmooth(unsigned long step, unsigned long initSpeed)
+    _defaultSmoothStep = step;
+    _defaultInitSpeed = initSpeed;
+bool Suteppa::tick()
+    if(_r_i >= _r_step) return false;
+    unsigned long time = timer.read_us();
+    if(time - _r_time < _r_interval) return true;
+    _r_time = time;
+    if(_r_smooth){
+        _step += _r_direction;
+        _stepper(_r_direction);
+        float r;
+        float p = _r_max;
+        if (_r_i <= _r_smoothStep) {
+            r = (_r_i / (float)_r_smoothStep);
+            p = sin(r*M_PI/2) * _r_max;
+        }else if (_r_step - _r_i <= _r_smoothStep + 1) {
+            r = ((_r_step - 1) - _r_i) / (float)_r_smoothStep;
+            p = sin(r*M_PI/2) * _r_max;
+        }
+        _r_interval = (1 - p) * _initDiff + _speed;
+    }else{
+        _step += _r_direction;
+        _stepper(_r_direction);
+        _r_interval = _speed;
+    }
+    _r_i ++;
+    return true;
+void Suteppa::rotate(int mode, long step, bool sync)
+    timer.reset();
+    if(mode == 0){
+        _rotateRelative(step, sync);
+    }else if(mode == 1){
+        _rotateAbsolute(step, false, sync);
+    }else if(mode == 2){
+        _rotateAbsolute(step, true, sync);
+    }
+void Suteppa::rotate(int mode, long step)
+    rotate(mode, step, true);
+void Suteppa::_rotateRelative(long step, bool sync)
+    _r_smoothStep = _smoothStep;
+    _r_direction = 1;
+    float interval = 1 / (float)_r_smoothStep;
+    _r_smooth = _smooth;
+    if(step < 0){
+        _r_direction = -1;
+        step *= -1;
+    }
+    _r_step = step;
+    if(step < _r_smoothStep*2.1) _r_smoothStep = step/2.1;
+    if(_r_smoothStep < 1) _r_smooth = false;
+    if(_initSpeed < _speed) _r_smooth = false;
+    _r_max = interval * _r_smoothStep;
+    _r_interval = 0;
+    _r_time = 0;
+    _r_i = 0;
+    if(sync){
+        while(tick());
+    }
+void Suteppa::_rotateAbsolute(long step, bool skip, bool sync)
+    if(skip){
+        step = step%_allStep;
+        _step = _step%_allStep;
+        unsigned long diff = abs(step - _step);
+        if(diff > _allStep / 2){
+            if(_step < step){
+                step = -(_allStep - diff);
+            }else{
+                step = (_allStep - diff);
+            }
+        }else{
+            step = step - _step;
+        }
+    }else{
+        step = step - _step;
+    }
+    _rotateRelative(step, sync);
+void Suteppa::setHome()
+    _step = 0;
+float Suteppa::sigmoid(float x)
+    return 1 / (1 + exp(-7 * x));
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9da9efc2119c Suteppa.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Suteppa.h	Sun Mar 08 03:38:37 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#ifndef SUTEPPA_H
+#define SUTEPPA_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265359
+class Suteppa
+    public:
+        Suteppa();
+        void init(unsigned long allStep, void (*stepper)(int));
+        void setSpeed(unsigned long speed);
+        void setDefaultSmooth(unsigned long step, unsigned long initSpeed);
+        void beginSmooth(unsigned long step, unsigned long initSpeed);
+        void beginSmooth();
+        void endSmooth(){_smooth = false;};
+        long getStep(){return _step;};
+        long getStepAbsolute(){return _step%_allStep;};
+        unsigned long getSpeed(){return _speed;};
+        void rotate(int mode, long step, bool sync);
+        void rotate(int mode, long step);
+        void setHome();
+        bool tick();
+        static const int RELATIVE = 0;
+        static const int ABSOLUTE = 1;
+        static const int ABSOLUTE_SKIP = 2;
+    private:
+        void _delay(unsigned long time);
+        void _rotateAbsolute(long step, bool skip, bool sync);
+        void _rotateRelative(long step, bool sync);
+        void (*_stepper)(int);
+        void (*_turner)(int);
+        bool _smooth;
+        long _step;
+        unsigned long _allStep;
+        unsigned long _speed;
+        unsigned long _initDiff;
+        unsigned long _smoothStep;
+        unsigned long _initSpeed;
+        unsigned long _defaultSmoothStep;
+        unsigned long _defaultInitSpeed;
+        int _r_direction;
+        unsigned long _r_step;
+        unsigned long _r_smoothStep;
+        bool _r_smooth;
+        float _r_max;
+        unsigned int _r_i;
+        unsigned long _r_time;
+        unsigned long _r_interval;
+        float sigmoid(float x);
+        Timer timer;
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