Just4trionic fork by iprouteth0

I have forked the just4trionic software from it's excellent creator just4pleisure (Sophie Dexter). She has provided some fantastic assistance and advice for me while working with this project. Currently the fork is unmodified, but i would like to implement some additional features and perhaps even use a different development board than the mbed LPC1768. The board i am looking into for the future is the LPC1768-mini-dk2 which is produced by hotmcu.com.

/media/uploads/iprouteth0/lpc1768-mini-dk2.jpg http://www.hotmcu.com/lpc1768minidk2-development-board-28-tft-lcd-p-12.html

things such as LCD display, micro sd card, and buttons for instant read or flash are some thoughts for the future. As i said the current fork it's unmodified and to get more familiar with things i will first be using the mbed board. I have created a simple pdf diagram of the breadboard layout i plan on using.

/media/uploads/iprouteth0/just4trionic.jpg /media/uploads/iprouteth0/just4trionic.pdf

I started with solderless breadboard however my first prototype will utilize perma-proto breadboard available from adafruit.com. here is a link to the perma-proto board:

https://www.adafruit.com/products/1606 /media/uploads/iprouteth0/perma-proto.jpg

As this is a more permanent solution i have also ordered appropriate sockets for both the mbed board and the various chips and cables. I am using 10 pin headers with some breadboard helper sockets just to allow for full flexibility.

For T5 programming voltage i will be using a DC power booster that is adjustable and has an LCD voltmeter.

Here is the link to the Voltage booster I used. You can see it in some of the images on the page here.


Here is a pdf of the breadboard layout i plan on using. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5X95phg9aj3LS1ZSjdIRHhyZENyUWRpRVNuNHBsX1hjNkV3/edit?usp=docslist_api

And here is the circuit schematic that uglybug has drawn for Sophie.



Here is the breadboard wired up. Again this is just for layout purposes and the prototype will be using the perma-proto board I have ordered. /media/uploads/iprouteth0/just4trionic-breadboard-image.jpg And here is my T5 ECU from my 99 9-3 SE HOT. I have soldered jumpers onto the boards BDM pin holes. /media/uploads/iprouteth0/t5-ecu.jpg

6/8/15 I now have the perma-proto board from adafruit soldered up with the socket headers and such. Put all my jumpers in, and added the resistors that are needed. Now I have to figure out exactly how I'm going to hook up the power. Will likely still be a couple of weeks before I will be able to start messing around with it.

/media/uploads/iprouteth0/11407225_844682438901865_3124718698895170177_n.jpg /media/uploads/iprouteth0/11425228_844682422235200_8985679727581541599_n.jpg

7/12/15. I finally got things mounted up for can reading and writing. I don't have BDM pins soldered onto my car's current ECU so I'll probably hold off on flashing the NV memory until I at least read the binary from it. Live tuning will suffice for now. Here is what it all looks like.

I cut a hole in the corner of the glove box for the SFI connector to fit through.


And here is everything mounted. I've just installed minicom on my linux laptop and hope to do a CAN read of the binary today. wish me luck and I'll also continue to post updates as I have the time to work on this project.


I thought this would better show how I have my +15V for flash programming hooked up in car along with the Just4Trionic adapter assembly.



Here is what the software looks like when using to read and flash while connected to it with a terminal emulator such as putty. Mine ended up on COM3 and you use 115200 for the speed.

You will need to install the mbed serial driver for Windows in order to make a serial terminal connection from your Windows machine to the mbed board. Here is the link you will need.





One thing to note is that you do need the 15V connected to both dump (read) and flash (write) binary files to or from the ECU.

Also Sophie has updated the T5 can lib dll so that the Just4Trionic adapter will work with both T5CanFlasher and T5Suite 2.0 in windows 7. You should run both softwares with administrative rights enabled.

When live tuning in the suite you will first need to dump the binary, unlock the RAM, flash the RAM unlocked binary, and finally open the RAM unlocked binary with the suite before connecting to the ECU in the suite for live tuning..

2 comments on Just4trionic fork by iprouteth0:

12 Aug 2015


Added a simple toggle switch to the input power of the voltage booster coming from pin 4 so that I can keep everything plugged into the SFI connector without always having programming voltage active. Not really much to tell about it, just keeps things convenient.


16 Jun 2017

I have just got a Saab 9-3 lpt, and ordered spare ecu and mbed NXP LPC1768. Obviously want to do as you have. Is there any advice for a novice? Have jailbroken consoles before, so not total noob. Would that part list be valid for my setup, as no idea if the components should be altered for a bench setup rather then in car. Any help or pointing in the right direction, greatly appreciated.


I understand that you have used a 1n4148 because it is a dedicated T5 system, but i want to use it solely on the bench so what PSU would you recommend? Sophie Dexter was using a 16v 1A switching PSU, but what is max. current advised for this system? I have a 12v 1.6A learning as i go...

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