ece 4180 final project master mbed code

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Dec 09 15:32:51 2016 +0000
Commit message:
ece 4180 final project master mbed

Changed in this revision

4DGL-uLCD-SE.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/4DGL-uLCD-SE.lib	Fri Dec 09 15:32:51 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library.lib	Fri Dec 09 15:32:51 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Dec 09 15:32:51 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ultrasonic.h"
+#include "uLCD_4DGL.h"//uLCD class
+//BusOut myled(LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4);
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+//uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9, p10, p7); // tx rx reset create a global lcd object
+Serial blue(p28,p27);//tx rx for bluetooth
+Serial uart(p9,p10);//Sungwoo
+volatile int distan0 = 0;//front
+volatile int distan1 = 0;//left
+volatile int distan2r = 0;//back right
+volatile int distan2l = 0;//back left
+volatile int distan3 = 0;//right
+volatile int distan1b = 0;//left2
+volatile int distan3b = 0;//right2
+//volatile char s[1];
+void dist0(int distance0)
+//put code here to execute when the distance has changed
+    //uLCD.locate(0,1);
+    //uLCD.printf("DistanceFront %d \r\n", distance0);
+    distan0 = distance0;
+void dist1(int distance1)
+    //uLCD.locate(0,3);
+    //uLCD.printf("DistanceLeft %d \r\n", distance1);
+    distan1 = distance1;
+void dist1b(int distance1b)
+    //uLCD.locate(0,5);
+    //uLCD.printf("DistanceLeftB %d \r\n", distance1b); 
+    distan1b = distance1b;
+void dist2r(int distance2r)
+    //uLCD.locate(0,7);
+    //uLCD.printf("DisatnceBack %d \r\n", distance2);
+    distan2r = distance2r;
+void dist2l(int distance2l)
+    distan2l = distance2l;
+void dist3(int distance3)
+    //uLCD.locate(0,9);
+    //uLCD.printf("DistanceRight %d \r\n", distance3); 
+    distan3 = distance3;   
+void dist3b(int distance3b)
+    //uLCD.locate(0,11);
+    //uLCD.printf("DistanceRightB %d \r\n", distance3b);
+    distan3b = distance3b;   
+ultrasonic front(p8, p11, .1, .5, &dist0);//trig echo    
+                                        //have updates every .1 seconds and a timeout after 1
+                                        //second, and call dist when the distance changes
+ultrasonic left1(p25, p26, .1, .5, &dist1);
+ultrasonic left2(p12, p13, .1, .5, &dist1b);
+ultrasonic backl(p21, p22, .1, .5, &dist2l);
+ultrasonic backr(p5, p6, .1, .5, &dist2r);
+ultrasonic right1(p29, p30, .1, .5, &dist3);
+ultrasonic right2(p23, p24, .1, .5, &dist3b);
+int main()
+    char bnum=0;
+    char bhit=0;
+    //Sungwoo
+    uart.baud(9600);
+    char f = 'f'; // Move forward
+    char b = 'b'; // Move Backward
+    char l = 'l'; // Turn Left
+    char r = 'r'; // Turn Right
+    char w = 'w'; // Park on the left
+    char x = 'x'; // Pakk on the right
+    char a = 'a'; // tilt to the left
+    char z = 'z'; // tilt to the right
+    char p = 'p'; // Parked
+    char g = 'g'; // tilt angle to the left (CCW)
+    char h = 'h'; // tilt angle to the right (CW)
+    ////////////////////////////////
+    //bool variables for each sensor
+    bool fSensor = false;
+    bool r1Sensor = false;
+    bool r2Sensor = false;
+    bool brSensor = false;
+    bool blSensor = false;
+    bool l1Sensor = false;
+    bool l2Sensor = false;
+    //char bnum=0;
+    //char bhit=0;
+       //Front - 0, Left - 1, Back - 2, Right - 3
+    int diffLR = 0; 
+    int diffLR2 = 0;  
+    //uLCD.printf("Hey");
+    /////////////////////////////////////
+    while(1) {
+        if (blue.getc()=='!') {
+            if (blue.getc()=='B') { //button data packet
+                bnum = blue.getc(); //button number
+                bhit = blue.getc(); //1=hit, 0=release
+                if (blue.getc()==char(~('!' + 'B' + bnum + bhit))) { //checksum OK?
+                    //myled = bnum - '0'; //current button number will appear on LEDs
+                    switch (bnum) {
+                        case '1': //number button 1
+                            if (bhit=='1') 
+                            {
+                                //uLCD.locate(0,1);
+                                //uLCD.printf("Parking start");
+                                 //int distance = 0;
+                                front.startUpdates();//start measuring the distance
+                                left1.startUpdates();
+                                left2.startUpdates();
+                                backr.startUpdates();
+                                backl.startUpdates();
+                                right1.startUpdates();
+                                right2.startUpdates();
+                                //////////////////////////parking #1////////////////////////////////
+                                while(1)
+                                {
+                                    //Do something else here
+                                   front.checkDistance();     //call checkDistance() as much as possible, as this is where
+                                                            //the class checks if dist needs to be called.
+                                   left1.checkDistance();
+                                   left2.checkDistance();
+                                   backr.checkDistance();
+                                   backl.checkDistance();
+                                   right1.checkDistance();
+                                   right2.checkDistance();
+                                   /*uLCD.locate(0,5);
+                                   uLCD.printf("distance0: %d", distan0);
+                                   uLCD.locate(0,6);
+                                   uLCD.printf("distance1: %d", distan1);*/
+                                   diffLR = abs(distan1 - distan3);
+                                   diffLR2 = abs(distan1b - distan3b);
+                                  // uLCD.locate(0,7);
+                                  // uLCD.printf("diiference 12: %d", diffLR);
+                                  // #1 - check the front sensor
+                                  if(distan0>300)
+                                  {
+                                      fSensor = true;
+                                      //zig-zag feature in the map by adjusting the distance of left1 and right1 sensors
+                                      // 'a' - tilt to left.
+                                      if((diffLR<100) && (distan1>distan3))
+                                      {
+                                          //led1 = 0;
+                                          led2 = 1;
+                                          led3 = 0;
+                                          led4 = 0;
+                                         if(uart.writeable())
+                                          {
+                                              uart.printf("%c",a);
+                                              led3 = 1;
+                                              wait(0.3);
+                                          }
+                                          //uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                                          //uLCD.printf("Forward, tilt to left!");
+                                      }  
+                                      // 'z' - tilt to right.
+                                      if((diffLR<100) && (distan1<distan3))
+                                      {
+                                          led1 = 0;
+                                          led2 = 0;
+                                          //led3 = 0;
+                                          led4 = 1; 
+                                          if(uart.writeable())
+                                          {
+                                              uart.printf("%c",z);
+                                              led3 = 1;
+                                              wait(0.3);
+                                          }
+                                          //uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                                          //uLCD.printf("Forward, tilt to right!");  
+                                      }
+                                      //feedback with one side (left/right)
+                                      // compare front and back distance and adjust!!!!! // NOT BEEN CODED YET
+                                       if((distan3>300) && (distan3b<100))
+                                        { 
+                                          led1 = 1;
+                                          led2 = 0;
+                                          led3 = 1;
+                                          led4 = 1;
+                                          //move forward
+                                          if(uart.writeable())
+                                          {
+                                              uart.printf("%c",f);
+                                            //led3 = 1;
+                                            wait(0.3);
+                                          }
+                                          //uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                                          //uLCD.printf("Forward, One FB, Left\n");    
+                                          // SAME AS ABOVE
+                                        }
+                                        if((distan1>300) && (distan1b<100))
+                                        {
+                                          led1 = 1;
+                                          led2 = 1;
+                                          led3 = 1;
+                                          led4 = 0;
+                                          if(uart.writeable())
+                                          {
+                                              uart.printf("%c",f);
+                                               wait(0.3);
+                                            //led3 = 1;
+                                          }
+                                          //uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                                          //uLCD.printf("Forward, One FB, Right\n");  
+                                        }
+                           ////////////detecting parking spaces on the LEFT SIDE////////////
+                                      if((distan1>300) && (distan1b>300))
+                                      {
+                                          l1Sensor = true;
+                                          l2Sensor = true;
+                                      //parking space is on the left side
+                                          led1 = 0;
+                                          led2 = 1;
+                                          led3 = 1;
+                                          led4 = 0;
+                                          if(uart.writeable())
+                                          {
+                                              uart.printf("%c",w);
+                                              wait(3);
+                                          }
+                                          left1.checkDistance();
+                                          left2.checkDistance();
+                                          backr.checkDistance();
+                                          backl.checkDistance();
+                                          right1.checkDistance();
+                                          right2.checkDistance();
+                                          wait(2);
+                                          while(abs((distan2r)-(distan2l)) >15 )
+                                          {
+                                              left1.checkDistance();
+                                            left2.checkDistance();
+                                            backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                            right1.checkDistance();
+                                            right2.checkDistance();
+                                            wait(1);
+                                            if(distan2r > distan2l)
+                                            {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",h);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                            }
+                                            if(distan2r < distan2l)
+                                            {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",g);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  backr.checkDistance();
+                                                backl.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                            }
+                                          }
+                                            //move forward
+                                            while((distan1 > 200)||(distan3 > 200))
+                                            {   
+                                                front.checkDistance(); 
+                                                left1.checkDistance();
+                                                left2.checkDistance();
+                                                //back.checkDistance();
+                                                right1.checkDistance();
+                                                right2.checkDistance();
+                                                if((distan1 > 200)||(distan3 > 200))
+                                                {
+                                                    uart.printf("%c",f);
+                                                    wait(0.3);
+                                                     front.checkDistance(); 
+                                                    left1.checkDistance();
+                                                    left2.checkDistance();
+                                                    //back.checkDistance();
+                                                    right1.checkDistance();
+                                                    right2.checkDistance();
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                            while(distan0>130)
+                                            {
+                                               front.checkDistance();     //call checkDistance() as much as possible, as this is where
+                                                            //the class checks if dist needs to be called.
+                                               left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               backr.checkDistance();
+                                               backl.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                               //tilt to the right
+                                               if(distan1>distan3)
+                                               {
+                                                    uart.printf("%c",z);
+                                                    led3 = 1;
+                                                    wait(0.3);
+                                                }
+                                                //tilt to the left
+                                               if(distan1<distan3)
+                                               {
+                                                    uart.printf("%c",a);
+                                                    led3 = 1;
+                                                    wait(0.3);
+                                                }
+                                               front.checkDistance();     //call checkDistance() as much as possible, as this is where
+                                                            //the class checks if dist needs to be called.
+                                               left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               backr.checkDistance();
+                                               backl.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                            }
+                                            uart.printf("%c",r);
+                                            left1.checkDistance();
+                                          left2.checkDistance();
+                                          backr.checkDistance();
+                                          backl.checkDistance();
+                                          right1.checkDistance();
+                                          right2.checkDistance();
+                                          wait(2);
+                                          while(abs((distan2r)-(distan2l)) >15 )
+                                          {
+                                              left1.checkDistance();
+                                            left2.checkDistance();
+                                            backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                            right1.checkDistance();
+                                            right2.checkDistance();
+                                            wait(1);
+                                            if(distan2r > distan2l)
+                                            {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",h);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                            }
+                                            if(distan2r < distan2l)
+                                            {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",g);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                            }
+                                          }
+                                            uart.printf("%c",p);
+                                            wait(20);
+                                          //uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                                          //uLCD.printf("Park, on the left!"); 
+                                      }
+                         /// /////////parking space is on the right side////////////////////
+                                        if((distan3>300) && (distan3b>300))
+                                      {
+                                          l1Sensor = true;
+                                          l2Sensor = true;
+                                      //parking space is on the left side
+                                          led1 = 0;
+                                          led2 = 1;
+                                          led3 = 1;
+                                          led4 = 0;
+                                          if(uart.writeable())
+                                          {
+                                              uart.printf("%c",x);
+                                              wait(3);
+                                          }
+                                          left1.checkDistance();
+                                          left2.checkDistance();
+                                          backr.checkDistance();
+                                          backl.checkDistance();
+                                          right1.checkDistance();
+                                          right2.checkDistance();
+                                          wait(2);
+                                          while(abs((distan2r)-(distan2l)) > 15 )
+                                          {
+                                              left1.checkDistance();
+                                            left2.checkDistance();
+                                            backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                            right1.checkDistance();
+                                            right2.checkDistance();
+                                            wait(1);
+                                            if(distan2r > distan2l)
+                                            {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",h);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                            }
+                                            if(distan2r < distan2l)
+                                            {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",g);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  backr.checkDistance();
+                                                backl.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                            }
+                                          }
+                                            //move forward
+                                            while((distan1 > 200)||(distan3 > 200))
+                                            {   
+                                                front.checkDistance(); 
+                                                left1.checkDistance();
+                                                left2.checkDistance();
+                                                //back.checkDistance();
+                                                right1.checkDistance();
+                                                right2.checkDistance();
+                                                if((distan1 > 200)||(distan3 > 200))
+                                                {
+                                                    uart.printf("%c",f);
+                                                    wait(0.3);
+                                                     front.checkDistance(); 
+                                                    left1.checkDistance();
+                                                    left2.checkDistance();
+                                                    //back.checkDistance();
+                                                    right1.checkDistance();
+                                                    right2.checkDistance();
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                            while(distan0>130)
+                                            {
+                                               front.checkDistance();     //call checkDistance() as much as possible, as this is where
+                                                            //the class checks if dist needs to be called.
+                                               left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               backr.checkDistance();
+                                               backl.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                               //tilt to the right
+                                               if(distan1>distan3)
+                                               {
+                                                    uart.printf("%c",z);
+                                                    led3 = 1;
+                                                    wait(0.3);
+                                                }
+                                                //tilt to the left
+                                               if(distan1<distan3)
+                                               {
+                                                    uart.printf("%c",a);
+                                                    led3 = 1;
+                                                    wait(0.3);
+                                                }
+                                               front.checkDistance();     //call checkDistance() as much as possible, as this is where
+                                                            //the class checks if dist needs to be called.
+                                               left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               backr.checkDistance();
+                                               backl.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                            }
+                                            uart.printf("%c",l);
+                                            left1.checkDistance();
+                                          left2.checkDistance();
+                                          backr.checkDistance();
+                                          backl.checkDistance();
+                                          right1.checkDistance();
+                                          right2.checkDistance();
+                                          wait(2);
+                                          while(abs((distan2r)-(distan2l)) >15 )
+                                          {
+                                              left1.checkDistance();
+                                            left2.checkDistance();
+                                            backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                            right1.checkDistance();
+                                            right2.checkDistance();
+                                            wait(1);
+                                            if(distan2r > distan2l)
+                                            {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",h);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                            }
+                                            if(distan2r < distan2l)
+                                            {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",g);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  backr.checkDistance();
+                                            backl.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                            }
+                                          }
+                                            uart.printf("%c",p);
+                                            wait(20);
+                                          //uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                                          //uLCD.printf("Park, on the left!"); 
+                                      }
+                                  }
+                                  //if(distan0<50)
+                                  //FRONT SENSOR ON
+                                  else
+                                  {
+                                    //cornering feature
+///////////////////////////////////////////////turning left//////////////////////////////////////////////
+                                    if((distan1>300)&&(distan1b>300))
+                                    {
+                                        led1 = 1;
+                                        led2 = 0;
+                                        led3 = 1;
+                                        led4 =1;
+                                        uart.printf("%c",f);
+                                        wait(.3);
+                                        if(uart.writeable())
+                                          {
+                                              uart.printf("%c",l);
+                                              wait(2);
+                                            //led3 = 1;
+                                          }
+                                          left1.checkDistance();
+                                          left2.checkDistance();
+                                          right1.checkDistance();
+                                          right2.checkDistance();
+                                          wait(2);
+                                          // checking on the left. adjust the angle and make sure it's pointing at the right direction
+                                          while( abs((distan3)-(distan3b)) >15 )
+                                          {     
+                                               left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                               wait(1);
+                                              if(distan3 > distan3b)
+                                              {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",h);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                                  }
+                                              if(distan3 <distan3b)
+                                              {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",g);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                                  }
+                                          }
+                                          //after turning left, if there are space open on the left, focus on the left wall
+                                          while((distan1>220)||(distan1b>220))
+                                          {
+                                              //front.checkDistance();     //call checkDistance() as much as possible, as this is where
+                                                            //the class checks if dist needs to be called.
+                                               left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               //back.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                              if((distan3>distan3b))
+                                              {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",z);
+                                                  wait(.3);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                    left2.checkDistance();
+                                               //back.checkDistance();
+                                                    right1.checkDistance();
+                                                    right2.checkDistance();
+                                              }
+                                              if((distan3<distan3b))
+                                              {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",a);
+                                                  wait(.3);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               //back.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                              }
+                                          }
+                                        //uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                                        //  uLCD.printf("Right!");
+                                    }
+      ////////////////////////////////////////turning right/////////////////////////////////////
+                                    if((distan3>300)&&(distan3b>300))
+                                    {
+                                        led1 = 1;
+                                        led2 = 0;
+                                        led3 = 1;
+                                        led4 =1;
+                                        uart.printf("%c",f);
+                                        wait(.3);
+                                        if(uart.writeable())
+                                          {
+                                              uart.printf("%c",r);
+                                              wait(2);
+                                            //led3 = 1;
+                                          }
+                                          left1.checkDistance();
+                                          left2.checkDistance();
+                                          right1.checkDistance();
+                                          right2.checkDistance();
+                                          wait(2);
+                                          // checking on the left. adjust the angle and make sure it's pointing at the right direction
+                                          while( abs((distan1)-(distan1b)) >15 )
+                                          {     
+                                               left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                               wait(1);
+                                              if(distan1 > distan1b)
+                                              {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",g);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                                  }
+                                              if(distan1 <distan1b)
+                                              {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",h);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                  left2.checkDistance();
+                                                  right1.checkDistance();
+                                                  right2.checkDistance();
+                                                  wait(1);
+                                                  }
+                                          }
+                                          //after turning right, if there are space open on the right, focus on the left wall
+                                          while((distan3>220)||(distan3b>220))
+                                          {
+                                              //front.checkDistance();     //call checkDistance() as much as possible, as this is where
+                                                            //the class checks if dist needs to be called.
+                                               left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               //back.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                              if((distan1>distan1b))
+                                              {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",a);
+                                                  wait(.3);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                                    left2.checkDistance();
+                                               //back.checkDistance();
+                                                    right1.checkDistance();
+                                                    right2.checkDistance();
+                                              }
+                                              if((distan1<distan1b))
+                                              {
+                                                  uart.printf("%c",z);
+                                                  wait(.3);
+                                                  left1.checkDistance();
+                                               left2.checkDistance();
+                                               //back.checkDistance();
+                                               right1.checkDistance();
+                                               right2.checkDistance();
+                                              }
+                                          }
+                                        //uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                                        //  uLCD.printf("Right!");
+                                    }
+                                    //parking stop condition
+                                    if((diffLR < 30) && (diffLR2 < 30) &&(distan0 < 50))
+                                    {
+                                        led1 = 1;
+                                        led2 = 1;
+                                        led3 = 1;
+                                        led4 = 1;
+                                        if(uart.writeable())
+                                          {
+                                              uart.printf("%c",p);
+                                               wait(0.3);
+                                            //led3 = 1;
+                                          }
+                                        //uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                                        //  uLCD.printf("PARK DONE");
+                                    }
+                                   }
+                                }
+                                ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                            } 
+                            else 
+                            {
+                                //add release code here
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case '2': //number button 2
+                            if (bhit=='1') {
+                                //add hit code here
+                                if(uart.writeable())
+                                {
+                                    uart.printf("%c",a);
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                //add release code here
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case '3': //number button 3
+                            if (bhit=='1') {
+                                //add hit code here
+                                if(uart.writeable())
+                                {
+                                    uart.printf("%c",z);
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                //add release code here
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case '4': //number button 4
+                            if (bhit=='1') {
+                                //add hit code here
+                            } else {
+                                //add release code here
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case '5': //button 5 up arrow
+                            if (bhit=='1') {
+                                //add hit code here
+                                //uLCD.locate(0,1);
+                                //uLCD.printf("Moving Forward");
+                                led1 = 1;
+                                led2 = 0;
+                                led3 = 0;
+                                led4 = 0;
+                                if(uart.writeable())
+                                {
+                                    uart.printf("%c",f);
+                                    //led3 = 1;
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                //add release code here
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case '6': //button 6 down arrow
+                            if (bhit=='1') {
+                                //add hit code here
+                               // uLCD.locate(0,1);
+                                //uLCD.printf("Moving Back");
+                                led1 = 0;
+                                led2 = 0;
+                                led3 = 1;
+                                led4 = 0;
+                                if(uart.writeable())
+                                {
+                                    uart.printf("%c",b);
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                //add release code here
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case '7': //button 7 left arrow
+                            if (bhit=='1') {
+                                //add hit code here
+                                //uLCD.locate(0,1);
+                                //uLCD.printf("Moving Left");
+                                led1 = 0;
+                                led2 = 1;
+                                led3 = 0;
+                                led4 = 0;
+                                if(uart.writeable())
+                                {
+                                    uart.printf("%c",l);
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                //add release code here
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case '8': //button 8 right arrow
+                            if (bhit=='1') {
+                                //add hit code here
+                                //uLCD.locate(0,1);
+                                //uLCD.printf("Moving Right");
+                                led1 = 0;
+                                led2 = 0;
+                                led3 = 0;
+                                led4 = 1;
+                                if(uart.writeable())
+                                {
+                                    uart.printf("%c",r);
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                //add release code here
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Fri Dec 09 15:32:51 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
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