Low level MQTTSN packet library, part of the Eclipse Paho project: http://eclipse.org/paho

Dependents:   MQTTSN sara-n200-hello-mqtt-sn MQTTSN_2

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00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corp.
00003  *
00004  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
00005  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
00006  * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
00007  *
00008  * The Eclipse Public License is available at
00009  *    http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
00010  * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
00011  *   http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
00012  *
00013  * Contributors:
00014  *    Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
00015  *******************************************************************************/
00017 #include "StackTrace.h"
00018 #include "MQTTSNPacket.h"
00020 #include <string.h>
00022 static char* packet_names[] =
00023 {
00029         "WILLMSGRESP"
00030 };
00033 /**
00034  * Returns a character string representing the packet name given a MsgType code
00035  * @param code MsgType code
00036  * @return the corresponding packet name
00037  */
00038 char* MQTTSNPacket_name(int code)
00039 {
00040     return (code >= 0 && code <= MQTTSN_WILLMSGRESP) ? packet_names[code] : "UNKNOWN";
00041 }
00044 /**
00045  * Calculates the full packet length including length field
00046  * @param length the length of the MQTT-SN packet without the length field
00047  * @return the total length of the MQTT-SN packet including the length field
00048  */
00049 int MQTTSNPacket_len(int length)
00050 {
00051     return (length > 255) ? length + 3 : length + 1;
00052 }
00055 /**
00056  * Encodes the MQTT-SN message length
00057  * @param buf the buffer into which the encoded data is written
00058  * @param length the length to be encoded
00059  * @return the number of bytes written to the buffer
00060  */
00061 int MQTTSNPacket_encode(unsigned char* buf, int length)
00062 {
00063     int rc = 0;
00065     FUNC_ENTRY;
00066     if (length > 255)
00067     {
00068         buf[rc++] = 0x01;
00069         MQTTSNPacket_writeInt(&buf, length);
00070         rc += 2;
00071     }
00072     else
00073         buf[rc++] = length;
00075     FUNC_EXIT_RC(rc);
00076     return rc;
00077 }
00080 /**
00081  * Obtains the MQTT-SN packet length from received data
00082  * @param getcharfn pointer to function to read the next character from the data source
00083  * @param value the decoded length returned
00084  * @return the number of bytes read from the socket
00085  */
00086 int MQTTSNPacket_decode(unsigned char* buf, int buflen, int* value)
00087 {
00088     int len = MQTTSNPACKET_READ_ERROR;
00089 #define MAX_NO_OF_LENGTH_BYTES 3
00091     FUNC_ENTRY;
00092     if (buflen <= 0)
00093         goto exit;
00095     if (buf[0] == 1)
00096     {
00097         unsigned char* bufptr = &buf[1];
00098         if (buflen < 3)
00099             goto exit;
00100         *value = MQTTSNPacket_readInt(&bufptr);
00101         len = 3;
00102     }
00103     else
00104     {
00105         *value = buf[0];
00106         len = 1;
00107     }
00108 exit:
00109     FUNC_EXIT_RC(len);
00110     return len;
00111 }
00114 /**
00115  * Calculates an integer from two bytes read from the input buffer
00116  * @param pptr pointer to the input buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
00117  * @return the integer value calculated
00118  */
00119 int MQTTSNPacket_readInt(unsigned char** pptr)
00120 {
00121     unsigned char* ptr = *pptr;
00122     int len = 256*((unsigned char)(*ptr)) + (unsigned char)(*(ptr+1));
00123     *pptr += 2;
00124     return len;
00125 }
00128 /**
00129  * Reads one character from the input buffer.
00130  * @param pptr pointer to the input buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
00131  * @return the character read
00132  */
00133 char MQTTSNPacket_readChar(unsigned char** pptr)
00134 {
00135     char c = **pptr;
00136     (*pptr)++;
00137     return c;
00138 }
00141 /**
00142  * Writes one character to an output buffer.
00143  * @param pptr pointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
00144  * @param c the character to write
00145  */
00146 void MQTTSNPacket_writeChar(unsigned char** pptr, char c)
00147 {
00148     **pptr = (unsigned char)c;
00149     (*pptr)++;
00150 }
00153 /**
00154  * Writes an integer as 2 bytes to an output buffer.
00155  * @param pptr pointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
00156  * @param anInt the integer to write: 0 to 65535
00157  */
00158 void MQTTSNPacket_writeInt(unsigned char** pptr, int anInt)
00159 {
00160     **pptr = (unsigned char)(anInt / 256);
00161     (*pptr)++;
00162     **pptr = (unsigned char)(anInt % 256);
00163     (*pptr)++;
00164 }
00167 /**
00168  * Writes a "UTF" string to an output buffer.  Converts C string to length-delimited.
00169  * @param pptr pointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
00170  * @param string the C string to write
00171  */
00172 void MQTTSNPacket_writeCString(unsigned char** pptr, char* string)
00173 {
00174     int len = strlen(string);
00175     memcpy(*pptr, string, len);
00176     *pptr += len;
00177 }
00180 int MQTTSNPacket_getLenStringLen(char* ptr)
00181 {
00182     int len = 256*((unsigned char)(*ptr)) + (unsigned char)(*(ptr+1));
00183     return len;
00184 }
00187 void writeMQTTSNString(unsigned char** pptr, MQTTSNString MQTTSNString)
00188 {
00189     if (MQTTSNString.lenstring.len > 0)
00190     {
00191         memcpy(*pptr, MQTTSNString.lenstring.data, MQTTSNString.lenstring.len);
00192         *pptr += MQTTSNString.lenstring.len;
00193     }
00194     else if (MQTTSNString.cstring)
00195         MQTTSNPacket_writeCString(pptr, MQTTSNString.cstring);
00196 }
00199 /**
00200  * @param MQTTSNString the MQTTSNString structure into which the data is to be read
00201  * @param pptr pointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
00202  * @param enddata pointer to the end of the data: do not read beyond
00203  * @return 1 if successful, 0 if not
00204  */
00205 int readMQTTSNString(MQTTSNString* MQTTSNString, unsigned char** pptr, unsigned char* enddata)
00206 {
00207     int rc = 0;
00209     FUNC_ENTRY;
00210     MQTTSNString->lenstring.len = enddata - *pptr;
00211     if (MQTTSNString->lenstring.len > 0)
00212     {
00213         MQTTSNString->lenstring.data = (char*)*pptr;
00214         *pptr += MQTTSNString->lenstring.len;
00215     }
00216     else
00217         MQTTSNString->lenstring.data = NULL;
00218     MQTTSNString->cstring = NULL;
00219     rc = 1;
00220     FUNC_EXIT_RC(rc);
00221     return rc;
00222 }
00225 /**
00226  * Return the length of the MQTTSNString - C string if there is one, otherwise the length delimited string
00227  * @param MQTTSNString the string to return the length of
00228  * @return the length of the string
00229  */
00230 int MQTTSNstrlen(MQTTSNString MQTTSNString)
00231 {
00232     int rc = 0;
00234     if (MQTTSNString.cstring)
00235         rc = strlen(MQTTSNString.cstring);
00236     else
00237         rc = MQTTSNString.lenstring.len;
00238     return rc;
00239 }
00242 /**
00243  * Helper function to read packet data from some source into a buffer
00244  * @param buf the buffer into which the packet will be serialized
00245  * @param buflen the length in bytes of the supplied buffer
00246  * @param getfn pointer to a function which will read any number of bytes from the needed source
00247  * @return integer MQTT packet type, or MQTTSNPACKET_READ_ERROR on error
00248  */
00249 int MQTTSNPacket_read(unsigned char* buf, int buflen, int (*getfn)(unsigned char*, int))
00250 {
00251     int rc = MQTTSNPACKET_READ_ERROR;
00252     const int MQTTSN_MIN_PACKET_LENGTH = 3;
00253     int len = 0;  /* the length of the whole packet including length field */
00254     int lenlen = 0;
00255     int datalen = 0;
00257     /* 1. read a packet - UDP style */
00258     if ((len = (*getfn)(buf, buflen)) < MQTTSN_MIN_PACKET_LENGTH)
00259         goto exit;
00261     /* 2. read the length.  This is variable in itself */
00262     lenlen = MQTTSNPacket_decode(buf, len, &datalen);
00263     if (datalen != len)
00264         goto exit; /* there was an error */
00266     rc = buf[lenlen]; /* return the packet type */
00267 exit:
00268     return rc;
00269 }