Hexiwear hdc1000 click board lab time

Dependencies:   HDC1000 Hexi_KW40Z Hexi_OLED_SSD1351

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Sep 11 02:07:32 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Hexi_KW40Z.h"
+#include "Hexi_OLED_SSD1351.h"
+#include "HDC1000.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#define LED_ON      0
+#define LED_OFF     1
+void StartHaptic(void);
+void StopHaptic(void const *n);
+DigitalOut  led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut  redLed(PTC8);
+DigitalOut  greenLed(PTD0);
+DigitalOut  blueLed(PTC9);
+DigitalOut  haptic(PTB9);
+HDC1000     hdc(PTD9,PTD8);
+Serial      pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+SSD1351     oled(PTB22,PTB21,PTC13,PTB20,PTE6, PTD15);  /* (MOSI,SCLK,POWER,CS,RST,DC) */
+KW40Z       kw40z_device(PTE24, PTE25);                 /* Instantiate the Hexi KW40Z Driver (UART TX, UART RX) */ 
+/* Define timer for haptic feedback */
+RtosTimer hapticTimer(StopHaptic, osTimerOnce);
+void ButtonRight(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_ON;
+void ButtonLeft(void)
+//   char t_tmp[10] = {};
+//    float tmp = 0.0f;
+//    tmp = hdc.conv_c_to_f();
+//    /* Get OLED Class Default Text Properties */
+//    oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+//    oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);    
+//    /* Turn on the backlight of the OLED Display */
+//    oled.DimScreenON();
+//    /* Fills the screen with solid black */         
+//    oled.FillScreen(COLOR_BLACK);
+//    textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_WHITE;
+//    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+//    sprintf(t_tmp,"%4.1fC",tmp);
+//    //sprintf(t_humi,"%4.1f%%",humi);
+//    oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)t_tmp,40,30,46,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+//    //oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)t_humi,40,45,46,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+    StartHaptic();
+    redLed      = LED_ON;
+    greenLed    = LED_ON;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+void StartHaptic(void)
+    hapticTimer.start(50);
+    haptic = 1;
+void StopHaptic(void const *n) {
+    haptic = 0;
+    hapticTimer.stop();
+// main() runs in its own thread in the OS
+int main() {
+    char text[20] = {0};  /* Text Buffer */ 
+    char t_temp[10] = {0};
+    char t_humi[10] = {0};
+    float temp = 0.0f, humi = 0.0f;
+    /* Get OLED Class Default Text Properties */
+    oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+    oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties);    
+    /* Turn on the backlight of the OLED Display */
+    oled.DimScreenON();
+    /* Fills the screen with solid black */         
+    oled.FillScreen(COLOR_BLACK);
+     /* Change font color to blue */ 
+    textProperties.fontColor   = COLOR_BLUE;
+    textProperties.alignParam = OLED_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+    /* Display Text at (x=0,y=0) */
+    strcpy((char *) text,"HDC1000");
+    oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,0,96,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+    textProperties.fontColor = COLOR_WHITE;
+    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);  
+    /* Display Text at (x=7,y=30) */
+    strcpy((char *) text,"TEMP :");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,7,30);  
+    /* Display Text at (x=7,y=45) */
+    strcpy((char *) text,"HUMI :");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,7,45);  
+    /* Display Text at (x=7,y=0) */
+    strcpy((char *) text,"F");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,15,81);  
+    strcpy((char *) text,"C");
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,75,81);  
+    kw40z_device.attach_buttonLeft(&ButtonLeft);
+    kw40z_device.attach_buttonRight(&ButtonRight);
+    while (true) {
+        hdc.get();    // Triger conversion
+        pc.printf("Temp: %+4.1fC, Humid: %4.1f%%\r\n", hdc.temperature(), hdc.humidity());
+        temp = hdc.temperature();
+        humi = hdc.humidity();
+        sprintf(t_temp,"%4.1fC",temp);
+        sprintf(t_humi,"%4.1f%%",humi);
+        oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)t_temp,40,30,46,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+        oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)t_humi,40,45,46,15); //Increase textbox for more digits
+        wait(1.0);
+        led1 = !led1;
+    }