Script for controlling 2 DC-motors and a gripper-servo using buttons

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL QEI Servo mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
00003 #include "Servo.h"
00004 #include "QEI.h"
00006 QEI encoder_M1 (D9, D10, NC, 8400);     //Define an encoder for motor 1 called encoder_M1
00007 QEI encoder_M2 (D11, D12, NC, 8400);    //Define an encoder for motor 2 called encoder_M2
00009 Ticker encoder_M1_ticker;       //Create a ticker for reading the encoder data of encoder_M1
00010 Ticker encoder_M2_ticker;       //Create a ticker for reading the encoder data of encoder_M2
00012 DigitalOut Direction_M2(D4);    //To control the rotation direction of the arm
00013 PwmOut Speed_M2(D5);            //To control the rotation speed of the arm
00014 PwmOut Speed_M1(D6);            //To control the translation direction of the arm
00015 DigitalOut Direction_M1(D7);    //To control the translation speed of the arm
00016 Servo gripper_servo(D13);       //To control the gripper
00018 InterruptIn Switch_1(SW3);      //Switch 1 to control the rotation to the left
00019 InterruptIn Switch_2(SW2);      //Switch 2 to control the rotation to the right
00020 InterruptIn Switch_3(D2);       //Switch 3 to control the translation of the arm
00021 InterruptIn Switch_4(D3);       //Switch 4 to control the gripper
00023 Ticker      check_goflags_ticker;               //Create a ticker for checking if the go-flags are set true
00025 int counter_rotation_left=0;    //To count the number of times the rotation_left switch (switch_1) has been pushed
00026 int counter_rotation_right=0;   //To count the number of times the rotation_right switch (switch_2) has been pushed
00027 int counter_translation=0;      //To count the number of times the translation switch (switch_3) has been pushed
00028 int counter_gripper=0;          //To count the number of times the gripper switch (switch_4) has been pushed
00030 volatile bool rotation_left_go = false;     //Create a go-flag for the rotation_left and set it to false
00031 volatile bool rotation_right_go = false;    //Create a go-flag for the rotation_right and set it to false
00032 volatile bool translation_go = false;       //Create a go-flag for the translation and set it to false
00033 volatile bool gripper_go = false;           //Create a go-flag for the gripper and set it to false
00035 MODSERIAL pc(USBTX, USBRX);             //Make a connection with the PC
00037 const double pi = 3.1415926535897;      //Declare the value of pi
00039 double speed_rotation=pi/5;             //Set the rotation speed in rad/sec -> NOTE: this has to be below 8.4 rad/sec
00040 double speed_translation=pi/5;          //Set the translation speed in rad/sec -> NOTE: this has to be below 8.4 rad/sec
00041 double speedM1=speed_rotation/8.4;      //Map the rotation speed from (0-8.4) to (0-1) by dividing by 8.4
00042 double speedM2=speed_translation/8.4;   //Map the translation speed from (0-8.4) to (0-1) by dividing by 8.4
00044 float angle_M1=0;       //The measured angle of motor 1 is initially zero
00045 float angle_M2=0;       //The measured angle of motor 2 is initially zero
00047 void read_position_M1(){                            //Function to read the position of motor 1
00048     int pulses_M1 = -encoder_M1.getPulses();        //Read the encoder data and store it in pulses_M1
00049     angle_M1 = float(pulses_M1)/4200*2.0*pi;        //Calculate the angle that corresponds with the measured encoder pulses
00050 //    pc.printf("%i \t%f \t", pulses_M1, angle_M1);
00051 }
00053 void read_position_M2(){                            //Function to read the position of motor 2
00054     int pulses_M2 = -encoder_M2.getPulses();        //Read the encoder data and store it in pulses_M2
00055     angle_M2 = float(pulses_M2)/4200*2.0*pi;        //Calculate the angle that corresponds with the measured encoder pulses
00056 //    pc.printf("%i \t%f \n", pulses_M2, angle_M2);
00057 }
00059 void activate_rotation_left (){             //To activate the rotation_left
00060     counter_rotation_left++;                //Increase the counter_rotation_left that counts the number of time switch 1 has been pressed
00061     if (counter_rotation_left > 2){         //Because there are only 2 cases in the switch statement, case 3 = case 1 etc.
00062         counter_rotation_left=1;
00063     }
00064     rotation_left_go = true;                //After increasing the counter, set the rotation_left go-flag to true
00065 }
00067 void rotation_left (){                      //Function to control the rotation to the left
00068     switch (counter_rotation_left){         //Create a switch statement
00069         case 1:                             //For activating the rotation to the left
00070             Direction_M1 = 1;               //The arm will rotate to the left  
00071             Speed_M1 = speedM1;             //The motor is turned on at speed_rotation rad/sec
00072             pc.printf("The arm will now rotate to the left with %f rad/sec \n", speedM1);
00073             wait(0.1f);
00074             break;
00075         case 2:                             //For stopping the rotation to the left
00076             Direction_M1 = 1;               //The arm will rotate to the left  
00077             Speed_M1 = 0;                   //The motor is turned off
00078             pc.printf("The arm will now stop rotating to the left \n");
00079             wait(0.1f);
00080             break;
00081     }
00082 }
00084 void activate_rotation_right (){            //To activate the rotation_right
00085     counter_rotation_right++;               //Increase the counter_rotation_right that counts the number of time switch 2 has been pressed
00086     if (counter_rotation_right> 2){         //Because there are only 2 cases in the switch statement, case 3 = case 1
00087         counter_rotation_right=1;
00088     }
00089     rotation_right_go = true;               //After increasing the counter, set the rotation_right go-flag to true
00090 }
00092 void rotation_right (){                     //Function to control the rotation to the left
00093     switch (counter_rotation_right){        //Create a switch statement
00094         case 1:                             //For activation the rotation to the right
00095             Direction_M1 = 0;               //The arm will rotate to the right 
00096             Speed_M1 = speedM1;             //The motor is turned on at speed_rotation rad/sec
00097             pc.printf("The arm will now rotate to the right with %f rad/sec \n", speedM1);
00098             wait(0.1f);
00099             break;
00100         case 2:                              //For stopping the rotation to the right
00101             Direction_M1 = 0;                //The arm will rotate to the right
00102             Speed_M1 = 0;                    //The motor is turned off
00103             pc.printf("The arm will now stop rotating to the right \n");
00104             wait(0.1f);
00105             break;
00106     }
00107 }
00109 void activate_translation (){           //To activate the translation
00110     counter_translation++;              //Increase the counter_translation that counts the number of time switch 3 has been pressed
00111     if (counter_translation > 4){       //Because there are 4 cases in the switch statement, case 5 = case 1
00112         counter_translation=1;
00113     }
00114     translation_go = true;              //After increasing the counter, set the translation go-flag to true
00115 }
00117 void translation (){                            //Function to control the translation
00118     switch (counter_translation){               //Create a switch statement
00119         case 1:                                 //For activating the elongation of the arm
00120             Direction_M2 = 1;                   //The arm will get longer  
00121             Speed_M2 = speedM2;                 //The motor is turned on at speed_translation rad/sec
00122             pc.printf("The arm will now get longer \n");
00123             wait(0.1f);
00124             break;
00125         case 2:                                 //For stopping the elongation of the arm
00126             Direction_M2 = 1;                   //The arm will get longer  
00127             Speed_M2 = 0;                       //The motor is turned off
00128             pc.printf("The arm will now stop getting longer \n");
00129             wait(0.1f);
00130             break;
00131         case 3:                                 //For activating the shortening of the arm
00132             Direction_M2 = 0;                   //The arm will get shorter  
00133             Speed_M2 = speedM2;                 //The motor is turned on at speed_translation rad/sec
00134             pc.printf("The arm will now get shorter \n");
00135             wait(0.1f);
00136             break;
00137         case 4:                                 //For stopping the shortening of the arm
00138             Direction_M2 = 0;                   //The arm will get shorter 
00139             Speed_M2 = 0;                       //The motor is turned off
00140             pc.printf("The arm will now stop getting shorter \n");
00141             wait(0.1f);
00142             break;
00143     }     
00144 }
00146 void activate_gripper (){           //To activate the gripper
00147     counter_gripper++;              //Increase the couter_gripper that counts the number of time switch 4 has been pressed
00148     if (counter_gripper> 2){        //Because there are only 2 cases in the switch statement, case 3 = case 1
00149         counter_gripper=1;
00150     }
00151     gripper_go = true;              //After increasing the counter, set the gripper go-flag to true
00152 }
00154 void gripper (){                        //Function to control the gripper
00155     switch (counter_gripper){           //Create a switch statement
00156         case 1:                         //For closing the gripper
00157             gripper_servo = 0;          //The gripper is now closed
00158             pc.printf("The gripper will now close \n");
00159             wait(0.1f);
00160             break;
00161         case 2:                         //For opening the gripper
00162             gripper_servo = 0.3;        //The gripper is now open
00163             pc.printf("The gripper will now open \n");
00164             wait(0.1f);
00165             break;
00166     }     
00167 }
00169 void check_goflags (){          //Function to check if the go-flags are activated
00170     if (rotation_left_go == true) {     //If the rotation_left go-flag is true
00171         rotation_left_go = false;       //Set the rotation_left go-flag to false
00172         rotation_left();                //Execute the rotation_left function
00173     }
00174     if (rotation_right_go == true) {    //If the rotation_right go-flag is true
00175         rotation_right_go = false;      //Set the rotation_right go-flag to false
00176         rotation_right();               //Execute the rotation_right function
00177     }
00178     if (translation_go == true) {       //If the translation go-flag is true
00179         translation_go = false;         //Set the translation go-flag to false
00180         translation();                  //Execute the translation function
00181     }
00182     if (gripper_go == true) {           //If the gripper go-flag is true
00183         gripper_go = false;             //Set the gripper go-flag to false
00184         gripper();                      //Execute the gripper function
00185     }  
00186 }
00188 int main(){
00189     pc.baud(115200);                //Set the boud rate for serial communication
00190     pc.printf("RESET \n");          //Print "RESET"
00192     Direction_M1 = 1;               //The arm will initially get longer  
00193     Speed_M1 = 0;                   //The first motor is initially turned off
00194     Direction_M2 = 255;             //The arm will initially turn left  
00195     Speed_M2 = 0;                   //The second motor is initially turned off
00196     gripper_servo = 0.3;            //The gripper is initially open
00197     encoder_M1.reset();             //Reset the encoder for motor 1
00198     encoder_M2.reset();             //Reset the encoder for motor 2
00200     encoder_M1_ticker.attach(&read_position_M1,0.01);   //Connect the encoder_M1_ticker to the read_position_M1 function and execute at 100Hz
00201     encoder_M2_ticker.attach(&read_position_M2,0.01);   //Connect the encoder_M2_ticker to the read_position_M2 function and execute at 100Hz
00203     Switch_1.rise(&activate_rotation_left);             //Use switch_1 to activate the counter_rotation_left go-flag
00204     Switch_2.rise(&activate_rotation_right);            //Use switch_2 to activate the counter_rotation_right go-flag
00205     Switch_3.rise(&activate_translation);               //Use switch_3 to activate the counter_translation go-flag
00206     Switch_4.rise(&activate_gripper);                   //Use switch_4 to activate the counter_gripper go-flag
00208     check_goflags_ticker.attach(&check_goflags, 0.01);         //Connect the check_goflags_ticker to the check_goflags
00210     while (true){}
00211 }