Library for the TLE5012B magnetic 360° angle sensor.

Dependents:   TLE5012B_Hello

This is a Mbed port of the TLE5012B-Angle-Sensor Arduino library.



The TLE5012B is a 360° angle sensor that detects the orientation of a magnetic field. This is achieved by measuring sine and cosine angle components with monolithic integrated Giant Magneto Resistance (iGMR) elements. These raw signals (sine and cosine) are digitally processed internally to calculate the angle orientation of the magnetic field (magnet). The TLE5012B is a pre-calibrated sensor. The calibration parameters are stored in laser fuses. At start-up the values of the fuses are written into flip-flops, where these values can be changed by the application-specific parameters. Further precision of the angle measurement over a wide temperature range and a long lifetime can be improved by enabling an optional internal autocalibration algorithm. Data communications are accomplished with a bi-directional Synchronous Serial Communication (SSC) that is SPI-compatible. The sensor configuration is stored in registers, which are accessible by the SSC interface.

A bi-directional Synchronous Serial Communication (SSC) Interface (aka 3-wire SPI) is used for the communication. The TLE5012B has a single pin for Data input and and Data output. This pin is connected to the Mbed's SPI MOSI and MISO pins using a series/pull-up resistor as proposed for the 3-wire SPI by Wim Huiskamp.

Wiring of the 8MHz SSC (aka 3-wire SPI) communication:

Example program:

Import programTLE5012B_Hello

Example program for the TLE5012B magnetic 360° angle sensor.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TLE5012B.h	Sat Sep 19 18:01:49 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+ * \name        TLE5012B.h - Mbed port of Arduino library for the TLE5012B angle sensor.
+ * \author      Infineon Technologies AG (Dr.Olaf Filies)
+ * \copyright   2019 Infineon Technologies AG
+ * \version     2.0.1
+ * \brief       GMR-based angle sensor for angular position sensing in automotive applications
+ * \details     Ported to Mbed by Zoltan Hudak 2020-08
+ *
+ * The TLE5012B is a 360° angle sensor that detects the orientation of a magnetic field.
+ * This is achieved by measuring sine and cosine angle components with monolithic integrated
+ * Giant Magneto Resistance (iGMR) elements. These raw signals (sine and cosine) are digitally
+ * processed internally to calculate the angle orientation of the magnetic field (magnet).
+ * The TLE5012B is a pre-calibrated sensor. The calibration parameters are stored in laser fuses.
+ * At start-up the values of the fuses are written into flip-flops, where these values can be changed
+ * by the application-specific parameters. Further precision of the angle measurement over a wide
+ * temperature range and a long lifetime can be improved by enabling an optional internal autocalibration
+ * algorithm. Data communications are accomplished with a bi-directional Synchronous Serial Communication (SSC)
+ * that is SPI-compatible. The sensor configuration is stored in registers, which are accessible by the
+ * SSC interface. Additionally four other interfaces are available with the TLE5012B: Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM)
+ * Protocol, Short-PWM-Code (SPC) Protocol, Hall Switch Mode (HSM) and Incremental Interface (IIF). These interfaces
+ * can be used in parallel with SSC or alone. Pre-configured sensor derivates with different interface settings are available.
+ * Online diagnostic functions are provided to ensure reliable operation.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
+ * following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer.
+ *
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
+ * products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef TLE5012B_H
+#define TLE5012B_H
+#include "TLE5012B_SPI.h"
+namespace TLE5012 {
+// Sensor registers
+#define READ_SENSOR                 0x8000    //!< base command for read
+#define WRITE_SENSOR                0x5000    //!< base command for write
+#define READ_BLOCK_CRC              0x8088    //!< initialize block CRC check command
+#define REG_STAT                    0x0000    //!< STAT status register
+#define REG_ACSTAT                  0x0010    //!< ACSTAT activation status register
+#define REG_AVAL                    0x0020    //!< AVAL angle value register
+#define REG_ASPD                    0x0030    //!< ASPD angle speed register
+#define REG_AREV                    0x0040    //!< AREV angle revolution register
+#define REG_FSYNC                   0x0050    //!< FSYNC frame synchronization register
+#define REG_MOD_1                   0x0060    //!< MOD_1 interface mode1 register
+#define REG_SIL                     0x0070    //!< SIL register
+#define REG_MOD_2                   0x0080    //!< MOD_2 interface mode2 register
+#define REG_MOD_3                   0x0090    //!< MOD_3 interface mode3 register
+#define REG_OFFX                    0x00A0    //!< OFFX offset x
+#define REG_OFFY                    0x00B0    //!< OFFY offset y
+#define REG_SYNCH                   0x00C0    //!< SYNCH synchronicity
+#define REG_IFAB                    0x00D0    //!< IFAB register
+#define REG_MOD_4                   0x00E0    //!< MOD_4 interface mode4 register
+#define REG_TCO_Y                   0x00F0    //!< TCO_Y temperature coefficient register
+#define REG_ADC_X                   0x0100    //!< ADC_X ADC X-raw value
+#define REG_ADC_Y                   0x0110    //!< ADC_Y ADC Y-raw value
+#define REG_D_MAG                   0x0140    //!< D_MAG angle vector magnitude
+#define REG_T_RAW                   0x0150    //!< T_RAW temperature sensor raw-value
+#define REG_IIF_CNT                 0x0200    //!< IIF_CNT IIF counter value
+#define REG_T25O                    0x0300    //!< T25O temperature 25°c offset value
+#define SYSTEM_ERROR_MASK           0x4000    //!< System error masks for safety words
+#define INTERFACE_ERROR_MASK        0x2000    //!< Interface error masks for safety words
+#define INV_ANGLE_ERROR_MASK        0x1000    //!< Angle error masks for safety words
+#define CRC_POLYNOMIAL              0x1D      //!< values used for calculating the CRC
+#define CRC_SEED                    0xFF
+#define CRC_NUM_REGISTERS           0x0008    //!< number of CRC relevant registers
+#define MAX_REGISTER_MEM            0x0030    //!< max readable register values buffer
+#define DELETE_BIT_15               0x7FFF    //!< Value used to delete everything except the first 15 bits
+#define CHANGE_UINT_TO_INT_15       0x8000    //!< Value used to change unsigned 16bit integer into signed
+#define CHECK_BIT_14                0x4000    //!<
+#define GET_BIT_14_4                0x7FF0    //!<
+#define DELETE_7BITS                0x01FF    //!< values used to calculate 9 bit signed integer sent by the sensor
+#define CHANGE_UNIT_TO_INT_9        0x0200    //!< Value used to change unsigned 9bit integer into signed
+#define CHECK_BIT_9                 0x0100
+#define POW_2_15                    32768.0   //!< values used to for final calculations of angle speed, revolutions, range and value
+#define POW_2_7                     128.0     //!<
+#define ANGLE_360_VAL               360.0
+#define TEMP_OFFSET                 152.0     //!< values used to calculate the temperature
+#define TEMP_DIV                    2.776
+//!< Prints a binary number with leading zeros (Automatic Handling)
+#define PRINTBIN(Num) for (uint32_t t = (1UL<< (sizeof(Num)*8)-1); t; t >>= 1) Serial.write(Num  & t ? '1' : '0');
+//!< Prints a binary number with leading zeros (Automatic Handling) with space
+#define PRINTBINS(Num) for (uint32_t t = (1UL<< (sizeof(Num)*8)-1); t; t >>= 1) Serial.write(Num  & t ? " 1 " : " 0 ");
+ * Error types from safety word
+ */
+enum errorTypes
+    NO_ERROR               = 0x00,  //!< NO_ERROR = Safety word was OK
+    SYSTEM_ERROR           = 0x01,  //!< SYSTEM_ERROR = over/under voltage, VDD negative, GND off, ROM defect
+    INTERFACE_ACCESS_ERROR = 0x02,  //!< INTERFACE_ACCESS_ERROR = wrong address or wrong lock
+    ANGLE_SPEED_ERROR      = 0x04,  //!< ANGLE_SPEED_ERROR = combined error, angular speed calculation wrong
+    CRC_ERROR              = 0xFF   //!< CRC_ERROR = Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), which includes the STAT and RESP bits wrong
+  * Set the UPDate bit high (read from update buffer) or low (read directly)
+  */
+enum updTypes
+    UPD_LOW  = 0x0000,           //!< read normal registers
+    UPD_HIGH = 0x0400,           //!< read update buffer registers
+  * Switch on/off safety word generation
+  */
+enum safetyTypes
+    SAFE_LOW  = 0x0000,          //!< switch of safety word generation
+    SAFE_HIGH = 0x0001,          //!< switch on safety word generation
+ * Offset for the slave number register to identify the
+ * right selected slave. Max 4 slaves with separated CSQ
+ * lines are possible. If more than one sensor is used on the SPI
+ * interface, than the SNR register must we written with the correct slave number
+ */
+enum slaveNum
+    TLE5012B_S0 = 0x0000,  //!< TLE5012B_S0 default setting for only one sensor on the SPI
+    TLE5012B_S1 = 0x2000,  //!< TLE5012B_S1 second sensor needs also a second CSQ
+    TLE5012B_S2 = 0x4000,  //!< TLE5012B_S2 third sensor and dito
+    TLE5012B_S3 = 0x6000   //!< TLE5012B_S3 fourth sensor and dito
+typedef struct safetyWord {//!< Safety word bit setting
+    bool STAT_RES;         //!< bits 15:15 Indication of chip reset or watchdog overflow
+    bool STAT_ERR;         //!< bits 14:14 System error
+    bool STAT_ACC;         //!< bits 13:13 Interface access error
+    bool STAT_ANG;         //!< bits 12:12 Invalid angle value
+    uint8_t RESP;          //!< bits 11:8 Sensor number response indicator
+    uint8_t CRC_ADC;       //!< bits 7:0 Status ADC Test
+    /*!
+     * Returns the safety word slave number to identify the sensor
+     * @return slaveNum setting in safety word
+     */
+    slaveNum responseSlave(){
+        return (RESP == 0x7 ? TLE5012B_S3
+                : (RESP == 0xB ? TLE5012B_S2
+                        : (RESP == 0xD ? TLE5012B_S1
+                                : TLE5012B_S0)));
+    }
+    /*!
+     * Function separates safety word bits
+     * @param [in,out] reg actual safety or last fetched as default
+     * @return safety word
+     */
+    uint16_t fetch_Safety(uint16_t reg)
+    {
+        CRC_ADC = (reg & 0x7F);
+        RESP     = (reg & 0xF00) >> 8;
+        STAT_ANG = (reg & 0x1000) >> 12;
+        STAT_ACC = (reg & 0x2000) >> 13;
+        STAT_ERR = (reg & 0x4000) >> 14;
+        STAT_RES = (reg & 0x8000) >> 15;
+        return (reg);
+    }
+} safetyWord_t;
+  * Class TLE5012B
+  */
+class TLE5012B
+    TLE5012B(TLE5012B_SPI* spi, PinName cs) : _spiConnection(spi), _cs(cs), _slave(TLE5012B_S0) { }
+    ~TLE5012B() {}
+    /**
+     * All these functions cover the SPI interface and should be implemented
+     * into XMC SPI wrapper.
+     * In 3wire SPI mode miso and mosi are connected together, so read and
+     * write operations are on the same line. In 4wire more read and write are
+     * separated. The system clock SCK and the sensor enable EN line are used
+     * for all slaves whereas the chip select line CS must we set unique for
+     * each slave. A max of four slaves on one SPI interface are possible
+     * @return CRC error type
+     * @param [in] slave slave offset setting for the SNR register, default is TLE5012B_S0
+     */
+    errorTypes begin(slaveNum slave);
+    /*!
+     * Triggers an update in the register buffer. This function
+     * should be triggered once before UPD registers where read as
+     * it generates a snapshot of the UPD register values at trigger point
+     */
+    void triggerUpdate();
+    /*!
+     * Reads the block of _registers from addresses 08 - 0F in order to figure out the CRC.
+     * ATTENTION: You need a memory chunk of unit16_t * CRC Registers + 1 * uint16_t for the safety word.
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes readBlockCRC();
+    /*!
+     * General read function for reading _registers from the Tle5012b.
+     *
+     * structure of command word, the numbers represent the bit position of the 2 byte command
+     * 15 - 0 write, 1 read
+     * 14:11 -  0000 for default operational access for addresses between 0x00 - 0x04, 1010 for configuration access for addresses between 0x05 - 0x11
+     * 10 - 0 access to current value, 1 access to value in update buffer
+     * 9:4 - access to 6 bit register address
+     * 3:0 - 4 bit number of data words.
+     *
+     * @param [in] command the command for reading
+     * @param [out] data where the data received from the _registers will be stored
+     * @param [in] upd read from update (UPD_high) register or directly (default, UPD_low)
+     * @param [in] safe generate safety word (default, SAFE_high) or not (SAFE_low)
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes readFromSensor(uint16_t command, uint16_t &data, updTypes upd=UPD_LOW, safetyTypes safe=SAFE_HIGH);
+    /*!
+     * Can be used to read 1 or more consecutive _registers, and the values
+     * used to read 1 or more than 1 consecutive _registers.
+     * The maximum amount of registers are limited by the bit 3-0 of the command word, which means
+     * you can read max 15 registers and one safety word at once.
+     * @param [in] command the command for reading
+     * @param [out] data where the data received from the _registers will be stored
+     * @param [in] upd read from update (UPD_high) register or directly (default, UPD_low)
+     * @param [in] safe generate safety word (default, SAFE_high) or no (SAFE_low)
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes readMoreRegisters(uint16_t command, uint16_t data[], updTypes upd=UPD_LOW, safetyTypes safe=SAFE_HIGH);
+    /*!
+     * This functions reads the main status word for the sensor,
+     * mainly for checking with the additional safety word
+     * @param [out] data pointer with the received data word
+     * @param [in] upd read from update (UPD_high) register or directly (default, UPD_low)
+     * @param [in] safe generate safety word (default, SAFE_high) or no (SAFE_low)
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes readStatus(uint16_t &data, updTypes upd=UPD_LOW, safetyTypes safe=SAFE_HIGH);
+    /*!
+     * This functions reads activation status word for the sensor,
+     * which held on/off information for all optional checks and additional functions
+     * @param [out] data pointer with the received data word
+     * @param [in] upd read from update (UPD_high) register or directly (default, UPD_low)
+     * @param [in] safe generate safety word (default, SAFE_high) or no (SAFE_low)
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes readActivationStatus(uint16_t &data, updTypes upd=UPD_LOW, safetyTypes safe=SAFE_HIGH);
+    /*!
+     * The next functions are used primarily for storing the parameters and
+     * control of how the sensor works. The values stored in them are used to calculate
+     * the CRC, and their values are stored in the private component of the class, _registers.
+     * @param [out] data where the data received from the _registers will be stored
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes readActiveStatus(uint16_t &data);    //!< read register offset 0x01
+    errorTypes readIntMode1(uint16_t &data);        //!< read register offset 0x06
+    errorTypes readSIL(uint16_t &data);             //!< read register offset 0x07
+    errorTypes readIntMode2(uint16_t &data);        //!< read register offset 0x08
+    errorTypes readIntMode3(uint16_t &data);        //!< read register offset 0x09
+    errorTypes readOffsetX(uint16_t &data);         //!< read register offset 0x0A
+    errorTypes readOffsetY(uint16_t &data);         //!< read register offset 0x0B
+    errorTypes readSynch(uint16_t &data);           //!< read register offset 0x0C
+    errorTypes readIFAB(uint16_t &data);            //!< read register offset 0x0D
+    errorTypes readIntMode4(uint16_t &data);        //!< read register offset 0x0E
+    errorTypes readTempCoeff(uint16_t &data);       //!< read register offset 0x0F
+    errorTypes readTempDMag(uint16_t &data);        //!< read register offset 0x14
+    errorTypes readTempRaw(uint16_t &data);         //!< read register offset 0x15
+    errorTypes readTempIIFCnt(uint16_t &data);      //!< read register offset 0x20
+    errorTypes readTempT25(uint16_t &data);         //!< read register offset 0x30
+    /*!
+     * The rawX value is signed 16 bit value
+     * @param data pointer to 16bit word
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes readRawX(int16_t &data);
+    /*!
+     * The rawY value is signed 16 bit value
+     * @param data pointer to 16bit word
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes readRawY(int16_t &data);
+    /*!
+     * returns the Angle Range
+     * Angle Range is stored in bytes 14 - 4 of MOD_2.
+     * @param angleRange pointer to 16bit double value
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes getAngleRange(double &angleRange);
+    /*!
+     * Returns the angleValue calculated on the base of a 15 bit signed integer.
+     * However, the register returns 16 bits, so we need to do some bit arithmetic.
+     * @param [in,out] angleValue pointer to 16bit double angle value
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes getAngleValue(double &angleValue);
+    /*!
+     * Same function as before but also returns a pointer to the raw data
+     * @param [in,out] angleValue pointer to 16bit double angle value
+     * @param [in,out] rawAnglevalue point to an int16_t raw data value
+     * @param [in] upd read from update (UPD_high) register or directly (default, UPD_low)
+     * @param [in] safe generate safety word (default, SAFE_high) or no (SAFE_low)
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes getAngleValue(double &angleValue, int16_t &rawAnglevalue, updTypes upd=UPD_LOW, safetyTypes safe=SAFE_HIGH);
+    /*!
+     * Returns the number of revolutions done from the angle value which is a 9 bit signed integer.
+     * However, the register returns 16 bits, so we need to do some bit arithmetic.
+     * Therefore the resulting revolution can b only between -256 < numRev < 256 and
+     * it will switch from positive to negative and vice versa values at the borders.
+     * @param [in,out] numRev pointer to 16bit word for the number of revolutions
+     * @param [in] upd read from update (UPD_high) register or directly (default, UPD_low)
+     * @param [in] safe generate safety word (default, SAFE_high) or no (SAFE_low)
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes getNumRevolutions(int16_t &numRev, updTypes upd=UPD_LOW, safetyTypes safe=SAFE_HIGH);
+    /*!
+     * Return the temperature.
+     * The temperature value is a 9 bit signed integer.
+     * However, the register returns 16 bits, so we need to do some bit arithmetic.
+     * @param [in,out] temp pointer to 16bit double value of the temperature
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes getTemperature(double &temp);
+    /*!
+     * Same as above but also returns a pointer to the raw data
+     * @param [in,out] temp pointer to 16bit double value of the temperature
+     * @param [in,out] rawTemp pointer to int16_t raw value data
+     * @param [in] upd read from update (UPD_high) register or directly (default, UPD_low)
+     * @param [in] safe generate safety word (default, SAFE_high) or no (SAFE_low)
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes getTemperature(double &temp, int16_t &rawTemp, updTypes upd=UPD_LOW, safetyTypes safe=SAFE_HIGH);
+    /*!
+     * Returns the calculated angle speed.
+     * The angle speed is a 15 bit signed integer,
+     * however, the register returns 16 bits, so we need to do some bit arithmetic.
+     * @param [in,out] angleSpeed pointer to 16bit double value
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes getAngleSpeed(double &angleSpeed);
+    /*!
+     * Same as above but also returns a pointer to the raw data
+     * @param [in,out] angleSpeed angleSpeed pointer to 16bit double value
+     * @param [in,out] rawSpeed pointer to int16_t raw value data
+     * @param [in] upd read from update (UPD_high) register or directly (default, UPD_low)
+     * @param [in] safe generate safety word (default, SAFE_high) or no (SAFE_low)
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes getAngleSpeed(double &angleSpeed,int16_t &rawSpeed, updTypes upd=UPD_LOW, safetyTypes safe=SAFE_HIGH);
+    /*!
+     * Function sets the SNR register with the correct slave number
+     * @param [in] dataToWrite the new data that will be written to the register
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes writeSlaveNumber(uint16_t dataToWrite);
+    /*!
+     * General write function for writing registers to the Tle5012b. The safety flag will be
+     * set always and only some of all registers are writable. See documentation for further information.
+     * @param [in] command the command to execute the write
+     * @param [in] dataToWrite the new data that will be written to the register
+     * @param [in] changeCRC the registerIndex helps figure out in which register the value changed,
+     *        so that we don't need to read all the register again to calculate the CRC
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes writeToSensor(uint16_t command, uint16_t dataToWrite, bool changeCRC);
+    /*!
+     * This function is used in order to update the CRC in the register 0F(second byte)
+     * @param [in] dataToWrite the new data that will be written to the register
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes writeTempCoeffUpdate(uint16_t dataToWrite);
+    /*!
+     * Standard function used for updating the CRC
+     * @param [in] dataToWrite the new data that will be written to the register
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes writeActivationStatus(uint16_t dataToWrite);     //!< write register offset 0x01
+    errorTypes writeIntMode1(uint16_t dataToWrite);             //!< write register offset 0x06
+    errorTypes writeSIL(uint16_t dataToWrite);                  //!< write register offset 0x07
+    errorTypes writeIntMode2(uint16_t dataToWrite);             //!< write register offset 0x08
+    errorTypes writeIntMode3(uint16_t dataToWrite);             //!< write register offset 0x09
+    errorTypes writeOffsetX(uint16_t dataToWrite);              //!< write register offset 0x0A
+    errorTypes writeOffsetY(uint16_t dataToWrite);              //!< write register offset 0x0B
+    errorTypes writeSynch(uint16_t dataToWrite);                //!< write register offset 0x0C
+    errorTypes writeIFAB(uint16_t dataToWrite);                 //!< write register offset 0x0D
+    errorTypes writeIntMode4(uint16_t dataToWrite);             //!< write register offset 0x0E
+    errorTypes writeTempCoeff(uint16_t dataToWrite);            //!< write register offset 0x0F
+    TLE5012B_SPI*   _spiConnection;
+    DigitalOut      _cs;
+    slaveNum        _slave;                         //!< actual set slave number
+    safetyWord_t    _safetyStatus;                  //!< actual safety status
+    uint16_t        _safetyWord;                    //!< the last fetched safety word
+    uint16_t        _command[2];                    //!< command write data [0] = command, [1] = data to write
+    uint16_t        _received[MAX_REGISTER_MEM];    //!< fetched data from sensor with last word = safety word
+    uint16_t        _registers[CRC_NUM_REGISTERS];  //!< keeps track of the values stored in the 8 _registers, for which the CRC is calculated
+    /*!
+     * This function is called each time any register in the
+     * range 08 - 0F(first byte) is changed. It calculates the new CRC
+     * based on the value of all the _registers and then
+     * stores the value in 0F(second byte)
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes regularCrcUpdate();
+    /*!
+     * checks the safety by looking at the safety word and calculating
+     * the CRC such that the data received is valid
+     * @param safety register with the CRC check data
+     * @param command the command to execute the write
+     * @param readreg pointer to the read data
+     * @param length the length of the data structure
+     * @return CRC error type
+     */
+    errorTypes checkSafety(uint16_t safety, uint16_t command, uint16_t* readreg, uint16_t length);
+    /*!
+     * When an error occurs in the safety word, the error bit remains 0(error),
+     * until the status register is read again. Flushes out safety errors,
+     * that might have occurred by reading the register without a safety word.
+     * In case the safety word sends an error, this function is
+     * called so that the error bit is reset to 1.
+     */
+    void resetSafety();
+}   // TLE5012 namespace