Library for the HMC1501 magnetic 90° angle sensor.
Library for the HMC1501 magnetic 90° angle sensor.
The Honeywell HMC1501 is a miniature surface mount sensor for linear, 90° angular, or rotary displacement designed for magnetic saturating field sensing. The HMC1501 contains a single saturated-mode Wheatstone bridge sense element that creates an output voltage with respect to the direction of the magnetic flux passing over the sensor surface. It's a cost effective and space-efficient solution for high volume OEM designs. Applications for the HMC1501 sensor include Position Sensing, Rotary speed and angle detection, and non-contact precision location measurement systems. The HMC1501 sensor utilize Honeywell’s Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive (AMR) technology that provides advantages over hall-effectbased magnetic sensors. It is able to resolve better than tenths of a degree or tenths of millimeters, withstand large variations in magnet-to-sensor gaps, and exhibit insensitivity to shocks and vibrations.
Example program:
Import programHMC1501_Hello
Example program for the HMC1501 magnetic 90° angle sensor connected to a HX711 high precision 24-bit programmable analog-to-digital converter (ADC) .
Library for the HMC1501 magnetic angular sensor.
2020-09-19, by hudakz [Sat, 19 Sep 2020 17:55:56 +0000] rev 0
Library for the HMC1501 magnetic angular sensor.