EMAC driver for the ENC28J60 Ethernet controller. This is a simplified fork of https://github.com/tobiasjaster/ENC28J60-EMAC-Driver published by Tobias Jaster.

Dependents:   MQTT_Hello MQTT_HelloENC28J60

EMAC driver for the ENC28J60 Ethernet controller


This is a fork (the INT and RST pins are not used) of the ENC28J60-EMAC driver published by Tobias Jaster at



  • Connect the ENC28J60 module to the Mbed board as follows:


  • Import (add) this ENC28J60-EMAC library to your program.
  • Add a "mbed_app.json" file with the following content to the root directory of your program:

        "target_overrides": {
            "*": {
                "platform.callback-nontrivial": true,
                "enc28j60-emac.mosi":  "D11",
                "enc28j60-emac.miso":  "D12",
                "enc28j60-emac.sck" :  "D13",
                "enc28j60-emac.cs"  :  "D10"
  • Replace "D11", ..., "D10" with the actual pin names you selected on the Mbed board to be used for the SPI communication.
  • To set the MAC address define an array with the desired address bytes and call the "set_hwaddr(mac)" function before calling the network interface "connect" function.

For example:

    const uint8_t       MAC[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    EthernetInterface   net;
    int main()
        net.get_emac().set_hwaddr(MAC);             // set MAC address
        if (net.connect() != 0) {
            printf("Error: Unable to connect to the network.\n");
            return -1;



File content as of revision 0:b599e748252c:

 * Copyright (c) 2019 Tobias Jaster
 * Modified by Zoltan Hudak
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#ifndef ENC28J60_ETH_DRV_H_
#define ENC28J60_ETH_DRV_H_

#include "mbed.h"
#include "enc28j60_reg.h"
#include "enc28j60_emac_config.h"

#define ENC28J60_READWRITE  1

 * \brief Error code definitions
typedef struct
    uint8_t*    buf;
    uint16_t    len;
} payload_t;

typedef struct
    uint32_t    addr;
    payload_t   payload;
} packet_t;

 * \brief Error code definitions
typedef enum
    ENC28J60_ERROR_OK               = 0U,   /*!< no error */
    ENC28J60_ERROR_TIMEOUT          = 1U,   /*!< timeout */
    ENC28J60_ERROR_BUSY             = 2U,   /*!< no error */
    ENC28J60_ERROR_PARAM            = 3U,   /*!< invalid parameter */
    ENC28J60_ERROR_INTERNAL         = 4U,   /*!< internal error */
    ENC28J60_ERROR_WRONG_ID         = 5U,   /*!< internal error */
    ENC28J60_ERROR_NOPACKET         = 10U,
    ENC28J60_ERROR_RECEIVE          = 11U,
    ENC28J60_ERROR_LASTPACKET       = 12U,
    ENC28J60_ERROR_POSITIONLENGTH   = 13U,  /*!< internal error */
    ENC28J60_ERROR_SIZE             = 20U,  /*!< internal error */
    ENC28J60_ERROR_FIFOFULL         = 21U,  /*!< internal error */
    ENC28J60_ERROR_NEXTPACKET       = 22U,  /*!< internal error */
} enc28j60_error_t;

 * \brief Interrupt source definitions
typedef enum
} enc28j60_interrupt_source;

class   ENC28J60
    ENC28J60(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs);

    ENC28J60(mbed::SPI * spi, PinName cs);

     * \brief Initializes ENC28J60 Ethernet controller to a known default state:
     *          - device ID is checked
     *          - global interrupt is enabled, but all irq sources are disabled
     *          - Establish link enabled
     *          - Rx enabled
     *          - Tx enabled
     *        Init should be called prior to any other process and
     *        it's the caller's responsibility to follow proper call order.
     * \return error code /ref enc28j60_error_t
    void                init(void);

    /** This returns a unique 6-byte MAC address, based on the device UID
    *  This function overrides hal/common/mbed_interface.c function
    *  @param mac A 6-byte array to write the MAC address
    void                mbed_mac_address(char* mac);
    MBED_WEAK uint8_t   mbed_otp_mac_address(char* mac);
    void                mbed_default_mac_address(char* mac);

     * \brief Initiates a soft reset, returns failure or success.
     * \return error code /ref enc28j60_error_t
    enc28j60_error_t    softReset(void);

     * \brief Set maximum transition unit by Rx fifo size.
     *        Note: The MTU will be smaller by 512 bytes,
     *        because the status uses this fixed space.
     * \param[in] val Size of the fifo in kbytes
    void                setRxBufSize(uint32_t val);

     * \brief Reset PHY
     * \return error code /ref enc28j60_error_t
    enc28j60_error_t    resetPhy(void);

     * \brief Enable receive
    void                enableMacRecv(void);

     * \brief Disable receive
    void                disableMacRecv(void);

     * \brief Read MAC address from EEPROM.
     * \param[in,out] mac array will include the read MAC address in
     *                6 bytes hexadecimal format.
     *                It should be allocated by the caller to 6 bytes.
     * \return error code /ref enc28j60_error_t
    enc28j60_error_t    readMacAddr(char* mac);

     * \brief Write MAC address to EEPROM.
     * \param[in,out] mac array will include the write MAC address in
     *                6 bytes hexadecimal format.
     *                It should be allocated by the caller to 6 bytes.
     * \return error code /ref enc28j60_error_t
    enc28j60_error_t    writeMacAddr(char* mac);

     * \brief Check device ID.
     * \return error code /ref enc28j60_error_t
    bool                check_id(void);

     * \brief Get the data size of the Rx buffer, aka Maximum Transition Unit
     * \return Fifo data size in bytes
    enc28j60_error_t    setWritePrt(uint16_t position, uint16_t offset);
    enc28j60_error_t    transmitPacket(packet_t* packet);
    enc28j60_error_t    loadPacketInTxBuffer(packet_t* packet);

     * \brief Get the free space of Rx fifo in bytes.
     * \param[in] dev Ethernet device structure \ref enc28j60_eth_dev_t
     * \return Space available to store received data in bytes
    uint32_t            getRxBufFreeSpace(void);

     * \brief Get the size of next unread packet in Rx buffer, using the peak
     *        register, which is not destructive so can be read asynchronously.
     *        Warning: In case of heavy receiving load, it's possible this register
     *        is not perfectly in sync.
     * \param[in] dev Ethernet device structure \ref enc28j60_eth_dev_t
     * \return Size in bytes of the next packet can be read from Rx fifo, according
     *         to the peek register.
    enc28j60_error_t    setRxBufReadPtr(uint16_t position);
    enc28j60_error_t    getPacketInfo(packet_t* packet);
    void                readPacket(packet_t* packet);
    void                freeRxBuffer(void);
    uint16_t            getRecvPointer(void);
    uint16_t            getWritePointer(void);
    void                readBuf(uint8_t* data, uint16_t len);
    void                writeBuf(uint8_t* data, uint16_t len);
    uint8_t             readReg(uint8_t address);
    uint16_t            readRegPair(uint8_t address);
    void                writeReg(uint8_t address, uint8_t data);
    void                writeRegPair(uint8_t address, uint16_t data);
    enc28j60_error_t    phyRead(uint8_t address, uint16_t* data);
    enc28j60_error_t    phyWrite(uint8_t address, uint16_t data);
    bool                linkStatus(void);
    uint8_t             readOp(uint8_t op, uint8_t address);
    void                writeOp(uint8_t op, uint8_t address, uint8_t data);
    void        _setBank(uint8_t address);
    void        _read(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len, bool blocking);
    void        _write(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len, bool blocking);
    void        _readwrite(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* readbuf, uint8_t* writebuf, uint16_t len, bool blocking);
    SPI*        _spi;
    Mutex       _SPIMutex;
    DigitalOut  _cs;
    uint8_t     _bank;
    bool        _ready;
    uint32_t    _next;
#endif /* ENC28J60_ETH_DRV_H_ */