Simple DS1820 sensor demo showing how to use the DS1820 library []

Dependencies:   DS1820

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00001 /*
00002  * Simple example program
00003  *
00004  * Note: Don't forget to connect a 4.7k Ohm resistor 
00005  *       between the DS1820's data pin and the +3.3V pin
00006  *
00007  */
00009 /* Single DS1820 sensor: */
00010 /*
00011 #include "mbed.h"
00012 #include "DS1820.h"
00014 Serial      pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00015 DigitalOut  led(LED1);
00016 DS1820      ds1820(D8);  // substitute D8 with the actual pin name connected to the DS1820 sensor
00017 float       temp = 0;
00018 int         result = 0;
00020 int main()
00021 {
00022     if (ds1820.begin()) {
00023         while (1) {
00024             ds1820.startConversion();   // start temperature conversion from analog to digital
00025             ThisThread::sleep_for(1000);// let DS1820 complete the temperature conversion
00026             result =; // read temperature from DS1820 and perform cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
00027             switch (result) {
00028                 case 0:                 // no errors -> 'temp' contains the value of measured temperature
00029                     pc.printf("temp = %3.1f%cC\r\n", temp, 176);
00030                     break;
00032                 case 1:                 // no sensor present -> 'temp' was not updated
00033                     pc.printf("no sensor present\n\r");
00034                     break;
00036                 case 2:                 // CRC error -> 'temp' was not updated
00037                     pc.printf("CRC error\r\n");
00038             }
00040             led = !led;
00041         }
00042     }
00043     else
00044         pc.printf("No DS1820 sensor found!\r\n");
00045 }
00046 */
00049 /*Several DS1820 sensors connected to the 1-wire bus:*/
00050 #include "mbed.h"
00051 #include "DS1820.h"
00053 #define     MAX_SENSOSRS   32   // max number of DS1820 sensors to be connected to the 1-wire bus (max 256)
00055 DS1820*     ds1820[MAX_SENSOSRS];
00056 Serial      pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00057 DigitalOut  led(LED1);
00058 OneWire     oneWire(D8);        // substitute D8 with the actual pin name connected to the 1-wire bus
00059 int         sensorsFound = 0;   // counts the actually found DS1820 sensors
00061 int main()
00062 {
00063     pc.printf("\r\n--Starting--\r\n");
00065     //Enumerate (i.e. detect) DS1820 sensors on the 1-wire bus
00066     for (sensorsFound = 0; sensorsFound < MAX_SENSOSRS; sensorsFound++) {
00067         ds1820[sensorsFound] = new DS1820(&oneWire);
00068         if (!ds1820[sensorsFound]->begin()) {
00069             delete ds1820[sensorsFound];
00070             break;
00071         }
00072     }
00074     switch (sensorsFound) {
00075         case 0:
00076             pc.printf("No DS1820 sensor found!\r\n");
00077             return -1;
00079         case 1:
00080             pc.printf("One DS1820 sensor found.\r\n");
00081             break;
00083         default:
00084             pc.printf("Found %d DS1820 sensors.\r\n", sensorsFound);
00085     }
00087     while (1) {
00088         pc.printf("----------------\r\n");
00089         for (int i = 0; i < sensorsFound; i++)
00090             ds1820[i]->startConversion();       // start temperature conversion from analog to digital
00091         ThisThread::sleep_for(1000);            // let DS1820 sensors complete the temperature conversion
00092         for (int i = 0; i < sensorsFound; i++) {
00093             if (ds1820[i]->isPresent())
00094                 pc.printf("temp[%d] = %3.1f%cC\r\n", i, ds1820[i]->read(), 176); // read temperature
00095         }
00096     }
00097 }