Clock to use with LCD NK5110. You need to use N5110 libraries

Dependencies:   N5110 mbed

Fork of Nokia5110 by Krissi Yan

--- a/NOKIA_5110.cpp	Fri Jan 15 19:13:13 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-// Project: Nokia5110 - Controlling a NK5110 display from an NXP LPC1768
-// File: NOKIA_5110.cpp
-// Author: Chris Yan
-// Created: January, 2012
-// Revised: January, 2014
-//  Desc: Supporting code for the NokiaLcd class
-#include "NOKIA_5110.h"
-#include "mbed.h"
-NokiaLcd::NokiaLcd(LcdPins pinout)
-    // SPI
-    LcdSpi = new SPI(pinout.mosi, pinout.miso, pinout.sclk);
-    LcdSpi->format(LCD_SPI_BITS, LCD_SPI_MODE);
-    LcdSpi->frequency(LCD_FREQ);
-    // Control Pins
-    Pins = new DigitalOut*[3];
-    Pins[PIN_RST]   = new DigitalOut(pinout.rst);
-    Pins[PIN_SCE]   = new DigitalOut(pinout.sce);
-    Pins[PIN_DC]    = new DigitalOut(pinout.dc);
-    // Initial Command Instructions, note the initial command mode
-    FunctionSet.V   = CMD_FS_HORIZONTAL_MODE;
-    FunctionSet.H   = CMD_FS_EXTENDED_MODE;
-    FunctionSet.PD  = CMD_FS_ACTIVE_MODE;
-    FunctionChar    = CreateFunctionChar();
-    TempControlChar = CMD_TC_TEMP_2;
-    DispControlChar = CMD_DC_NORMAL_MODE;
-    BiasChar        = CMD_BI_MUX_48;
-    VopChar         = CMD_VOP_7V38;
-void NokiaLcd::ShutdownLcd()
-    FunctionSet.PD  = CMD_FS_POWER_DOWN_MODE;
-    ClearLcdMem();
-    SendFunction( CMD_DC_CLEAR_DISPLAY );
-    SendFunction( CreateFunctionChar() );
-void NokiaLcd::ClearLcdMem()
-    for(int tick = 0; tick <= 503; tick++)
-        LcdSpi->write(0x00);
-void NokiaLcd::TestLcd(char test_pattern)
-    for(int tick = 0; tick <= 503; tick++)
-        LcdSpi->write(test_pattern);         // Command gets sent
-void NokiaLcd::InitLcd()
-    ResetLcd();
-    Pins[PIN_SCE]->write(0);     // Chip Select goes low
-    // Redefine the FunctionChar in case it has changed
-    FunctionSet.V   = CMD_FS_HORIZONTAL_MODE;
-    FunctionSet.H   = CMD_FS_EXTENDED_MODE;
-    FunctionSet.PD  = CMD_FS_ACTIVE_MODE;
-    SendFunction( CreateFunctionChar() );   // Extended CMD set
-    SendFunction( VopChar );                // | Vop
-    SendFunction( TempControlChar );        // | Temp
-    SendFunction( BiasChar );               // | Bias
-    FunctionSet.H   = CMD_FS_BASIC_MODE;
-    SendFunction( CreateFunctionChar() );   // Basic CMD set
-    SendFunction( DispControlChar );        // | Display Mode
-    ClearLcdMem();
-    Pins[PIN_DC]->write(1);     // Data/CMD goes back to Data mode
-void NokiaLcd::ResetLcd()
-    Pins[PIN_RST]->write(0);    // Reset goes low
-    Pins[PIN_RST]->write(1);    // Reset goes high
-char NokiaLcd::CreateFunctionChar()
-    return ( 0x20 | FunctionSet.PD | FunctionSet.V | FunctionSet.H );
-void NokiaLcd::SendDrawData(char data)
-    LcdSpi->write(data);         // Command gets sent
-void NokiaLcd::DrawChar(char character)
-    for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
-        SendDrawData( FONT_6x6[ ((character - 32)*6) + i] );
-void NokiaLcd::DrawString(char* s)
-    char len = strlen(s);
-    for( int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++ )
-    {
-        for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
-            SendDrawData( FONT_6x6[ ((s[idx] - 32)*6) + i] );
-    }
-void NokiaLcd::DrawFrameChar(char character)
-    for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
-        SendDrawData((( FONT_6x6[ ((character - 32)*6) + i]  ) << 1 ) | 0x81);
-void NokiaLcd::DrawNegFrameChar(char character)
-    for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
-        SendDrawData(~(( FONT_6x6[ ((character - 32)*6) + i]  ) << 1 ) | 0x81);
-char* NokiaLcd::NumToStr(int num)
-    if(num <= 0)
-        return "0";
-    double length = 0;
-    int tlen = 0;
-    int temp = 1;
-    char c;
-    // Get number of digits
-    while( temp <= num )
-    {
-        temp *= 10;
-        length++;
-    }
-    tlen = length;
-    char* numString = new char[tlen+1];
-    // Convert each place in number to a stand-alone representative number
-    temp = 0;
-    for(int idx = pow(10, length); idx>1; idx = (idx/10))
-    {
-        c = (char)( ((num % idx)-(num % (idx/10)))/(idx/10) + 48);
-        numString[temp] = c;
-        temp++;
-    }
-    numString[temp] = '\0';
-    return numString;
-void NokiaLcd::SetXY(char x, char y)
-    if( (x > 83) || (y > 5) )
-        return;
-    SendFunction( x | 0x80 );
-    SendFunction( y | 0x40 );
-void NokiaLcd::SendFunction(char cmd) //TODO:Detection of what H should be
-    Pins[PIN_DC]->write(0);     // Data/CMD goes low
-    LcdSpi->write(cmd);         // Command gets sent
-    Pins[PIN_DC]->write(1);     // Data/CMD goes back to Data mode
-    ShutdownLcd();