BERTL library, Kevin Heinrich

Dependents:   BertlPingPong_UEbung3_EB

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00001 #include <mbed.h>
00002 #include "bertl14.h"
00003 //*********************************************************************************
00004 // Define Motor Routines
00005 DigitalOut engineLR(P1_0);      //IN1, EP10, MG1A => MG1 engine-Pin 2, left_Reverse
00006 DigitalOut engineLF(P1_1);      //IN2, EP11, MG1B => MG1 engine-Pin 1, left_Forward
00007 PwmOut engineLEN(p34);          //EN1, P34, left_ENABLE
00008 DigitalOut engineRR(P1_4);      //IN4, EP13, MG2A => MG2 engine-Pin 2, right_Reverse
00009 DigitalOut engineRF(P1_3);      //IN3, EP14, MG2B => MG2 engine-Pin 1, right_Forward
00010 PwmOut engineREN(p36);          //EN2, P36, right_ENABLE
00011 //**********************************************************************************
00012 // Define PC9555 Routines
00013 I2C pc9555(P0_5, P0_4);// SDA, SCL
00015 //**********************************************************************************
00016 //Start PC9555 Routines
00017 void bertl_PC9555_init()
00018 {
00019     char data[2];
00020     // I2C-Initialisierung
00021     pc9555.frequency(PC9555_FREQUENCY);
00022     // Port 0 = Leds, Port 1 = Switches
00023     // Adresse, R/W# = 0, Config PORT 0 (6) = 0x00(= Output), Stop
00024     data[0] = PC9555_PORT0_DIRCONFIG;
00025     data[1] = 0x00;
00026     pc9555.write(PC9555_ADDR_W, data, 2);
00027     // Adresse, R/W# = 0, Config PORT 1 (7) = 0xFF(= Input), Stop 
00028     data[0] = PC9555_PORT1_DIRCONFIG;
00029     data[1] = 0xFF;
00030     pc9555.write(PC9555_ADDR_W, data, 2);
00031 }
00033 void bertl_PC9555_leds(unsigned char leds)
00034 {
00035     char data[2];   //Two Bits for Transmitt via I2C
00036     // Send leds to PORT0 of PC9555 via I2C:
00037     // Start, Address, RW# = 0, CMD PC9555_PORT0_OUT, leds, STOP
00038     data[0] = PC9555_PORT0_OUT;
00039     data[1] = ~leds;    //bitwise inversion since Hardware is switched on with 0 (inverse logic)
00040     pc9555.write(PC9555_ADDR_W, data, 2);
00041 }
00043 unsigned char bertl_PC9555_switches()
00044 {
00045     char taster[1];
00047     pc9555.start();                     // Start PC9555 to write the Adress
00048         pc9555.write(PC9555_ADDR_W);    // Write the WRITE-Adress
00049         pc9555.write(0x01);             // To define the Switches => 0x02: LEDs
00050     pc9555.start();                     // Start PC9555 again to read the Values
00051         pc9555.write(PC9555_ADDR_R);    // Set the READ_bit
00052         taster[0] =;        // Read the Value of the Switches (HEX_MASK)
00053     pc9555.stop();                      // Stop the I2C
00055     return (taster[0]);                    // Return the value
00057 }
00058 // END PC9555 Routines
00059 //**********************************************************************************
00060 //**********************************************************************************
00061 // Begin Motor Routines
00062 void bertl_engine(int left, int right)
00063 {  
00064     // If the left engines-value is greater than 0, the left engine turn FORWARD
00065     if(left > 0)
00066     {
00067         engineLF=1;
00068         engineLR=0;
00069     }
00070     // Or if the left engines-value is less than 0, the left engine turn REVERSE
00071     else if(left < 0)
00072     {
00073         engineLF=0;
00074         engineLR=1;
00075         left = left * (-1);         // For PWM the Value have to be positive
00076     }
00077     // If the right engines-value is greater than 0, the right engine turn FORWARD
00078     if(right > 0)
00079     {
00080         engineRF=1;  
00081         engineRR=0;
00082     }
00083     // Or if the right engines-value is less than 0, the right engine turn REVERSE
00084     else if(right < 0)
00085     {
00086         engineRF=0;
00087         engineRR=1;
00088         right = right * (-1);       // For PWM the Value have to be positive
00089     }
00090     //pc.printf("left: %4d\r\n", left);
00091     //pc.printf("right: %4d\r\n", right);
00092     // Or if the right- or/and the left engines value equals 0, the ENABLE-Pin turn off (ENABLE Pin equals 0)
00093     engineLEN=(left/255.0);      // PWM Value : 0 ... 1
00094     engineREN=(right/255.0);    // PWM Value : 0 ... 1
00095 }
00096 //Begin Testing bertl-engines
00097 void bertl_engine_test()
00098 {
00099     bertl_engine(100, 0);     //The left engine must turn FORWARD for 2 seconds
00100     wait(2);
00101     bertl_engine(0, 100);     //The right engine must turn FORWARD for 2 seconds
00102     wait(2);
00103     bertl_engine(-100, 0);    //The left engine must turn REVERSE for 2 seconds
00104     wait(2);
00105     bertl_engine(0, -100);    //The right engine must turn REVERSE for 2 seconds
00106     wait(2);
00107 }
00108 //End Testing bertl-engines
00109 // END Motor Routines