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00001 /**
00002  * @section LICENSE
00003  * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
00004  * Copyright (C) 2012 tosihisa
00005  *
00006  * @section DESCRIPTION
00007  * INA226 - Bi-Directional CURRENT/POWER MONITOR with I2C
00008  * http://strawberry-linux.com/catalog/items?code=12031
00009  *
00010  */
00011 #ifndef __INA226_INCLUDE    // {
00012 #define __INA226_INCLUDE
00013 #include "mbed.h"
00014 /**
00015  * INA226 Class.
00016  */
00017 class INA226 {
00018     public:
00019         /**
00020          * Constructor.
00021          *
00022          * @param i2c_ instance of I2C.
00023          * @param addr_ I2C slave address.
00024          * @param freq_ I2C frequency.
00025          */
00026         INA226(I2C &i2c_,int addr_ = 0x80,int freq_ = 100000);
00027         /**
00028          * Check INA226 exist.
00029          *
00030          * @param none
00031          * @return 0:NOT EXIST / !0:EXIST
00032          */
00033         int isExist(void);
00034         /**
00035          * INA226 raw level read.
00036          *
00037          * @param pointer_addr INA226 pointer address.
00038          * @param val_ read value.
00039          * @return 0:Read OK / !0:Read NG
00040          */
00041         int rawRead(char pointer_addr,unsigned short *val_);
00042         /**
00043          * INA226 raw level write.
00044          *
00045          * @param pointer_addr INA226 pointer address.
00046          * @param val_ write value.
00047          * @return 0:Read OK / !0:Read NG
00048          */
00049         int rawWrite(char pointer_addr,unsigned short val_);
00050         /**
00051          * Get voltage.
00052          *
00053          * @param V_ read value;
00054          * @return 0:Read OK / !0:Read NG
00055          */
00056         int getVoltage(double *V_);
00057         /**
00058          * Get current.
00059          *
00060          * @param I_ read value;
00061          * @return 0:Read OK / !0:Read NG
00062          */
00063         int getCurrent(double *I_);
00064         /**
00065          * Set current calibration.
00066          *
00067          * @param val write value;
00068          * @return 0:Read OK / !0:Read NG
00069          */
00070         int setCurrentCalibration(unsigned short val);
00072         int setConfiguration(unsigned short val);
00074     private:
00075         I2C &i2c;
00076         int i2c_addr;
00077         int freq;
00078 };
00079 #endif  // }