Mbed Hovercraft
The hovercrafts main structure is built on styrofoam in order to save weight. It is connected to a mobile device through bluetooth and can be controlled through the Bluefruit APP.
Team Members
- Pang-Kai Sun (Section A)
- Soobum Kim (Section A)
- Mbed LPC1768
- 7.4V DC LiPo Battery
- 9V DC motor
- DC Brushless Motor
- Servo Motor
- Voltage Regulator ( NTE 960)
- H-bridge motor Driver
- Bluetooth module
- RipStop Nylon fabric
- Propeller
Be extra cautious with such devices as the current flowing through the brushless motor can reach up to 30 Amps Max.
Circuit Diagram
If you need to change the direction of the brushless motor, just change any two wires on the ESC. ( example: swap A , C )
Key Steps
- Start with cutting the styrofoam to build the main struture
- Mounting the brushless motor and test it.
- Mount the Servo Motor
- Wrap the RipStop Nylon underneath
Import programmbed_hover_test
mbed_hover_testlpc1768.bin - has the compiled code. Save it on the mbed flash drive and hit reset.
Some Tutorials of the Adafruit Bluefruit Bluetooth module can be found here
Testing and DEMO
Where to buy
Some of the parts can be bought here
- DC Brushless Motor..............here
- ESC..........................................here
- Voltage Regulator.................here
- Propeller................................here
- RipStop Nylon fabric............here
- 7.4V DC LiPo Battery............here
Author : Hank Sun(Pangkai Sun), Soobum Kim
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