Wi-Fi with White Wizard Board TANK for mbed (Wi-Fi タンク)
You can control the TANK from browser(PC or cell phone) via Wi-Fi.
日本語サイト http://wizard.nestegg.jp/jp/wifitankhtmljp.html
You need a TANK! http://wizard.nestegg.jp/mountwwontank.html
You need LAN module. http://wizard.nestegg.jp/lanmodule.html
and mini router(I used PLANEX MZK-RP150N" that is very small mini router.) http://astore.amazon.co.jp/whitewizardboard-22/detail/B004G8Q7DQ
Program is here. http://mbed.org/users/halfpitch/programs/WW_wifiTank_IR_Normal_SD/lvbdcc
Setting router. http://wizard.nestegg.jp/wifi.html
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