Class library for a Topway LM6029ACW graphics LCD.

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API Documentation at this revision

Mon Feb 08 14:53:03 2016 +0000
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Changed in this revision

LM6029ACW.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LM6029ACW.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 79ef6ebe51ae LM6029ACW.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LM6029ACW.cpp	Mon Feb 08 14:53:03 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1236 @@
+#include "LM6029ACW.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+/* ***************************************** Public Functions ***************************************** */
+LM6029ACW::LM6029ACW(PinName CS1, PinName RES, PinName RS, PinName WR, PinName RD, PinName DB7, PinName DB6, PinName DB5, PinName DB4, PinName DB3, PinName DB2, PinName DB1, PinName DB0) 
+: CS1pin(CS1), RESpin(RES), RSpin(RS), WRpin(WR), RDpin(RD), DATApins(DB0, DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7) {
+    character_x = 0;
+    character_y = 0;
+    Init();
+void LM6029ACW::ClrScr(unsigned char color)
+    unsigned char i, j, x=0;
+    CS1pin = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<8; i++)
+    {
+        x=0;
+        SetColumn(0);
+        SetPage(i);
+        for(j=0; j<128; j++)
+            if(color==0)
+            {
+                WriteData(0x00);
+                DisplayRAM[x][i] = 0x00;
+                x++;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                WriteData(0xff);
+                DisplayRAM[x][i] = 0xff;
+                x++;
+            }
+    }
+    CS1pin = 1;
+void LM6029ACW::PowerSave(void)
+    CS1pin = 0;
+    WriteCommand(0xae);
+    WriteCommand(0xa5);
+    CS1pin = 1;
+void LM6029ACW::PowerActive(void)
+    CS1pin = 0;
+    WriteCommand(0xa4);
+    WriteCommand(0xaf);
+    CS1pin = 1;
+void LM6029ACW::DrawPixel(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char color)
+    unsigned char page, temp1, temp2;
+    page = y >> 3;
+    y = y & 0x07;
+    temp1 = DisplayRAM[x][page];
+    temp2 = 1 << y;
+    switch(color)
+    {
+        case 0: temp1 = temp1 & ~temp2;
+                break;
+        case 1: temp1 = temp1 | temp2;
+                break;
+        case 2: temp1 = temp1 ^ temp2;
+                break;
+    }
+    DisplayRAM[x][page] = temp1;
+    CS1pin = 0;
+    SetColumn(x);
+    SetPage(page);
+    WriteData((unsigned char)(temp1));
+    CS1pin = 1;
+void LM6029ACW::DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned int color)
+   int        dy, dx;
+   signed char  addx=1, addy=1;
+   signed int P, diff;
+   int i=0;
+   dx = abs((signed int)(x2 - x1));
+   dy = abs((signed int)(y2 - y1));
+   if(x1 > x2)
+      addx = -1;
+   if(y1 > y2)
+      addy = -1;
+   if(dx >= dy)
+   {
+      dy *= 2;
+      P = dy - dx;
+      diff = P - dx;
+      for(; i<=dx; ++i)
+      {
+         DrawPixel(x1, y1, color);
+         if(P < 0)
+         {
+            P  += dy;
+            x1 += addx;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            P  += diff;
+            x1 += addx;
+            y1 += addy;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      dx *= 2;
+      P = dx - dy;
+      diff = P - dy;
+      for(; i<=dy; ++i)
+      {
+          DrawPixel(x1, y1, color);
+         if(P < 0)
+         {
+            P  += dx;
+            y1 += addy;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            P  += diff;
+            x1 += addx;
+            y1 += addy;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+void LM6029ACW::DrawCircle(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char radius, unsigned char fill, unsigned char color)
+   signed char a, b, P;
+   a = 0;
+   b = radius;
+   P = 1 - radius;
+   do
+   {
+      if(fill)
+      {
+         DrawLine(x-a, y+b, x+a, y+b, color);
+         DrawLine(x-a, y-b, x+a, y-b, color);
+         DrawLine(x-b, y+a, x+b, y+a, color);
+         DrawLine(x-b, y-a, x+b, y-a, color);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         DrawPixel(a+x, b+y, color);
+         DrawPixel(b+x, a+y, color);
+         DrawPixel(x-a, b+y, color);
+         DrawPixel(x-b, a+y, color);
+         DrawPixel(b+x, y-a, color);
+         DrawPixel(a+x, y-b, color);
+         DrawPixel(x-a, y-b, color);
+         DrawPixel(x-b, y-a, color);
+      }
+      if(P < 0)
+         P += 3 + 2 * a++;
+      else
+         P += 5 + 2 * (a++ - b--);
+    } while(a <= b);
+void LM6029ACW::GotoXY(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
+  if(x<=20)
+    character_x = x;
+  else
+    character_x = 0;
+  if(y<=7)
+    character_y = y;
+  else
+    character_y = 0;
+void LM6029ACW::PutStr(char *str, unsigned char color)
+    unsigned int i=0;
+    do
+    {
+        PutChar(str[i], color);
+        i++;
+    }while(str[i]!='\0');
+void LM6029ACW::PutChar(unsigned char c, unsigned char color)
+    unsigned char x, page;
+    x = character_x * 6 + 1;
+    page = character_y;
+    DrawChar(c, x, page, color);
+    if(character_x == 20)
+    {
+        character_x=0;
+        if(character_y==7)
+            character_y=0;
+        else
+            character_y++;
+    }
+    else
+        character_x++;
+/* ***************************************** Private Functions ***************************************** */
+void LM6029ACW::Delay(unsigned int del)
+    unsigned int i=0;
+    while(i<del)
+        i++;
+void LM6029ACW::WriteCommand(unsigned char cmd)
+    RSpin = 0;
+    DATApins = cmd; 
+    wait(lcd_delayx);
+    WRpin = 0;  
+    wait(lcd_delayx);
+    WRpin = 1;
+void LM6029ACW::WriteData(unsigned char dat)
+    RSpin = 1;
+    DATApins = dat;
+    wait(lcd_delayx);
+    WRpin = 0;  
+    wait(lcd_delayx);
+    WRpin = 1;
+void LM6029ACW::SetPage(unsigned char Page)
+    Page = Page & 0x0f;
+    Page = Page | 0xb0;
+    WriteCommand(Page);
+void LM6029ACW::SetColumn(unsigned char Col)
+    unsigned char temp;
+    temp = Col;
+    Col = Col & 0x0f;
+    Col = Col | 0x00;
+    WriteCommand(Col);
+    temp = temp >> 4;
+    Col = temp & 0x0f;
+    Col = Col | 0x10;
+    WriteCommand(Col);
+void LM6029ACW::Init(void)
+    unsigned char i,j;
+    RDpin = 1;
+    CS1pin = 0;
+    RESpin = 0;
+    wait(lcd_init_delay);
+    RESpin = 1;
+    WriteCommand(0xa0);    //ADC=0 Normal
+    WriteCommand(0xc8);    //SHL=1 flipped in y-direction
+    WriteCommand(0xa2);    //Bias=0; 1/9 Bias
+    WriteCommand(0x2f);    //Power Control VF, VR, VC
+    WriteCommand(0xae);    //Display OFF
+    WriteCommand(0x81);    //Set voltage reference mode
+    WriteCommand(0x29);    //Power Control VF
+    WriteCommand(0x40);    //Set display start line
+    WriteCommand(0xaf);    //Display ON
+    for(i=0;i<128;i++)
+        for(j=0;j<8;j++)
+            DisplayRAM[i][j]=0x00;
+    CS1pin = 1;
+    ClrScr(0);
+void LM6029ACW::WriteCharCol(unsigned char v, unsigned char x, unsigned char page, unsigned char color)
+    if(color==0)
+    {
+        WriteData(~v);
+        DisplayRAM[x][page] = ~v;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        WriteData(v);
+        DisplayRAM[x][page] = v;
+    }
+void LM6029ACW::DrawChar(unsigned char c, unsigned char x, unsigned char page, unsigned char color)
+    CS1pin = 0;
+    SetColumn(x);
+    SetPage(page);
+    switch(c)
+    {
+        case 32:    // 'SPACE'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 33:    // '!'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x9e, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 34:    // '"'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x0e, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x0e, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 35:    // '#'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 36:    // '$'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x48, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x54, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x54, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x24, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 37:    // '%'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x46, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x26, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xc8, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xc4, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 38:    // '&'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x6c, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xaa, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x44, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa0, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 39:    // '''
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x0a, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x06, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 40:    // '('
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x38, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x44, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 41:    // ')'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x44, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x38, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 42:    // '*'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 43:    // '+'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 44:    // ','
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa0, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x60, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 45:    // '-'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 46:    // '.'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xc0, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xc0, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 47:    // '/'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x20, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x04, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 48:    // '0'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa2, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x8a, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 49:    // '1'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x84, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 50:    // '2'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x84, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xc2, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa2, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x8c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 51:    // '3'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x42, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x8a, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x96, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x62, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 52:    // '4'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x30, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x24, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x20, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 53:    // '5'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x4e, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x8a, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x8a, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x8a, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x72, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 54:    // '6'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x78, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x94, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x60, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 55:    // '7'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xe2, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x0a, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x06, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 56:    // '8'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x6c, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x6c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 57:    // '9'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x0c, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x52, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x3c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 58:    // ':'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x6c, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x6c, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 59:    // ';'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xac, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x6c, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 60:    // '<'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x44, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 61:    // '='
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 62:    // '>'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x44, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 63:    // '?'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x04, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa2, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x0c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 64:    // '@'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x64, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xf2, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 65:    // 'A'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfc, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x22, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x22, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x22, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfc, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 66:    // 'B'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x6c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 67:    // 'C'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x44, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 68:    // 'D'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x44, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x38, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 69:    // 'E'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 70:    // 'F'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 71:    // 'G'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xf4, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 72:    // 'H'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 73:    // 'I'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 74:    // 'J'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7e, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 75:    // 'K'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x44, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 76:    // 'L'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 77:    // 'M'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x04, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x18, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x04, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 78:    // 'N'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x20, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 79:    // 'O'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 80:    // 'P'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x0c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 81:    // 'Q'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa2, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x42, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xbc, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 82:    // 'R'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x32, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x52, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x8c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 83:    // 'S'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x8c, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x62, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 84:    // 'T'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 85:    // 'U'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x7e, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7e, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 86:    // 'V'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x3e, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x3e, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 87:    // 'W'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x7e, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x70, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7e, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 88:    // 'X'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xc6, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xc6, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 89:    // 'Y'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x0e, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xe0, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x0e, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 90:    // 'Z'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xc2, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa2, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x92, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x8a, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x86, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 91:    // '['
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 92:    // '\'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x04, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x20, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 93:    // ']'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 94:    // '^'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x04, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x04, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 95:    // '_'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 96:    // '`'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x04, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 97:    // 'a'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xf0, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 98:    // 'b'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x90, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x70, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 99:    // 'c'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x70, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 100:   // 'd'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x70, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x90, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 101:   // 'e'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x70, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x30, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 102:   // 'f'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfc, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x12, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x02, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x04, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 103:   // 'g'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x18, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa4, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa4, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa4, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7c, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 104:   // 'h'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xf0, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 105:   // 'i'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfa, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 106:   // 'j'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7a, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 107:   // 'k'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x20, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x50, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 108:   // 'l'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 109:   // 'm'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xf8, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x30, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xf0, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 110:   // 'n'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xf8, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xf0, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 111:   // 'o'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x70, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x70, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 112:   // 'p'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xf8, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 113:   // 'q'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x28, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x30, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xf8, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 114:   // 'r'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0xf8, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 115:   // 's'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x90, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 116:   // 't'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x08, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x7e, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 117:   // 'u'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x78, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xf8, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 118:   // 'v'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x38, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x40, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x38, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 119:   // 'w'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x78, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x60, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x80, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x78, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 120:   // 'x'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x50, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x20, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x50, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 121:   // 'y'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x18, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa0, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa0, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa0, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x78, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 122:   // 'z'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xc8, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xa8, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x98, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x88, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 123:   // '{'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x6c, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 124:   // '|'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0xfe, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 125:   // '}'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x82, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x6c, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x00, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        case 126:   // '~'
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x20, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x20, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x10, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        /*
+        case :  // ''
+        {
+            WriteCharCol(0x, x, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x, x+1, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x, x+2, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x, x+3, page, color);
+            WriteCharCol(0x, x+4, page, color);
+        }break;
+        */
+        default:    // not supported, print box
+        {
+            WriteData(0xfe);
+            WriteData(0xfe);
+            WriteData(0xfe);
+            WriteData(0xfe);
+            WriteData(0xfe);
+        }
+    }
+    WriteCharCol(0x00, x+5, page, color); //default last blank column of 6 x 8 character
+    CS1pin = 1;
diff -r 000000000000 -r 79ef6ebe51ae LM6029ACW.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LM6029ACW.h	Mon Feb 08 14:53:03 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* LM6029ACW Library v1.0
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Grant Phillips
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef LM6029ACW_H
+#define LM6029ACW_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define lcd_delayx      0.000001    //delay for writing and reading from lcd - 1us
+#define lcd_init_delay  0.001       //delay when initializing the lcd - 1ms
+/** Class library for a Topway LM6029ACW graphics LCD.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "LM6029ACW.h"
+ * 
+ * LM6029ACW lcd(PD_7, PE_2, PD_6, PD_3, PD_2, PC_15, PC_14, PC_13, PC_11, PC_9, PC_8, PC_6, PC_2);
+ * //            CS1   RES   RS    WR    RD    DB7    DB6    DB5    DB4    DB3   DB2   DB1   DB0
+ * 
+ * DigitalOut backlight(PB_7);
+ * 
+ * int main() { 
+ *     backlight = 0;                      //turn on the lcd's backlight
+ *     while(1) {
+ *         lcd.GotoXY(4, 3);               //move cursor to row, col
+ *         lcd.ClrScr(0);                  //clear all the pixels on the display
+ *         lcd.PutStr("Hello World!", 1);  //print text in black pixels
+ *         wait(2.0);
+ *         
+ *         lcd.GotoXY(4, 3);               //move cursor to row, col
+ *         lcd.ClrScr(1);                  //fill all the pixels on the display
+ *         lcd.PutStr("Hello World!", 0);  //print text in clear pixels
+ *         wait(2.0);
+ *     } 
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+class LM6029ACW {
+  public:
+    /** Create a LM6029ACW object for a graphics LCD connected to the specified pins. 
+    * @param CS1 Chip Select pin used to connect to LM6029ACW's CS1 pin
+    * @param RES Reset pin used to connect to LM6029ACW's RES pin
+    * @param RS Register Select pin used to connect to LM6029ACW's RS pin
+    * @param WR Write pin used to connect to LM6029ACW's WR pin
+    * @param RD Read pin used to connect to LM6029ACW's RD pin
+    * @param DB7-DB0 Data Bus pin useds to connect to LM6029ACW's DB7 - DB0 pins
+    */
+    LM6029ACW(PinName CS1, PinName RES, PinName RS, PinName WR, PinName RD, PinName DB7, PinName DB6, PinName DB5, PinName DB4, PinName DB3, PinName DB2, PinName DB1, PinName DB0);
+    /** Clears the lcd by clearing or filling all the pixels. 
+    * @param color Bit value; clear pixels(0) or fill pixels(1)
+    */
+    void ClrScr(unsigned char color);
+    /** Puts the lcd in power save mode - display off. 
+    */
+    void PowerSave(void);
+    /** Puts the lcd in normal power mode - display on. 
+    */
+    void PowerActive(void);
+    /** Draws a pixel on the lcd at the specified xy position. 
+    * @param x x position (0 - 127)
+    * @param y y position (0 - 63)
+    * @param color mode of the pixel; cleared(0), filled(1), or toggle(2)
+    */
+    void DrawPixel(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char color);
+    /** Draws a line on the lcd from x1,y1 to x2,y2. 
+    * @param x1 x1 position (0 - 127)
+    * @param y1 y1 position (0 - 63)
+    * @param x2 x2 position (0 - 127)
+    * @param y2 y2 position (0 - 63)
+    * @param color mode of the pixel; cleared(0), filled(1), or toggle(2)
+    */
+    void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned int color);
+    /** Draws a circle on the lcd at x,y with the option to fill it.  
+    * @param x x position (0 - 127)
+    * @param y y position (0 - 63)
+    * @param radius radius of the circle (0 - 127)
+    * @param fill circle must be filled (=1) or not filled (=0)
+    * @param color mode of the pixel; cleared(0), filled(1)
+    */
+    void DrawCircle(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char radius, unsigned char fill, unsigned char color);
+    /** Changes the position on the lcd of the current character cursor from where the next characters will be printed.
+    * @param x column position (0 - 20)
+    * @param y row position (0 - 7)
+    */
+    void GotoXY(unsigned char x, unsigned char y);
+    /** Prints a string on the lcd at the current character cursor position.
+    * @param str string (char array) to print
+    * @param color mode of the characters in the string; normal(1), inverted(0)
+    */
+    void PutStr(char *str, unsigned char color);
+    /** Prints a character on the lcd at the current character cursor position.
+    * @param c character to print
+    * @param color mode of the character; normal(1), inverted(0)
+    */
+    void PutChar(unsigned char c, unsigned char color);
+  private:
+    DigitalOut CS1pin, RESpin, RSpin, WRpin, RDpin;
+    BusOut DATApins;
+    unsigned char DisplayRAM[128][8];
+    unsigned char character_x, character_y;
+    /* Creates a delay which is simply a code loop which is independent from any hardware timers.
+    * @param del 16-bit value to represent the delay cycles
+    */
+    void Delay(unsigned int del);
+    /* Writes a COMMAND to the LM6029ACW lcd module.
+    * @param cmd The byte of command to write to the lcd
+    */
+    void WriteCommand(unsigned char cmd);
+    /* Writes DATA to the LM6029ACW lcd module.
+    * @param dat The byte of data to write to the lcd
+    */
+    void WriteData(unsigned char dat);
+    /* Set the display RAM page address.
+    * @param Page 4-bit value representing the page address (0 - 7)
+    */
+    void SetPage(unsigned char Page);
+    /* Set the column address counter.
+    * @param Page Byte value representing the column (0 - 127)
+    */
+    void SetColumn(unsigned char Col);
+    /** Initializes the LM6029ACW lcd module. 
+    */
+    void Init(void);
+    /* Used by LM6029ACW_DrawChar only updates the column and page numbers..
+    */
+    void WriteCharCol(unsigned char v, unsigned char x, unsigned char page, unsigned char color);
+    /* Used by LM6029ACW_PutChar() only and draws the specified character at byte level using a set font.
+    */
+    void DrawChar(unsigned char c, unsigned char x, unsigned char page, unsigned char color);
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