UAVX Multicopter Flight Controller.

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 62a1c91a859a params.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/params.c	Fri Feb 18 22:28:05 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+// ===============================================================================================
+// =                              UAVXArm Quadrocopter Controller                                =
+// =                           Copyright (c) 2008 by Prof. Greg Egan                             =
+// =                 Original V3.15 Copyright (c) 2007 Ing. Wolfgang Mahringer                   =
+// =                                 =
+// ===============================================================================================
+//    This is part of UAVXArm.
+//    UAVXArm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+//    General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+//    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//    UAVXArm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+//    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+//    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
+//    If not, see
+#include "UAVXArm.h"
+void ReadParameters(void);
+void UseDefaultParameters(void);
+void UpdateWhichParamSet(void);
+boolean ParameterSanityCheck(void);
+void InitParameters(void);
+#include "uavx_multicopter.h"
+#include "uavx_helicopter.h"
+#ifdef ELEVONS
+#include "uavx_elevon.h"
+#include "uavx_aileron.h"
+uint8 ParamSet;
+boolean ParametersChanged, SaveAllowTurnToWP;
+real32 K[MAX_PARAMETERS]; // Arm rescaled legacy parameters as appropriate
+real32 OSin[48], OCos[48];
+uint8 Orientation , PolarOrientation;
+uint8 UAVXAirframe;
+void Legacy(void) {
+    static uint8 p;
+    for ( p = 0; p <MAX_PARAMETERS; p++ ) // brute force
+        K[p] = (float)P[p];
+    // Rate Control
+    K[RollKp] *= 2.6;
+    K[RollKi] *= 20.7;
+    K[RollKd]  = -K[RollKd] * 0.021;
+    K[RollIntLimit] *= DEGRAD;
+    K[PitchKp] *= 2.6;
+    K[PitchKi] *= 20.7;
+    K[PitchKd]  = -K[PitchKd] * 0.021;
+    K[PitchIntLimit] *= DEGRAD;
+    K[YawKp] *= 2.6;
+    K[YawKi] *= 41.4;
+    K[YawKd]  = -K[YawKd] * 0.0004;
+    // Angle Control
+    // not yet
+    // Inertial Damping
+    K[VertDampKp] *= 0.1; // one click/MPS
+    K[HorizDampKp] *= 0.1;
+    K[VertDampDecay] *= 0.01;
+    K[HorizDampDecay] *= 0.01;
+    // Altitude Hold
+    K[AltKp] *= 0.625;
+    K[AltKi] *= 25.0;
+    K[AltKd] *= 0.125;
+    // Navigation
+    K[NavKi] *= 0.08;
+    K[NavKd] *= 0.0008;
+    K[Balance] = ( 128.0 + (float)P[Balance])/128.0;
+    K[CompassKp] = P[CompassKp] / 4096.0;
+    K[YawIntLimit] = P[YawIntLimit] * 256.0 /1000.0;
+    // Camera
+    K[CamRollKp] *= 5.0;
+    K[CamPitchKp] *= 5.0;
+    // Acceleration Neutrals
+    K[MiddleBF] = P[MiddleBF] * 0.001; // mG
+    K[MiddleLR] = P[MiddleLR] * 0.001;
+    K[MiddleUD] = P[MiddleUD] * 0.001;
+    K[LowVoltThres] *= 0.2;
+} // Legacy
+void ReadParameters(void) {
+    static int8 i, b, a;
+    if ( ParametersChanged ) {  // overkill if only a single parameter has changed but is not in flight loop
+        a = (ParamSet - 1)* MAX_PARAMETERS;
+        for ( i = 0; i < MAX_PARAMETERS; i++)
+            P[i] = ReadPX(a + i);
+        Legacy();
+        ESCMax = ESCLimits[P[ESCType]];
+        if ( P[ESCType] == ESCPPM )
+            ESCMin = 1;
+        else {
+            ESCMin = 0;
+            for ( i = 0; i < NoOfI2CESCOutputs; i++ )
+                ESCI2CFail[i] = 0;
+            InitI2CESCs();
+        }
+        b = P[ServoSense];
+        for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
+            if ( b & 1 )
+                PWMSense[i] = -1;
+            else
+                PWMSense[i] = 1;
+            b >>=1;
+        }
+        F.UsingPositionHoldLock = ( (P[ConfigBits] & UsePositionHoldLockMask ) != 0);
+        F.UsingPolarCoordinates = ( (P[ConfigBits] & UsePolarMask ) != 0);
+        for ( i = 0; i < CONTROLS; i++) // make reverse map
+            RMap[Map[P[TxRxType]][i]] = i;
+        IdleThrottle = Limit((int16)P[PercentIdleThr], 10, 30); // 10-30%
+        IdleThrottle = (IdleThrottle * OUT_MAXIMUM )/100L;
+        CruiseThrottle = ((int16)P[PercentCruiseThr] * OUT_MAXIMUM )/100L;
+        MaxCruiseThrottle = (RC_MAXIMUM * 60L * OUT_MAXIMUM)/100L; // 60%
+        NavNeutralRadius = Limit((int16)P[NeutralRadius], 0, NAV_MAX_NEUTRAL_RADIUS);
+        NavNeutralRadius = ConvertMToGPS(NavNeutralRadius);
+        NavYCorrLimit = Limit((int16)P[NavYawLimit], 5, 50);
+        MagDeviation = (real32)P[NavMagVar] * DEGRAD;
+        CompassOffset = ((real32)((int16)P[CompassOffsetQtr] * 90L) * DEGRAD );
+        InitCompass();
+        Orientation = P[Orient];
+        if (Orientation == 0xff ) // uninitialised
+            Orientation = 0;
+        Orientation = 0;
+#endif // MULTICOPTER
+        F.UsingSerialPPM = ( P[TxRxType] == FrSkyDJT_D8R ) || ( P[TxRxType] == ExternalDecoder ) || ( (P[ConfigBits] & RxSerialPPMMask ) != 0);
+        DoRxPolarity();
+        PPM_Index = PrevEdge = 0;
+        F.UsingPolar = ((P[ConfigBits] & UsePolarMask) != 0);
+        F.RFInInches = ((P[ConfigBits] & RFInchesMask) != 0);
+        F.UsingTxMode2 = ((P[ConfigBits] & TxMode2Mask) != 0);
+        if ( P[GyroRollPitchType] == IRSensors )
+            F.UsingAngleControl = true;
+        else
+            F.UsingAngleControl = ((P[ConfigBits] & UseAngleControlMask) != 0);
+        F.UsingRTHAutoDescend = ((P[ConfigBits] & UseRTHDescendMask) != 0);
+        NavRTHTimeoutmS = (uint24)P[DescentDelayS]*1000L;
+        BatteryVolts = K[LowVoltThres];
+        BatteryCurrent = 0;
+        F.ParametersValid = ParameterSanityCheck();
+        ParametersChanged = false;
+    }
+} // ReadParameters
+void UseDefaultParameters(void) { // loads a representative set of initial parameters as a base for tuning
+    int8 p, d;
+    static int16 a;
+    for ( a = 0; a < PX_LENGTH; a++ )
+        PX[a] = 0xff;
+    for ( p = 0; p < MAX_PARAMETERS; p++ ) {
+        d = DefaultParams[p][0];
+        WritePX(p, d);
+        WritePX(p+MAX_PARAMETERS, d);
+    }
+    WritePX(NAV_NO_WP, 0); // set NoOfWaypoints to zero
+    WritePXImagefile();
+    TxString("\r\nDefault Parameters Loaded\r\n");
+    TxString("Do a READ CONFIG to refresh the UAVPSet parameter display\r\n");
+} // UseDefaultParameters
+void UpdateParamSetChoice(void) {
+#define STICK_WINDOW 30
+    uint8 NewParamSet, NewAllowNavAltitudeHold, NewAllowTurnToWP;
+    int8 Selector;
+    NewParamSet = ParamSet;
+    NewAllowNavAltitudeHold = F.AllowNavAltitudeHold;
+    NewAllowTurnToWP = F.AllowTurnToWP;
+    if ( F.UsingTxMode2 )
+        Selector = DesiredRoll;
+    else
+        Selector = -DesiredYaw;
+    if ( (abs(DesiredPitch) > STICK_WINDOW) && (abs(Selector) > STICK_WINDOW) ) {
+        if ( DesiredPitch > STICK_WINDOW ) { // bottom
+            if ( Selector < -STICK_WINDOW ) // left
+            { // bottom left
+                NewParamSet = 1;
+                NewAllowNavAltitudeHold = true;
+            } else
+                if ( Selector > STICK_WINDOW ) // right
+                { // bottom right
+                    NewParamSet = 2;
+                    NewAllowNavAltitudeHold = true;
+                }
+        } else
+            if ( DesiredPitch < -STICK_WINDOW ) { // top
+                if ( Selector < -STICK_WINDOW ) { // left
+                    NewAllowNavAltitudeHold = false;
+                    NewParamSet = 1;
+                } else
+                    if ( Selector > STICK_WINDOW ) { // right
+                        NewAllowNavAltitudeHold = false;
+                        NewParamSet = 2;
+                    }
+            }
+        if ( ( NewParamSet != ParamSet ) || ( NewAllowNavAltitudeHold != F.AllowNavAltitudeHold ) ) {
+            ParamSet = NewParamSet;
+            F.AllowNavAltitudeHold = NewAllowNavAltitudeHold;
+            LEDBlue_ON;
+            DoBeep100mS(2, 2);
+            if ( ParamSet == (uint8)2 )
+                DoBeep100mS(2, 2);
+            if ( F.AllowNavAltitudeHold )
+                DoBeep100mS(4, 4);
+            ParametersChanged |= true;
+            Beeper_OFF;
+            LEDBlue_OFF;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( F.UsingTxMode2 )
+        Selector = -DesiredYaw;
+    else
+        Selector = DesiredRoll;
+    if ( (abs(RC[ThrottleC]) < STICK_WINDOW) && (abs(Selector) > STICK_WINDOW ) ) {
+        if ( Selector < -STICK_WINDOW ) // left
+            NewAllowTurnToWP = false;
+        else
+            if ( Selector > STICK_WINDOW ) // left
+                NewAllowTurnToWP = true; // right
+        if ( NewAllowTurnToWP != F.AllowTurnToWP ) {
+            F.AllowTurnToWP = NewAllowTurnToWP;
+            LEDBlue_ON;
+            //    if ( F.AllowTurnToWP )
+            DoBeep100mS(4, 2);
+            LEDBlue_OFF;
+        }
+    }
+    SaveAllowTurnToWP = F.AllowTurnToWP;
+} // UpdateParamSetChoice
+boolean ParameterSanityCheck(void) {
+    static boolean Fail;
+    Fail = (P[RollKp] == 0) ||
+           (P[PitchKp] == 0) ||
+           (P[YawKp] == 0);
+    return ( !Fail );
+} // ParameterSanityCheck
+void InitParameters(void) {
+    static int8 i;
+    static real32 A;
+    F.ParametersValid = false;
+    if ( !ReadPXImagefile() )
+        UseDefaultParameters();
+    UAVXAirframe = AF_TYPE;
+    for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
+        A = ((real32)i * PI)/24.0;
+        OSin[i] = sin(A);
+        OCos[i] = cos(A);
+    }
+    Orientation = 0;
+    ParametersChanged = true;
+    ParamSet = 1;
+    ReadParameters();
+} // InitParameters