UAVX Multicopter Flight Controller.

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 62a1c91a859a gps.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gps.c	Fri Feb 18 22:28:05 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+// ===============================================================================================
+// =                              UAVXArm Quadrocopter Controller                                =
+// =                           Copyright (c) 2008 by Prof. Greg Egan                             =
+// =                 Original V3.15 Copyright (c) 2007 Ing. Wolfgang Mahringer                   =
+// =                                 =
+// ===============================================================================================
+//    This is part of UAVXArm.
+//    UAVXArm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+//    General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+//    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//    UAVXArm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+//    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+//    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
+//    If not, see
+#include "UAVXArm.h"
+void UpdateField(void);
+int32 ConvertGPSToM(int32);
+int32 ConvertMToGPS(int32);
+int24 ConvertInt(uint8, uint8);
+real32 ConvertReal(uint8, uint8);
+int32 ConvertLatLonM(uint8, uint8);
+void ConvertUTime(uint8, uint8);
+void ConvertUDate(uint8, uint8);
+void ParseGPGGASentence(void);
+void ParseGPRMCSentence(void);
+void SetGPSOrigin(void);
+void ParseGPSSentence(void);
+void RxGPSPacket(uint8);
+void SetGPSOrigin(void);
+void DoGPS(void);
+void GPSTest(void);
+void UpdateGPS(void);
+void InitGPS(void);
+const uint8 NMEATags[MAX_NMEA_SENTENCES][5]= {
+    // NMEA
+    {'G','P','G','G','A'}, // full positioning fix
+    {'G','P','R','M','C'}, // main current position and heading
+uint8     GPSPacketTag;
+struct    tm  GPSTime;
+int32     GPSStartTime, GPSSeconds;
+int32     GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude;
+int32     OriginLatitude, OriginLongitude;
+int32     DesiredLatitude, DesiredLongitude;
+int32     LatitudeP, LongitudeP, HoldLatitude, HoldLongitude;
+real32    GPSAltitude, GPSRelAltitude, GPSOriginAltitude;
+real32    GPSLongitudeCorrection;
+real32    GPSHeading, GPSMagHeading, GPSMagDeviation, GPSVel, GPSVelp, GPSROC;
+int8      GPSNoOfSats;
+int8      GPSFix;
+int16     GPSHDilute;
+int32     FakeGPSLongitude, FakeGPSLatitude;
+uint8     ll, tt, ss, RxCh;
+uint8     GPSCheckSumChar, GPSTxCheckSum;
+uint8     nll, cc, lo, hi;
+boolean   EmptyField;
+int16     ValidGPSSentences;
+real32    GPSdT, GPSdTR;
+uint32    GPSuSp;
+int32     SumGPSRelAltitude, SumBaroRelAltitude;
+int32 ConvertGPSToM(int32 c) {   // approximately 1.8553257183 cm per LSB at the Equator
+    // conversion max is 21Km
+    return ( ((int32)c * (int32)1855)/((int32)100000) );
+} // ConvertGPSToM
+int32 ConvertMToGPS(int32 c) {
+    // conversion max is 21Km
+    return ( ((int32)c * (int32)100000)/((int32)1855) );
+} // ConvertMToGPS
+int24 ConvertInt(uint8 lo, uint8 hi) {
+    static uint8 i;
+    static int24 r;
+    r = 0;
+    if ( !EmptyField )
+        for (i = lo; i <= hi ; i++ )
+            r = r * 10 + NMEA.s[i] - '0';
+    return (r);
+} // ConvertInt
+real32 ConvertReal(uint8 lo, uint8 hi) {
+    int16 i, n, dp;
+    boolean Positive;
+    int16 whole;
+    real32 rval;
+    if (EmptyField)
+        rval=0.0;
+    else {
+        if (NMEA.s[lo]=='-') {
+            Positive=false;
+            lo++;
+        } else
+            Positive=true;
+        dp=lo;
+        while ((NMEA.s[dp] != '.')&&(dp<=hi))
+            dp++;
+        whole=ConvertInt(lo, dp-1);
+        rval=ConvertInt(dp + 1, hi);
+        n=hi-dp;
+        for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
+            rval/=10.0;
+        if (Positive)
+            rval=(whole+rval);
+        else
+            rval=-(whole+rval);
+    }
+    return(rval);
+} // ConvertReal
+int32 ConvertLatLonM(uint8 lo, uint8 hi) {    // NMEA coordinates normally assumed as DDDMM.MMMMM ie 5 decimal minute digits
+    // but code can deal with 4 and 5 decimal minutes
+    // Positions are stored at 5 decimal minute NMEA resolution which is
+    // approximately 1.855 cm per LSB at the Equator.
+    static int32 dd, mm, dm, r;
+    static uint8 dp;
+    r = 0;
+    if ( !EmptyField ) {
+        dp = lo + 4; // could do this in initialisation for Lat and Lon?
+        while ( NMEA.s[dp] != '.') dp++;
+        dd = ConvertInt(lo, dp - 3);
+        mm = ConvertInt(dp - 2 , dp - 1);
+        if ( ( hi - dp ) > (uint8)4 )
+            dm = ConvertInt(dp + 1, dp + 5);
+        else
+            dm = ConvertInt(dp + 1, dp + 4) * 10L;
+        r = dd * 6000000 + mm * 100000 + dm;
+    }
+    return(r);
+} // ConvertLatLonM
+void ConvertUTime(uint8 lo, uint8 hi) {
+    if ( !EmptyField ) {
+        GPSTime.tm_hour = ConvertInt(lo, lo+1);
+        GPSTime.tm_min = ConvertInt(lo+2, lo+3);
+        GPSTime.tm_sec = ConvertInt(lo+4, lo+5);
+        GPSSeconds = (int32)GPSTime.tm_hour * 3600 + GPSTime.tm_min * 60 + GPSTime.tm_sec;
+    }
+} // ConvertUTime
+void ConvertUDate(uint8 lo, uint8 hi) {
+    static time_t seconds;
+//   if ( !EmptyField && !F.RTCValid )
+    {
+        GPSTime.tm_mday = ConvertInt(lo, lo + 1);
+        GPSTime.tm_mon = ConvertInt(lo + 2, lo + 3) - 1;
+        GPSTime.tm_year = ConvertInt( lo + 4, hi ) + 100;
+        seconds = mktime ( &GPSTime );
+        set_time( seconds );
+        F.RTCValid = true;
+    }
+} // ConvertUDate
+void UpdateField(void) {
+    static uint8 ch;
+    lo = cc;
+    ch = NMEA.s[cc];
+    while (( ch != ',' ) && ( ch != '*' ) && ( cc < nll ))
+        ch = NMEA.s[++cc];
+    hi = cc - 1;
+    cc++;
+    EmptyField = hi < lo;
+} // UpdateField
+void ParseGPGGASentence(void) {    // full position $GPGGA fix
+    UpdateField();
+    UpdateField();   //UTime
+    ConvertUTime(lo,hi);
+    UpdateField();       //Lat
+    GPSLatitude = ConvertLatLonM(lo, hi);
+    UpdateField();   //LatH
+    if (NMEA.s[lo] == 'S') GPSLatitude = -GPSLatitude;
+    UpdateField();       //Lon
+    GPSLongitude = ConvertLatLonM(lo, hi);
+    UpdateField();       //LonH
+    if (NMEA.s[lo] == 'W') GPSLongitude = -GPSLongitude;
+    UpdateField();       //Fix
+    GPSFix = (uint8)(ConvertInt(lo,hi));
+    UpdateField();       //Sats
+    GPSNoOfSats = (uint8)(ConvertInt(lo,hi));
+    UpdateField();       // HDilute
+    GPSHDilute = ConvertInt(lo, hi-3) * 100 + ConvertInt(hi-1, hi); // Cm
+    UpdateField();       // Alt
+    GPSAltitude = real32(ConvertInt(lo, hi-2) * 10L + ConvertInt(hi, hi)); // Metres
+    //UpdateField();   // AltUnit - assume Metres!
+    //UpdateField();   // GHeight
+    //UpdateField();   // GHeightUnit
+    F.GPSValid = (GPSFix >= GPS_MIN_FIX) && ( GPSNoOfSats >= GPS_MIN_SATELLITES );
+    if ( State == InFlight ) {
+        if ( GPSHDilute > Stats[MaxHDiluteS] ) {
+            Stats[MaxHDiluteS] = GPSHDilute;
+            F.GPSFailure = GPSHDilute > 150;
+        } else
+            if ( GPSHDilute < Stats[MinHDiluteS] )
+                Stats[MinHDiluteS] = GPSHDilute;
+        if ( GPSNoOfSats > Stats[GPSMaxSatsS] )
+            Stats[GPSMaxSatsS] = GPSNoOfSats;
+        else
+            if ( GPSNoOfSats < Stats[GPSMinSatsS] )
+                Stats[GPSMinSatsS] = GPSNoOfSats;
+    }
+} // ParseGPGGASentence
+void ParseGPRMCSentence() { // main current position and heading
+    // uint32 UTime;
+    UpdateField();
+    UpdateField();   //UTime
+    //UTime = ConvertUTime(lo,hi);
+    // GPSMissionTime =(int) (UTime-GPSStartTime);
+    UpdateField();
+    if ( NMEA.s[lo] == 'A' ) {
+        UpdateField();   //Lat
+        GPSLatitude = ConvertLatLonM(lo,hi);
+        UpdateField();   //LatH
+        if (NMEA.s[lo] == 'S')
+            GPSLatitude= -GPSLatitude;
+        UpdateField();   //Lon
+        GPSLongitude = ConvertLatLonM(lo,hi);
+        UpdateField();   //LonH
+        if ( NMEA.s[lo] == 'W' )
+           GPSLongitude = -GPSLongitude;
+        UpdateField();   // Groundspeed (Knots)
+        GPSVel = ConvertReal(lo, hi) * 0.514444444; // KTTOMPS
+        UpdateField();   // True course made good (Degrees)
+        GPSHeading = ConvertReal(lo, hi) * DEGRAD;
+        UpdateField();   //UDate
+        ConvertUDate(lo, hi);
+        UpdateField();   // Magnetic Deviation (Degrees)
+        GPSMagDeviation = ConvertReal(lo, hi) * DEGRAD;
+        UpdateField();   // East/West
+        if ( NMEA.s[lo] == 'W')
+            GPSMagHeading = GPSHeading - GPSMagDeviation; // need to check sign????
+        else
+            GPSMagHeading = GPSHeading +  GPSMagDeviation;
+        F.HaveGPRMC = true;
+    } else
+        F.HaveGPRMC = false;
+} // ParseGPRMCSentence
+void SetGPSOrigin(void) {
+    if ( ( ValidGPSSentences == GPS_ORIGIN_SENTENCES ) && F.GPSValid ) {
+        GPSStartTime = GPSSeconds;
+        OriginLatitude = DesiredLatitude = HoldLatitude = LatitudeP = GPSLatitude;
+        OriginLongitude = DesiredLongitude = HoldLongitude = LongitudeP = GPSLongitude;
+        GPSVel = 0;
+#ifdef SIMULATE
+        FakeGPSLongitude = GPSLongitude;
+        FakeGPSLatitude = GPSLatitude;
+#endif // SIMULATE
+        mS[LastGPS] = mSClock();
+        GPSLongitudeCorrection = cos(fabs((real32)(GPSLatitude/600000L) * DEGRAD));
+        GPSOriginAltitude = GPSAltitude;
+        Write16PX(NAV_ORIGIN_ALT, (int16)(GPSAltitude/100));
+        Write32PX(NAV_ORIGIN_LAT, GPSLatitude);
+        Write32PX(NAV_ORIGIN_LON, GPSLongitude);
+        if ( !F.NavValid ) {
+            DoBeep100mS(2,0);
+            Stats[NavValidS] = true;
+            F.NavValid = true;
+        }
+        F.AcquireNewPosition = true;
+    }
+} // SetGPSOrigin
+void ParseGPSSentence(void) {
+    static uint32 Now;
+#define FAKE_NORTH_WIND       0L
+#define FAKE_EAST_WIND        0L
+#define SCALE_VEL             64L
+    cc = 0;
+    nll = NMEA.length;
+    switch ( GPSPacketTag ) {
+        case GPGGAPacketTag:
+            ParseGPGGASentence();
+            break;
+        case GPRMCPacketTag:
+            ParseGPRMCSentence();
+            break;
+    }
+    if ( F.GPSValid ) {
+        // all coordinates in 0.00001 Minutes or ~1.8553cm relative to Origin
+        // There is a lot of jitter in position - could use Kalman Estimator?
+        Now = uSClock();
+        GPSdT = ( Now - GPSuSp) * 0.0000001;
+        GPSdTR = 1.0 / GPSdT;
+        GPSuSp = Now;
+        if ( ValidGPSSentences <  GPS_ORIGIN_SENTENCES ) {  // repetition to ensure GPGGA altitude is captured
+            F.GPSValid = false;
+            if ( ( GPSPacketTag == GPGGAPacketTag ) && ( GPSHDilute <= GPS_MIN_HDILUTE ))
+                ValidGPSSentences++;
+            else
+                ValidGPSSentences = 0;
+        }
+#ifdef SIMULATE
+        if ( State == InFlight ) { // don't bother with GPS longitude correction for now?
+            CosH = int16cos(Heading);
+            SinH = int16sin(Heading);
+            GPSLongitude = FakeGPSLongitude + ((int32)(-FakeDesiredPitch) * SinH)/SCALE_VEL;
+            GPSLatitude = FakeGPSLatitude + ((int32)(-FakeDesiredPitch) * CosH)/SCALE_VEL;
+            A = Make2Pi(Heading + HALFMILLIPI);
+            CosH = int16cos(A);
+            SinH = int16sin(A);
+            GPSLongitude += ((int32)FakeDesiredRoll * SinH) / SCALE_VEL;
+            GPSLongitude += FAKE_EAST_WIND; // wind
+            GPSLatitude += ((int32)FakeDesiredRoll * CosH) / SCALE_VEL;
+            GPSLatitude += FAKE_NORTH_WIND; // wind
+            FakeGPSLongitude = GPSLongitude;
+            FakeGPSLatitude = GPSLatitude;
+            GPSRelAltitude = BaroRelAltitude;
+        }
+        if (F.NavValid )
+            GPSRelAltitude = GPSAltitude - GPSOriginAltitude;
+#endif // SIMULATE
+        // possibly add GPS filtering here
+        if ( State == InFlight ) {
+            if ( GPSRelAltitude > Stats[GPSAltitudeS] )
+                Stats[GPSAltitudeS] = GPSRelAltitude;
+            if ( GPSVel * 10.0 > Stats[GPSVelS] )
+                Stats[GPSVelS] = GPSVel * 10.0;
+            if (( BaroRelAltitude > 5.0 ) && ( BaroRelAltitude < 15.0 )) { // 5-15M
+                SumGPSRelAltitude += GPSRelAltitude;
+                SumBaroRelAltitude += BaroRelAltitude;
+            }
+        }
+    } else
+        if ( State == InFlight )
+            Stats[GPSInvalidS]++;
+} // ParseGPSSentence
+void RxGPSPacket(uint8 RxCh) {
+    switch ( RxState ) {
+        case WaitCheckSum:
+            if (GPSCheckSumChar < (uint8)2) {
+                GPSTxCheckSum *= 16;
+                if ( RxCh >= 'A' )
+                    GPSTxCheckSum += ( RxCh - ('A' - 10) );
+                else
+                    GPSTxCheckSum += ( RxCh - '0' );
+                GPSCheckSumChar++;
+            } else {
+                NMEA.length = ll;
+                F.GPSPacketReceived = GPSTxCheckSum == RxCheckSum;
+                RxState = WaitSentinel;
+            }
+            break;
+        case WaitBody:
+            if ( RxCh == '*' ) {
+                GPSCheckSumChar = GPSTxCheckSum = 0;
+                RxState = WaitCheckSum;
+            } else
+                if ( RxCh == '$' ) { // abort partial Sentence
+                    ll = tt = RxCheckSum = 0;
+                    RxState = WaitTag;
+                } else {
+                    RxCheckSum ^= RxCh;
+                    NMEA.s[ll++] = RxCh;
+                    if ( ll > (uint8)( GPSRXBUFFLENGTH-1 ) )
+                        RxState = WaitSentinel;
+                }
+            break;
+        case WaitTag:
+            RxCheckSum ^= RxCh;
+            while ( ( RxCh != NMEATags[ss][tt] ) && ( ss < MAX_NMEA_SENTENCES ) ) ss++;
+            if ( RxCh == NMEATags[ss][tt] )
+                if ( tt == (uint8)NMEA_TAG_INDEX ) {
+                    GPSPacketTag = ss;
+                    RxState = WaitBody;
+                } else
+                    tt++;
+            else
+                RxState = WaitSentinel;
+            break;
+        case WaitSentinel: // highest priority skipping unused sentence types
+            if ( RxCh == '$' ) {
+                ll = tt = ss = RxCheckSum = 0;
+                RxState = WaitTag;
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+} // RxGPSPacket
+void UpdateGPS(void) {
+    if ( F.GPSPacketReceived ) {
+        LEDBlue_TOG;
+        F.GPSPacketReceived = false;
+        ParseGPSSentence();
+        if ( F.GPSValid ) {
+            F.NavComputed = false;
+            mS[GPSTimeout] = mSClock() + GPS_TIMEOUT_MS;
+        } else {
+            NavCorr[Pitch] = DecayX(NavCorr[Pitch], 2);
+            NavCorr[Roll] = DecayX(NavCorr[Roll], 2);
+            NavCorr[Yaw] = 0;
+        }
+    } else
+        if ( mSClock() > mS[GPSTimeout] )
+            F.GPSValid = false;
+    if ( F.GPSValid )
+        LEDRed_OFF;
+    else
+        LEDRed_ON;
+} // UpdateGPS
+void GPSTest(void) {
+    static uint8 i;
+    TxString("\r\nGPS test\r\n\r\n");
+    UpdateGPS();
+    UpdateRTC();
+    i = 0;
+    while ( RTCString[i] != NULL )
+        TxChar(RTCString[i++]);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("Fix:     \t");
+    TxVal32(GPSFix,0,0);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("Sats:    \t");
+    TxVal32(GPSNoOfSats,0,0);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("HDilute: \t");
+    TxVal32(GPSHDilute,2,0);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("Alt:     \t");
+    TxVal32(GPSAltitude,1,0);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("Lat:     \t");
+    TxVal32(GPSLatitude/600, 4, 0);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("Lon:     \t");
+    TxVal32(GPSLongitude/600, 4, 0);
+    if ( F.HaveGPRMC ) {
+        TxString("\r\nVel.   :\t");
+        TxVal32(GPSVel * 10.0 , 1, 0);
+        TxString("\r\nHeading:\t");
+        TxVal32(GPSHeading * RADDEG * 10.0 , 1, 0);
+        TxString("\r\nMDev.  :\t");
+        TxVal32(GPSMagDeviation * RADDEG * 10.0 , 1, 0);
+        TxNextLine();
+    }
+    TxNextLine();
+} // GPSTest
+void InitGPS(void) {
+    cc = 0;
+    GPSuSp = uSClock();
+    GPSLongitudeCorrection = 1.0;
+    GPSSeconds = GPSFix = GPSNoOfSats = GPSHDilute = 0;
+    GPSRelAltitude =  GPSAltitude = GPSMagDeviation = GPSHeading = GPSVel = 0.0;
+    GPSPacketTag = GPSUnknownPacketTag;
+    GPSTime.tm_hour = GPSTime.tm_min = GPSTime.tm_sec = GPSTime.tm_mday = GPSTime.tm_mon = GPSTime.tm_year = 0;
+    OriginLatitude = DesiredLatitude = HoldLatitude = LatitudeP = GPSLatitude = 0;
+    OriginLongitude = DesiredLongitude = HoldLongitude = LongitudeP = GPSLongitude = 0;
+    Write32PX(NAV_ORIGIN_LAT, 0);
+    Write32PX(NAV_ORIGIN_LON, 0);
+    Write16PX(NAV_ORIGIN_ALT, 0);
+    ValidGPSSentences = 0;
+    SumGPSRelAltitude = SumBaroRelAltitude = 0;
+    F.NavValid = F.GPSValid = F.GPSPacketReceived = false;
+    RxState = WaitSentinel;
+} // InitGPS