UAVX Multicopter Flight Controller.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autonomous.c	Fri Feb 18 22:28:05 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+// ===============================================================================================
+// =                              UAVXArm Quadrocopter Controller                                =
+// =                           Copyright (c) 2008 by Prof. Greg Egan                             =
+// =                 Original V3.15 Copyright (c) 2007 Ing. Wolfgang Mahringer                   =
+// =                                 =
+// ===============================================================================================
+//    This is part of UAVXArm.
+//    UAVXArm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+//    General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+//    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//    UAVXArm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+//    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+//    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
+//    If not, see
+#include "UAVXArm.h"
+void DoShutdown(void);
+void DoPolarOrientation(void);
+void Navigate(int32, int32);
+void SetDesiredAltitude(int16);
+void DoFailsafeLanding(void);
+void AcquireHoldPosition(void);
+void NavGainSchedule(int16);
+void DoNavigation(void);
+void DoPPMFailsafe(void);
+void UAVXNavCommand(void);
+void GetWayPointPX(int8);
+void InitNavigation(void);
+real32 NavCorr[3], NavCorrp[3];
+real32 NavE[3], NavEp[3], NavIntE[3];
+int16 NavYCorrLimit;
+#ifdef SIMULATE
+int16 FakeDesiredRoll, FakeDesiredPitch, FakeDesiredYaw, FakeHeading;
+#endif // SIMULATE
+typedef union {
+    uint8 b[256];
+    struct {
+        uint8 u0;
+        int16 u1;
+        int8 u3;
+        int8 u4;
+        uint16 u5;
+        uint16 u6;
+        uint8 NoOfWPs;
+        uint8 ProximityAltitude;
+        uint8 ProximityRadius;
+        int16 OriginAltitude;
+        int32 OriginLatitude;
+        int32 OriginLongitude;
+        int16 RTHAltitude;
+        struct {
+            int32 Latitude;
+            int32 Longitude;
+            int16 Altitude;
+            int8 Loiter;
+        } WP[23];
+    };
+} UAVXNav;
+uint8 BufferPX[256];
+int8     CurrWP;
+int8     NoOfWayPoints;
+int16    WPAltitude;
+int32    WPLatitude, WPLongitude;
+int24    WPLoiter;
+real32   WayHeading;
+real32   NavPolarRadius, NavNeutralRadius, NavProximityRadius, NavProximityAltitude;
+int24    NavRTHTimeoutmS;
+int8     NavState;
+int16    NavSensitivity, RollPitchMax;
+int16    AltSum;
+void DoShutdown(void)
+    State = Shutdown;
+    DesiredThrottle = 0;
+    StopMotors();
+} // DoShutdown
+void SetDesiredAltitude(int16 NewDesiredAltitude) { // Metres
+    if ( F.AllowNavAltitudeHold && F.AltHoldEnabled ) {
+        AltSum = 0;
+        DesiredAltitude = NewDesiredAltitude * 10L; // Decimetres
+    }
+} // SetDesiredAltitude
+void DoFailsafeLanding(void) {
+    // InTheAir micro switch RC0 Pin 11 to ground when landed
+    const boolean InTheAir = true;
+    DesiredAltitude = -20.0;
+if ( F.BaroAltitudeValid )
+    {
+        if ( Altitude > LAND_M )
+            mS[NavStateTimeout] = mSClock() + NAV_RTH_LAND_TIMEOUT_MS;
+        if ( !InTheAir || (( mSClock() > mS[NavStateTimeout] ) 
+            && ( F.ForceFailsafe || ( NavState == Touchdown ) || (FailState == Terminated))) )
+            DoShutdown();
+        else
+            DesiredThrottle = CruiseThrottle;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ( mSClock() > mS[DescentUpdate] )
+        {
+            mS[DescentUpdate] = mSClock() + ALT_DESCENT_UPDATE_MS;
+            DesiredThrottle = CruiseThrottle - DescentComp;
+            if ( DesiredThrottle < IdleThrottle )
+                StopMotors();
+            else
+                if ( DescentComp < CruiseThrottle )
+                    DescentComp++;        
+        }
+    }
+} // DoFailsafeLanding
+void FailsafeHoldPosition(void) {
+    DesiredRoll = DesiredPitch = DesiredYaw = 0;
+    if ( F.GPSValid && F.CompassValid )
+        Navigate(HoldLatitude, HoldLongitude);
+} // FailsafeHoldPosition
+void AcquireHoldPosition(void) {
+    static int8 i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < (uint8)3; i++ )
+        NavCorr[i] = NavCorrp[i]  =  0;
+    F.NavComputed = false;
+    HoldLatitude = GPSLatitude;
+    HoldLongitude = GPSLongitude;
+    F.WayPointAchieved = F.WayPointCentred = F.AcquireNewPosition = false;
+    NavState = HoldingStation;
+} // AcquireHoldPosition
+void DoPolarOrientation(void) {
+    static real32 EastDiff, NorthDiff, Radius;
+    static real32 DesiredRelativeHeading;
+    static int16 P;
+    F.UsingPolar = F.UsingPolarCoordinates && F.NavValid && ( NavState == HoldingStation );
+    if ( F.UsingPolar ) { // needs rethink - probably arm using RTH switch
+        EastDiff = (OriginLongitude - GPSLongitude) * GPSLongitudeCorrection;
+        NorthDiff = OriginLatitude - GPSLatitude;
+        Radius = Max(abs(EastDiff), abs(NorthDiff));
+        if ( Radius > NavPolarRadius ) {
+            DesiredRelativeHeading = Make2Pi(atan2((real32)EastDiff, (real32)NorthDiff) - PI - Heading );
+            P = ( (int24)DesiredRelativeHeading * 24L + HALFPI )/ PI + Orientation;
+            while ( P > 24 ) P -=24;
+            while ( P < 0 ) P +=24;
+        } else
+            P = 0;
+    } else
+        P = 0;
+    PolarOrientation = P;;
+} // DoPolarOrientation
+void Navigate(int32 NavLatitude, int32 NavLongitude ) {
+    // F.GPSValid must be true immediately prior to entry
+    // This routine does not point the quadrocopter at the destination
+    // waypoint. It simply rolls/pitches towards the destination.
+    // GPS coordinates MUST be int32 to allow sufficient range - real32 is insufficient.
+    static real32 RelHeadingSin, RelHeadingCos;
+    static real32 Radius;
+    static real32 AltE;
+    static real32 EastDiff, NorthDiff;
+    static real32 RelHeading;
+    static uint8 a;
+    static real32 Diff, NavP, NavI, NavD;
+    DoPolarOrientation();
+    DesiredLatitude = NavLatitude;
+    DesiredLongitude = NavLongitude;
+    EastDiff = (real32)(DesiredLongitude - GPSLongitude) * GPSLongitudeCorrection;
+    NorthDiff = (real32)(DesiredLatitude - GPSLatitude);
+    Radius = sqrt( Sqr(EastDiff) + Sqr(NorthDiff) );
+    F.WayPointCentred =  Radius < NavNeutralRadius;
+    AltE = DesiredAltitude - Altitude;
+    F.WayPointAchieved = ( Radius < NavProximityRadius ) && ( abs(AltE) < NavProximityAltitude );
+    WayHeading = Make2Pi(atan2((real32)EastDiff, (real32)NorthDiff));
+    RelHeading = MakePi(WayHeading - Heading); // make +/- MilliPi
+    if ( ( NavSensitivity > NAV_SENS_THRESHOLD ) && !F.WayPointCentred ) {
+#ifdef NAV_WING
+        // no Nav for conventional aircraft - yet!
+        NavCorr[Pitch] = -5; // always moving forward
+        // Just use simple rudder only for now.
+        if ( !F.WayPointAchieved ) {
+            NavCorr[Yaw] = -(RelHeading * NAV_YAW_LIMIT) / HALFPI;
+            NavCorr[Yaw] = Limit(NavCorr[Yaw], -NAV_YAW_LIMIT, NAV_YAW_LIMIT); // gently!
+        }
+        // revert to original simpler version from UAVP->UAVX transition
+        RelHeadingSin = sin(RelHeading);
+        RelHeadingCos = cos(RelHeading);
+        NavE[Roll] = Radius * RelHeadingSin;
+        NavE[Pitch] = -Radius * RelHeadingCos;
+        // Roll & Pitch
+        for ( a = 0; a < (uint8)2 ; a++ ) {
+            NavP = Limit(NavE[a], -NAV_MAX_ROLL_PITCH, NAV_MAX_ROLL_PITCH);
+            NavIntE[a] += NavE[a];
+            NavIntE[a] = Limit(NavIntE[a], -K[NavIntLimit], K[NavIntLimit]);
+            NavI = NavIntE[a] * K[NavKi] * GPSdT;
+            NavIntE[a] = Decay1(NavIntE[a]);
+            Diff = (NavEp[a] - NavE[a]);
+            Diff = Limit(Diff, -256, 256);
+            NavD = Diff * K[NavKd] * GPSdTR;
+            NavD = Limit(NavD, -NAV_DIFF_LIMIT, NAV_DIFF_LIMIT);
+            NavEp[a] = NavE[a];
+            NavCorr[a] = (NavP + NavI + NavD ) * NavSensitivity;
+            NavCorr[a] = SlewLimit(NavCorrp[a], NavCorr[a], NAV_CORR_SLEW_LIMIT);
+            NavCorr[a] = Limit(NavCorr[a], -NAV_MAX_ROLL_PITCH, NAV_MAX_ROLL_PITCH);
+            NavCorrp[a] = NavCorr[a];
+        }
+        // Yaw
+        if ( F.AllowTurnToWP && !F.WayPointAchieved ) {
+            RelHeading = MakePi(WayHeading - Heading); // make +/- MilliPi
+            NavCorr[Yaw] = -(RelHeading * NavYCorrLimit) / HALFPI;
+            NavCorr[Yaw] = Limit(NavCorr[Yaw], -NavYCorrLimit, NavYCorrLimit); // gently!
+        } else
+            NavCorr[Yaw] = 0;
+#endif // NAV_WING    
+    } else {
+        // Neutral Zone - no GPS influence
+        NavCorr[Pitch] = DecayX(NavCorr[Pitch], 2);
+        NavCorr[Roll] = DecayX(NavCorr[Roll], 2);
+        NavCorr[Yaw] = 0;
+        NavIntE[Roll] = NavIntE[Pitch] = NavEp[Roll] = NavEp[Pitch] = 0;
+    }
+    F.NavComputed = true;
+} // Navigate
+void DoNavigation(void) {
+    F.NavigationActive = F.GPSValid && F.CompassValid && ( mSClock() > mS[NavActiveTime]);
+    if ( F.NavigationActive ) {
+            F.LostModel = F.ForceFailsafe = false;
+        if ( !F.NavComputed )
+            switch ( NavState ) { // most case last - switches in C18 are IF chains not branch tables!
+                case Touchdown:
+                    Navigate(OriginLatitude, OriginLongitude);
+                    DoFailsafeLanding();
+                    break;
+                case Descending:
+                    Navigate( OriginLatitude, OriginLongitude );
+                    if ( F.ReturnHome || F.Navigate )
+#ifdef NAV_WING
+                    {
+                        // needs more thought - runway direction?
+                        DoFailsafeLanding();
+                    }
+                        if ( Altitude < LAND_M ) {
+                            mS[NavStateTimeout] = mSClock() + NAV_RTH_LAND_TIMEOUT_MS;
+                            NavState = Touchdown;
+                        } else
+                            DoFailsafeLanding();
+#endif // NAV_WING
+                    else
+                        AcquireHoldPosition();
+                    break;
+                case AtHome:
+                    Navigate(OriginLatitude, OriginLongitude);
+                    SetDesiredAltitude((int16)P[NavRTHAlt]);
+                    if ( F.ReturnHome || F.Navigate )
+                        if ( F.WayPointAchieved ) { // check still @ Home
+                            if ( F.UsingRTHAutoDescend && ( mSClock() > mS[NavStateTimeout] ) )
+                                NavState = Descending;
+                        } else
+                            NavState = ReturningHome;
+                    else
+                        AcquireHoldPosition();
+                    break;
+                case ReturningHome:
+                    Navigate(OriginLatitude, OriginLongitude);
+                    SetDesiredAltitude((int16)P[NavRTHAlt]);
+                    if ( F.ReturnHome || F.Navigate ) {
+                        if ( F.WayPointAchieved ) {
+                            mS[NavStateTimeout] = mSClock() + NavRTHTimeoutmS;
+                            NavState = AtHome;
+                        }
+                    } else
+                        AcquireHoldPosition();
+                    break;
+                case Loitering:
+                    Navigate(WPLatitude, WPLongitude);
+                    SetDesiredAltitude(WPAltitude);
+                    if ( F.Navigate ) {
+                        if ( F.WayPointAchieved && (mSClock() > mS[NavStateTimeout]) )
+                            if ( CurrWP == NoOfWayPoints ) {
+                                CurrWP = 1;
+                                NavState = ReturningHome;
+                            } else {
+                                GetWayPointPX(++CurrWP);
+                                NavState = Navigating;
+                            }
+                    } else
+                        AcquireHoldPosition();
+                    break;
+                case Navigating:
+                    Navigate(WPLatitude, WPLongitude);
+                    SetDesiredAltitude(WPAltitude);
+                    if ( F.Navigate ) {
+                        if ( F.WayPointAchieved ) {
+                            mS[NavStateTimeout] = mSClock() + WPLoiter;
+                            NavState = Loitering;
+                        }
+                    } else
+                        AcquireHoldPosition();
+                    break;
+                case HoldingStation:
+                    if ( F.AttitudeHold ) {
+                        if ( F.AcquireNewPosition && !( F.Ch5Active & F.UsingPositionHoldLock ) ) {
+                            F.AllowTurnToWP = SaveAllowTurnToWP;
+                            AcquireHoldPosition();
+                            if ( !F.BeeperInUse ) {
+                                mS[BeeperTimeout] = mSClock() + 500L;
+                                Beeper_ON;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else
+                        F.AcquireNewPosition = true;
+                    Navigate(HoldLatitude, HoldLongitude);
+                    if ( F.NavValid && F.NearLevel )  // Origin must be valid for ANY navigation!
+                        if ( F.Navigate ) {
+                            GetWayPointPX(CurrWP); // resume from previous WP
+                            SetDesiredAltitude(WPAltitude);
+                            NavState = Navigating;
+                        } else
+                            if ( F.ReturnHome )
+                                NavState = ReturningHome;
+                    break;
+            } // switch NavState
+    } else
+        if ( F.ForceFailsafe && F.NewCommands )
+        {
+            F.AltHoldEnabled = F.AllowNavAltitudeHold = true;
+            F.LostModel = true;
+            DoFailsafeLanding();
+        }
+        else // kill nav correction immediately
+             NavCorr[Pitch] = NavCorr[Roll] = NavCorr[Yaw] = 0; // zzz
+    F.NewCommands = false;    // Navigate modifies Desired Roll, Pitch and Yaw values.
+} // DoNavigation
+void CheckFailsafeAbort(void) {
+    if ( mSClock() > mS[AbortTimeout] ) {
+        if ( F.Signal ) {
+            LEDGreen_ON;
+            mS[NavStateTimeout] = 0;
+            mS[FailsafeTimeout] = mSClock() + FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT_MS; // may be redundant?
+            NavState = HoldingStation;
+            FailState = MonitoringRx;
+        }
+    } else
+        mS[AbortTimeout] += ABORT_UPDATE_MS;
+} // CheckFailsafeAbort
+void DoPPMFailsafe(void) { // only relevant to PPM Rx or Quad NOT synchronising with Rx
+    if ( State == InFlight )
+        switch ( FailState ) { // FailStates { MonitoringRx, Aborting, Terminating, Terminated }
+            case Terminated: // Basic assumption is that aircraft is being flown over a safe area!
+                FailsafeHoldPosition();
+                DoFailsafeLanding();
+                break;
+            case Terminating:
+                FailsafeHoldPosition();
+                if ( Altitude < LAND_M ) {
+                    mS[NavStateTimeout] = mSClock() + NAV_RTH_LAND_TIMEOUT_MS;
+                    NavState = Touchdown;
+                    FailState = Terminated;
+                }
+                DoFailsafeLanding();
+                break;
+            case Aborting:
+                FailsafeHoldPosition();
+                F.AltHoldEnabled = true;
+                SetDesiredAltitude((int16)P[NavRTHAlt]);
+                if ( mSClock() > mS[NavStateTimeout] ) {
+                    F.LostModel = true;
+                    LEDGreen_OFF;
+                    LEDRed_ON;
+                    mS[NavStateTimeout] = mSClock() + NAV_RTH_LAND_TIMEOUT_MS;
+                    NavState = Descending;
+                    FailState = Terminating;
+                } else
+                    CheckFailsafeAbort();
+                break;
+            case MonitoringRx:
+                if ( mSClock() > mS[FailsafeTimeout] ) {
+                    // use last "good" throttle
+                    Stats[RCFailsafesS]++;
+                    if ( F.GPSValid && F.CompassValid )
+                        mS[NavStateTimeout] = mSClock() + ABORT_TIMEOUT_GPS_MS;
+                    else
+                        mS[NavStateTimeout] = mSClock() + ABORT_TIMEOUT_NO_GPS_MS;
+                    mS[AbortTimeout] = mSClock() + ABORT_UPDATE_MS;
+                    FailState = Aborting;
+                }
+                break;
+        } // Switch FailState
+    else
+        DesiredRoll = DesiredPitch = DesiredYaw = DesiredThrottle = 0;
+} // DoPPMFailsafe
+void UAVXNavCommand(void) {
+    static int16 b;
+    static uint8 c, d, csum;
+    c = RxChar();
+    LEDBlue_ON;
+    switch ( c ) {
+        case '0': // hello
+            TxChar(ACK);
+            break;
+        case '1': // write
+            csum = 0;
+            for ( b = 0; b < 256; b++) { // cannot write fast enough so buffer
+                d = RxChar();
+                csum ^= d;
+                BufferPX[b] = d;
+            }
+            if ( csum == (uint8)0 ) {
+                for ( b = 0; b < 256; b++)
+                    WritePX(NAV_ADDR_PX + b, BufferPX[b]);
+                TxChar(ACK);
+            } else
+                TxChar(NAK);
+            InitNavigation();
+            break;
+        case '2':
+            csum = 0;
+            for ( b = 0; b < 255; b++) {
+                d = ReadPX(NAV_ADDR_PX + b);
+                csum ^= d;
+                BufferPX[b] = d;
+            }
+            BufferPX[255] = csum;
+            for ( b = 0; b < 256; b++)
+                TxChar(BufferPX[b]);
+            TxChar(ACK);
+            break;
+        case '3':
+            csum = 0;
+            for ( b = 0; b < 63; b++) {
+                d = ReadPX(STATS_ADDR_PX + b);
+                csum ^= d;
+                BufferPX[b] = d;
+            }
+            BufferPX[63] = csum;
+            for ( b = 0; b < 64; b++)
+                TxChar(BufferPX[b]);
+            TxChar(ACK);
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    } // switch
+    WritePXImagefile();
+    LEDBlue_OFF;
+} // UAVXNavCommand
+void GetWayPointPX(int8 wp) {
+    static uint16 w;
+    if ( wp > NoOfWayPoints )
+        CurrWP = wp = 0;
+    if ( wp == 0 ) { // force to Origin
+        WPLatitude = OriginLatitude;
+        WPLongitude = OriginLongitude;
+        WPAltitude = (int16)P[NavRTHAlt];
+        WPLoiter = 30000; // mS
+    } else {
+        w = NAV_WP_START + (wp-1) * WAYPOINT_REC_SIZE;
+        WPLatitude = Read32PX(w + 0);
+        WPLongitude = Read32PX(w + 4);
+        WPAltitude = Read16PX(w + 8);
+        if ( WPAltitude > NAV_CEILING )
+            WPAltitude = NAV_CEILING;
+        WPLoiter = (int16)ReadPX(w + 10) * 1000L; // mS
+    }
+    F.WayPointCentred =  F.WayPointAchieved = false;
+} // GetWaypointPX
+void InitNavigation(void) {
+    static uint8 i;
+    HoldLatitude = HoldLongitude = WayHeading = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < (uint8)3; i++ )
+        NavEp[i] = NavIntE[i] = NavCorr[i] = NavCorrp[i] = 0;
+    NavState = HoldingStation;
+    AttitudeHoldResetCount = 0;
+    CurrMaxRollPitch = 0;
+    F.WayPointAchieved = F.WayPointCentred = false;
+    F.NavComputed = false;
+    if ( ReadPX(NAV_NO_WP) <= 0 ) {
+        NavProximityRadius = ConvertMToGPS(NAV_PROXIMITY_RADIUS);
+        NavProximityAltitude = NAV_PROXIMITY_ALTITUDE * 10L; // Decimetres
+    } else {
+        // need minimum values in UAVXNav?
+        NavProximityRadius = ConvertMToGPS(ReadPX(NAV_PROX_RADIUS));
+        NavProximityAltitude = ReadPX(NAV_PROX_ALT) * 10L; // Decimetres
+    }
+    NoOfWayPoints = ReadPX(NAV_NO_WP);
+    if ( NoOfWayPoints <= 0 )
+        CurrWP = 0;
+    else
+        CurrWP = 1;
+    GetWayPointPX(0);
+} // InitNavigation