Use STM32 platform, install FreeRTOS, implement UART CLI for next functionality: - light on LED for specified period in seconds, other commands are available while LED is ON. When after specified period led is off - notify user with text message on same console - set/get brightness for LED - return state of user button - enable/disable button monitoring, asynchronously monitor state of button and if it's state changed(pressed/unpressed) notify user with text message on same console - help CLI must be user friendly as much as possible. Result: you can connect device to PC and work with CLI

--- a/main.cpp	Sat Dec 09 16:18:22 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Dec 10 13:50:11 2017 +0000
@@ -1,66 +1,297 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-void print_char(char c = '*')
+void timer();
+void led_off();
+void print_help() //help message
-    printf("%c", c);
-    fflush(stdout);
+printf("* LEDON:x        - set time for LED to be ON              *\r\n");
+printf("*                - x - time in seconds (range 1-1000)     *\r\n");
+printf("*  LEDOFF        - turn LED off                           *\r\n");
+printf("*  LEDSTATE      - print current LED state                *\r\n");
+printf("*  BRIGHTSET:x   - set LED brightnes                      *\r\n");
+printf("*                  x - range 0-7 (0 - low, 7 - high)      *\r\n");
+printf("*  BRIGHTGET     - get LED brightnes                      *\r\n");
+printf("*  BUTTONGET     - get user button monitorring state      *\r\n");
+printf("*  BUTTONSTATE   - get user button state                  *\r\n");
+printf("*  BUTTONENABLE  - enable button monitorring              *\r\n");
+printf("*  BUTTONDISABLE - enable button monitorring              *\r\n");
+printf("*  HELP          - print available list of commands       *\r\n");
-Thread thread;
-Thread thread1;
+void print_welcome() //welcome message
+printf("*                                                         *\r\n");
+printf("*                        WELCOME!                         *\r\n");
+printf("*                                                         *\r\n");
+printf("* To turn LED on for X seconds type:                      *\r\n");
+printf("* LEDON:x     where [x] is specified period of seconds    *\r\n");
+printf("*             x range 1-1000                              *\r\n");
+printf("*                                                         *\r\n");
+void print_fc_off() //fault code message when LED is off
+printf("\r\nWRONG INPUT\r\n"); 
+printf(" To turn LED on type:   \r\n");
+printf(" LEDON:x     where [x] is specified period of seconds    \r\n");
+printf("             x range 1-1000                              \r\n");
+void print_fc_on() //fault code message when LED is on
+printf("\r\nWRONG INPUT\r\n"); 
+printf(" To see available list of commands type HELP\r\n");
+ int const LED_ON = 1;
+ int const BRIGHT = 2;
+ int const ON = 1;
+ int const OFF = 0;
+ int const B_ON = 0;
+ int const B_OFF = 1;
+Thread lamp_thread;
+Thread timer_thread;
 int print = 1;
 char input [64];
-int lamp = 50;
+int lamp_bright = 4;
+bool lamp_state = false;
+int lamp_time;
+int state = OFF;
+int b_state = OFF;
+int b_push = B_OFF;
-//DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalIn button(PC_13);
+DigitalOut led2(LED1);
 PwmOut led1(D11);
-//PwmOut led2(D13);
-void print_thread()
+int power(int x, int n) {
+    if(n == 0) return 1;
+    return x * power(x, n - 1);
+ }
+// parse string and calculate input integer data
+int strtoint(char instring[64], int slogan) 
-    while (true) {
-        if (print == 1) {
-//          printf("\r\n*** Do you love me too?  ***\r\n");
-          printf("\r\nLamp is ON\r\n");
-          printf("\r\nPlese type + or - to change brightness\r\n");
-          print = 0;
+    int str_len = strlen(instring);
+    int result = 0;
+    switch (slogan){
+    case LED_ON: // "LEDON:"
+      if (str_len > 10) return -2; // too long time
+      for(int i = 6; i < str_len; i++) 
+      {
+        if(instring[i] > 47 && instring[i] < 58) // if input is digit
+        {
+          result = (result * 10) + instring[i] - 48;
-        scanf("%s",input);
-        printf("\r\n* %s *\r\n",input);
-        if (!strcmp(input,"-")){
-         if (lamp < 90) lamp = lamp + 10;
-         else if (lamp < 100) lamp = lamp + 1;
-         printf("\r\n*** Lamp brightness is %d ***\r\n", lamp);
+        else  // not a digit
+        {
+          result = -1;
+          break;
+          }
+      }
+      if (result > 1000) result = -2;
+      break;
+    case BRIGHT: //BRIGHTSET:
+      if (str_len > 11) return -2; // too long time
+      if(instring[10] > 55) return -2; // too long time
+      if(instring[10] > 47 && instring[10] < 58) // if input is digit
+        result = instring[10] - 48; 
+      else  // not a digit
+          result = -1;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return result;
+//translate to CAPS
+void caps()
+    for(int i = 0; i < 63; i++) 
+    {
+      if(input[i] > 96 && input[i] < 123)
+        input[i] = input[i] - 32;
+    }
+    printf("\r\n<%s\r\n",input);
+//thread lamp, while led is off
+void led_off()
+        if (!strncmp (input,"LEDON:",6))
+        {
+          lamp_time = strtoint(input, LED_ON);
+          switch (lamp_time){
+            case 0:
+            case -2: // wrong time time
+              printf("WRONG TIME IS SPECIFIED. RANGE IS 1-1000\r\n");
+              break;
+          case -1:
+              printf("PLEASE USE DIGITS FOR TIME SPECIFICATION.\r\n");
+              break;
+          default:
+              printf("LED IS ON FOR %d SECONDS\r\n",lamp_time);
+              led1 = power(2,lamp_bright) * 0.01;
+              state = ON;
+          }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+           print_fc_off();
-        else if (!strcmp(input,"+")){
-          printf("\r\n*** %d ***\r\n", lamp);  
-          if (lamp > 10) lamp = lamp - 10; 
-          else if (lamp > 0) lamp = lamp - 1; 
-          printf("\r\n*** Lamp brightness is %d ***\r\n", lamp);
+//thread lamp, while led is on
+void led_on()
+    if (!strcmp (input,"LEDOFF")) //turn led off
+    {
+        lamp_time = 1;
+    }
+    else if(!strcmp (input,"LEDSTATE")) //print LED state
+    {
+        printf("LED IS ON FOR %d SECONDS\r\n",lamp_time);
+    }
+    else if(!strncmp(input,"BRIGHTSET:",10)) //BRIGHTSET:x
+    {
+        int bright = strtoint(input, BRIGHT);
+        switch (bright){
+          case -2: // wrong brightness
+              printf("WRONG BRIGHTNESS IS SPECIFIED. RANGE IS 0-7\r\n");
+              break;
+          case -1:
+              break;
+          default:
+              lamp_bright = bright;
+              led1 = power(2,lamp_bright) * 0.01;
+              printf("BRIGHTNESS IS SET TO %d\r\n",lamp_bright);
+          }
+    }
+    else if(!strcmp (input,"BRIGHTGET")) //print brightness level
+    {
+        printf("BRIGHTNESS IS SET TO %d\r\n",lamp_bright);
+    }
+    else if(!strcmp (input,"BUTTONGET")) //print user button state
+    {
+        printf("BUTTON MONITORRING IS SET TO %s\r\n",b_state?"ON":"OFF");
+    }
+    else if(!strcmp (input,"BUTTONENABLE")) //enable button monitoring
+    {
+        b_state = ON;
+        printf("BUTTON MONITORRING IS SET TO ON\r\n");
+    }   
+    else if(!strcmp (input,"BUTTONDISABLE")) //disable button monitoring
+    {
+        b_state = OFF;
+        printf("BUTTON MONITORRING IS SET TO OFF\r\n");
+    }  
+    else if(!strcmp (input,"BUTTONSTATE")) //get button state
+    {
+        printf("BUTTON IS %sPUSHED\r\n",button?"NOT ":"");
+    }  
+    else if(!strcmp (input,"HELP")) //print help message
+    {
+        print_help();
+    }
+    else if (!strncmp (input,"LEDON:",6)) // reinit led timer
+    {
+        lamp_time = strtoint(input, LED_ON);
+        switch (lamp_time){
+        case 0:
+        case -2: // wrong time time
+            printf("WRONG TIME IS SPECIFIED. RANGE IS 1-1000\r\n");
+            break;
+        case -1:
+            break;
+        default:
+            printf("LED IS ON FOR %d SECONDS\r\n",lamp_time);
+            led1 = power(2,lamp_bright) * 0.01;
+            state = ON;
-        else {
-          printf("\r\n(plese type + or -)\r\n");
-        }
+    }
+    else // wrong input
+    {
+        print_fc_on();
+//thread lamp, main function
+void led()
+    while (true)
+    {
+        scanf("%s",input);
+        caps();
+        switch (state){
+        case OFF:
+          led_off();
+          break;
+        case ON:
+          led_on();
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+          }
+     }
+//thread timer, main function
+void timer()
+    while(true){
+      while(state == ON)
+      {
+        lamp_time --;
+        if (lamp_time == 0)
+        {
+          led1 = 0; 
+          printf("LED IS TURNED OFF\r\n");
+          lamp_thread.start(led_off);
+          state = OFF;
+          b_state = OFF;
+        }
+        wait(1);
+      }
+      wait(1);
+    }
 int main()
-    printf("\r\n*** Welcome ***\n\r");
-    thread.start(print_thread);
+     print_welcome();
+     lamp_thread.start(led);
+     timer_thread.start(timer);
     while (true) {
-        led1 = (0.01 * lamp);
-//          led2 = !led2;
+        if (state == ON && b_state == ON)
+        {
+            if (button != b_push)
+            {
+              b_push = button;
+              printf("BUTTON IS %sPUSHED\r\n",b_push?"NOT ":"");
+            }
+        }
-//         led1 = led1 + 0.01;
-//         wait(0.2);
-//         if(led1 == 1.0) {
-//             led1 = 0;
-//         }