Dependencies:   mbed bloc_io mbed-rtos html EthernetInterface

--- a/main.cpp	Sat Aug 22 15:51:59 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Mar 01 10:19:33 2019 +0000
@@ -1,43 +1,62 @@
-//#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "rtos.h" // need for main thread sleep
 #include "html.h" // need for html patch working with web server
-#include "bloc_io.h"
+#include "bloc_io.h"    //need for stating the PLD
 #define RADIUS  0.2F // wheel size
-#define NBPOLES 8 // magnetic pole number
+#define NBPOLES 20 // magnetic pole number
 #define DELTA_T 0.1F // speed measurement counting period
+#define Ioffset 0.17 // offset value added to the current measurement (measurement uncertainty correction)
+#define dT 1 // battery capacity measurement counting period in second
+Bloc_IO MyPLD(p25,p26,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p23,p24);// instantiate object needed to communicate with PLD
+AnalogIn ngaz(p17);        // reading handle command analog input connected to mbed
+AnalogIn Tension(p18);  //Voltage measurement variable
+AnalogIn iTemperature(p19);  //iTemperature measurement variable
+AnalogIn Imes(p20);     //Current measurement variable
+DigitalOut valid_pwm(p21);// valid pwm mbed pin
+InterruptIn Hall(p22);// Top_Hall Pinw
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
-Bloc_IO MyPLD(p25,p26,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p23,p24);// instantiate object needed to communicate with PLD
-    // analog input connected to mbed 
-    // valid pmw mbed pin
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
-    // Top_Hall Pin
 /************ persistent file parameters section *****************/
 LocalFileSystem local("local");               // Create the local filesystem under the name "local"
 /********************* web server section **********************************/
 var_field_t tab_balise[10];  //une balise est présente dans le squelette
+int iCounter=0;
 int giCounter=0;// acces counting
+int iREF_PWM=0;
+int iREF_PWMfin=0;
+int iFrein=0;
+int iTemperature;
+float fngazmin=0;
+float fngazmax=0;
+float fnbhall=0;
+float fVRoue=0;
+float fBride=50;
+float fImes;
+float fVmes;
+float fPositionPoignee;
+float fCapaInit;//en mAs
+float fCapa;
+float fdistance=0;//Variable pour compteur kilometrique
+float fdistpartiel=0;
+float ftop_hall_total=0;//nbre de top hall
+float ftop_hall_partiel=0;//nbre de top hall
+float fngaz;
+char cChoix='e'; //Variable pour choisir l'état
+Ticker Tgaz;    //Handle reading Tick
+Ticker Vitesse; //Speed reading Tick
+Ticker Tbat;    //Battery reading Tick
 /*********************** can bus section  ************/
-         // determine message ID used to send Gaz ref over can bus
+// determine message ID used to send Gaz ref over can bus
 #define _CAN_DEBUG // used to debug can bus activity
 //#define USE_CAN_REF // uncomment to receive gaz ref over can_bus
 CAN can_port (p30, p29); // initialisation du Bus CAN sur les broches 30 (rd) et 29(td) for lpc1768 + mbed shield
@@ -48,122 +67,341 @@
 DigitalOut led1(LED1); //initialisation des Leds présentes sur le micro-controleur Mbed*/
 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
 DigitalOut led3(LED3); // blink when can message is sent
-DigitalOut led4(LED4); // blink when can message is received 
-//************ local function prototypes *******************
-/**************** Read persistent data from text file located on local file system ****************/
-/**************** write persitant  data to text file located on local file system ****************/
+DigitalOut led4(LED4); // blink when can message is received
+//************ local function prototypes *******************
+/**************** Read persistent data from text file located on local file system ****************/
+/**************** write persitant  data to text file located on local file system ****************/
 //************** calibation gaz function needed to record min_gaz and max_gaz value to persistent text file  ******************
 // ************top hall counting interrupt needed for speed measurement
 //********************** timer interrupt for speed measurement each 100ms  *************************
 //********************* Timer Interrupt for gaz ref management each 10ms   ********************
 /********* main cgi function used to patch data to the web server thread **********************************/
 void CGI_Function(void) // cgi function that patch web data to empty web page
-{  char ma_chaine4[20]={};// needed to form html response  
+    char ma_chaine4[20]= {}; // needed to form html response
+    sprintf (ma_chaine4,"%g",fVRoue*3.6);// convert speed as ascii string
+    Html_Patch (tab_balise,0,ma_chaine4);// patch first label with dyn.string
+    sprintf (ma_chaine4,"%g",fPositionPoignee*100);// convert speed as ascii string
+    Html_Patch (tab_balise,1,ma_chaine4);// patch second label with dyn.string
+    sprintf (ma_chaine4,"%d",iTemperature);// convert speed as ascii string
+    Html_Patch (tab_balise,2,ma_chaine4);// patch third label with dyn.string
+    sprintf (ma_chaine4,"%g",fImes);// convert speed as ascii string
+    Html_Patch (tab_balise,3,ma_chaine4);// patch fourth label with dyn.string
+    sprintf (ma_chaine4,"%g",fVmes);// convert speed as ascii string
+    Html_Patch (tab_balise,4,ma_chaine4);// patch fourth label with dyn.string
+/*********************** CAN BUS SECTION  **********************/
+void CAN_REC_THREAD(void const *args)
+    int iCount,iError;
+    while (bCan_Active) {
+        Thread::wait(100);// wait 100ms
+        // code todo
+    }
+void GazRead(void)
+    if(cChoix == 'a'){}
+    else
+    {
+        nGaz=ngaz.read();
+        fImes=(((Imes.read()*3.3*1.81818 - 2.5)/0.185)+Ioffset)*1000; //Current measurement (A to mA conversion) (on p20)
+        fVmes=(Tension.read()*15/0.19);                               //Voltage measurement (on p18)
+        iTemperature=iTemperature.read()*3.3/0.01-273;                //Temperature measurement (on p19)
+        fPositionPoignee=(ngaz.read()-ngazmin)/(ngazmax-ngazmin); // 0 to 1 float value meaning handle position
+        if(fPositionPoignee>1)
+            {
+                fPositionPoignee=1;
+            }
+            if(fPositionPoignee<0)
+            {
+                fPositionPoignee=0;
+            }
+        iREF_PWM=(255/(ngazmax-ngazmin))*(nGaz-ngazmin); //calibrate PWM (0 to 255)
+        iFrein=MyPLD.read()&32; //testing 6th Bit value 
+        if(iFrein==32) //if brake is off
+        {
+            if(iREF_PWM>=255) iREF_PWM= 255;
+            if(iREF_PWM<1) iREF_PWM = 0;
+            if (fVRoue*3.6<=fBride) //speed flange
+            {
+                /******************* Progressive speed control *****************/
+                if(iREF_PWMfin<iREF_PWM) iREF_PWMfin=iREF_PWMfin+1;
+                else iREF_PWMfin=iREF_PWM;
+                MyPLD.write(iREF_PWMfin);
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                if(iREF_PWMfin>0)
+                {
+                iREF_PWMfin=iREF_PWMfin-1;
+                MyPLD.write(iREF_PWMfin);
+                }
+                else iREF_PWMfin=0;
+            }
+        }
+               /******************* End of speed control *******************/
+        if(iFrein==0) //if brake is on
+        {
+            iREF_PWM=0;
+            MyPLD.write(iREF_PWM);
+        }
+    }
+void cpt (void){
+    nbhall++;
+void VitesseRoue (void)
+    fVRoue=(nbhall*2*3.14*RADIUS)/(6*DELTA_T*NBPOLES);  //Wheel speed in m/s
+    ftop_hall_total=nbhall+ftop_hall_total;
+    ftop_hall_partiel=nbhall+ftop_hall_partiel;
+    nbhall=0;
+void Battery(void){
-  /*********************** CAN BUS SECTION  **********************/
+    fCapa = fCapa - 1000*dT;         //Init battery capacity with dT : counting period and 1000 the current value in mA
+    if(fCapa<0){
+        fCapa=0;
+    }
+/*char getValeur(char octet, char n)
+   return (octet & (1 << n));
-void CAN_REC_THREAD(void const *args)
-{ int iCount,iError;
- while (bCan_Active)
- {Thread::wait(100);// wait 100ms  
-    // code todo
-    }
+//*************************** main function *****************************************
+int main()
+    valid_pwm.write(0);
+    MyPLD.write(0);
+    char cClavier= 0;
+    valid_pwm.write(1);
-//*************************** main function *****************************************
-int main() {
-char cChoix=0;
+    FILE *fp = NULL;
+    fp = fopen("/local/Config2.txt", "r");
+    if(fp != NULL){
+        fscanf(fp,"%g %g %g %g %g %g %g",&ngazmin,&ngazmax,&fBride,&ftop_hall_total,&ftop_hall_partiel,&fCapa,&fCapaInit); //Writing values in file
+        fclose(fp);
+        pc.printf("Max=%g\n\r",ngazmax);
+        pc.printf("Min=%g\n\r\n",ngazmin);
+        pc.printf("Bride=%g\n\r\n",fBride);
+        fdistance=(ftop_hall_total/(6*NBPOLES)*2*3.14*RADIUS); // meters
+        fdistpartiel=(ftop_hall_partiel/(6*NBPOLES)*2*3.14*RADIUS); // meters
+        pc.printf("Distance totale enregistree=%g m\n\r\n",fdistance);
+        pc.printf("Distance partiel enregistree=%g m\n\r\n",fdistpartiel);
+        pc.printf("Capa batterie restante: %g\n\r",fCapa);
+        pc.printf("Capa initale batterie: %g\n\r",fCapaInit);
+        }
+    else printf("Fichier introuvable\n\r");
+//***************************************** web section ********************************************//
-//***************************************** web section ********************************************/
-//Init_Web_Server(&CGI_Function); // create and initialize tcp server socket and pass function pointer to local CGI function
-//Thread WebThread(Web_Server_Thread);// create and launch web server thread
-/********* main cgi function used to patch data to the web server thread **********************************/
+Init_Web_Server(&CGI_Function); // create and initialize tcp server socket and pass function pointer to local CGI function
+Thread WebThread(Web_Server_Thread);// create and launch web server thread
-//******************************************* end web section  ************************************* / 
+    /********* main cgi function used to patch data to the web server thread **********************************/
+Gen_HtmlCode_From_File("/local/pagecgi2.htm",tab_balise,5);*/// read and localise ^VARDEF[X] tag in empty html file
+//******************************************* end web section  ************************************* /
-pc.printf(" programme scooter mbed \n");
+    pc.printf("\rprogramme scooter mbed \n\r");
 //********************* can bus section initialisation *******************************************
 //bCan_Active=true;// needed to lauchn CAN thread
 //Thread CanThread(CAN_REC_THREAD);// create and launch can receiver  thread
 //********************* end can bus section *****************************************************
+pc.printf("commande moteur par poignee\n\r");
+while (1)
+{   /****************************** MBed IHM **********************/
+    pc.printf("veuillez saisir une commande parmi la liste proposee: \n\r");
+    pc.printf("a:saisie consigne pwm \n\r");
+    pc.printf("z:calibration poignee \n\r");
+    pc.printf("e:controle vitesse poignee \n\r");
+    pc.printf("r:Affichage registre interne\n\r");
+    pc.printf("t:vitesse roue\n\r");
+    pc.printf("y:bride en vitesse\n\r");
+    pc.printf("u:affichage mesures\n\r");
+    pc.printf("i:distance totale et partielle en metre\n\r");
+    pc.printf("o:RAZ compteur kilometrique\n\r");
+    pc.printf("p:Capacite restante \n\r");
+    pc.printf("d:Recharge\n\r");
+    pc.printf("q:quitter \n\n\r");
+    /**************************** END IHM ***********************/
+    /************* multithreading : main thread need to sleep in order to allow web response ****************/
+while (pc.readable()==0) // determine if char availabler
+{Thread::wait(10);} // wait 10 until char available on serial input
+    /************* end of main thread sleep  ****************/
+    pc.scanf("%c",&cChoix);
+    switch (cChoix) {
+        case 'a':       //Manual PWM command
+            pc.printf("Entrez la valeur PWM entre 0 et 255 : \n\r");
+            while (pc.readable()==0) { // determine if char available
+                Thread::wait(10);
+            }
+            pc.scanf("%d",&iREF_PWM);
+            if(iREF_PWM<=255 & iREF_PWM>=0) {
+                printf("Envoie d'une commande %d/255 dans la roue\n\r",iREF_PWM);
+                MyPLD.write(iREF_PWM);
+            }
+            else 
+                pc.printf("value %d out of range PWM remains unchanged\n\r",iREF_PWM);
+            break;
+        case 'z':      //Manual Handle calibration
+            pc.printf("Mettez la poignee a la valeur min puis entrez o\n\r");
+            pc.scanf("%c",&cClavier);
+            if(cClavier=='o') {
+                ngazmin=ngaz.read();
+            } else {
+                while(cClavier!='o') {
+                    pc.printf("tapez o\n");
+                    pc.scanf("%c",&cClavier);
+                }
+            }
+            pc.printf("Mettez la poignee a la valeur max puis entrez o\n\r");
+            pc.scanf("%c",&cClavier);
+            if(cClavier=='o') {
+                ngazmax=ngaz.read();
+            } else {
+                while(cClavier!='o') {
+                    pc.printf("tapez o\n");
+                    pc.scanf("%c",&cClavier);
+                }
+            }
+            pc.printf("Max=%g\n\r",ngazmax); 
+            pc.printf("Min=%g\n\r\n",ngazmin);
+            fp = fopen("/local/Config2.txt", "w");
+            fprintf(fp,"%g %g %g %g %g", ngazmin, ngazmax,fBride,ftop_hall_total,ftop_hall_partiel);
+            fclose(fp);
+            break;
-while(cChoix!='q' and cChoix!='Q')
-{pc.printf(" veuillez saisir un choix parmi la liste proposee: \n");
- pc.printf(" a:saisie consigne pwm \n");
- pc.printf(" q:quitter \n");
- /************* multithreading : main thread need to sleep in order to allow web response */
- while (pc.readable()==0) // determine if char availabler
- {Thread::wait(10);} // wait 10 until char available on serial input
- /************* end of main thread sleep  ****************/ 
- pc.scanf(" %c",&cChoix);
- switch (cChoix){
-     case 'a': 
-     break;
-     case 'q': 
-     break;
-     }
+        case 'e':   //Wheel speed control only (using handle)
+            pc.printf("commande moteur par poignee\n\r");
+            break;
+        case 'r':   //Internal register : reading PLD 1st to 6th bits (
+            int RegPLD = MyPLD.read();
+            pc.printf("Registre interne : %d\n\r",RegPLD );                     //Reading all Bits in PLD
+            pc.printf("Numero secteur hall : %d\n\n\r",RegPLD & 7);             //Current sector
+            if((RegPLD & 0x20) == 0x00) pc.printf("Etat frein: actif\n\n\r");   //Testing brake
+            else pc.printf("Etat frein: inactif\n\n\r");
+            if((RegPLD & 0x08) == 0x08) pc.printf("Direction: avant \n\n\r");   //Testing direction
+            else pc.printf("Direction: arriere \n\n\r");
+            if((RegPLD & 0x10) == 0x10) pc.printf("Defaillance detecte \n\n\r");//Testing system failure
+            else pc.printf("Pas de defaillance \n\n\r");
+            if((RegPLD & 0x40) == 0x00) pc.printf("Surintensite detecte \n\n\r");//Testing overcurrent
+            else pc.printf("Pas de surintensite \n\n\r");
+            break;    
+        case 't':
+            pc.printf("Vitesse roue : %gm/s\n\r",fVRoue);       //Reading wheel speed : km/h and m/s
+            pc.printf("Vitesse roue : %gkm/h\n\r",fVRoue*3.6);
+        break;
+        case 'y':
+            pc.printf("Choisissez une vitesse limite en km/h \n\r");            //Wheel speed flange configuration
+            pc.scanf("%g",&fBride);
+            fp = fopen("/local/Config2.txt", "w");
+            fprintf(fp,"%g %g %g %g %g", ngazmin, ngazmax,fBride,ftop_hall_total,ftop_hall_partiel);
+            fclose(fp);
+        break;
+        case 'u':
+            pc.printf("Mesure courant: %gA\n\r",fImes/1000); //Ampere
+            pc.printf("Mesure tension: %gV\n\r",fVmes);      //Voltage
+            pc.printf("iTemperature: %d\n\r",iTemperature);  //°C
+            pc.printf("Poignee a: %g",fPositionPoignee*100); //0 to 100%
+            pc.puts("%\n\r");
+            break;
+        case 'i':
+            fdistance=(ftop_hall_total/(6*NBPOLES)*2*3.14*RADIUS); // total distance traveled in meters
+            fdistpartiel=(ftop_hall_partiel/(6*NBPOLES)*2*3.14*RADIUS); // current session distance traveled in meters
+            pc.printf("distance totale=%g m\n\r",fdistance);
+            pc.printf("distance partiel=%g m\n\r",fdistpartiel);
+            break;
+        case 'o':
+            pc.printf("RAZ\n\r");
+            ftop_hall_partiel = 0;      //Current session distance reset
+            break;
+        case 'p':
+            pc.printf("Capa batt restante:%.2f\n\r",(fCapa/fCapaInit)*100); //battery remaining
+            break;
+        case 'd':
+            fCapa=fCapaInit;
+            pc.printf("Recharge de la batterie effectuee\n\r");     //Battery recharger
+            break;
+        case 'q':
+            /********************** END of program (save all) *******************/
+            pc.printf("Capa batterie restante: %.2f\n\r",fCapa);
+            pc.printf("Capa initale batterie: %.2f\n\r",fCapaInit);
+            pc.printf("%g m parcourus cette session\n\r",fdistpartiel);
+            fp = fopen("/local/Config2.txt","w");
+            fprintf(fp,"%g %g %g %g %g %g %g", ngazmin, ngazmax,fBride,ftop_hall_total,ftop_hall_partiel,fCapa,fCapaInit);
+            fclose(fp);
+            Tgaz.detach();
+            Vitesse.detach();
+            Tbat.detach();
+            MyPLD.write(0);
+            pc.printf(" fin programme scooter mbed \n");
+            return 0;
+    }
 } // end while
-  //************** thread deinit *********************
-     //DeInit_Web_Server();
-     //bCan_Active=false;
-     //CanThread=false;// close can received thread
-    pc.printf(" fin programme scooter mbed \n");
-} // end main
+    //************** thread deinit *********************
+   // DeInit_Web_Server();
+    //bCan_Active=false;
+    //CanThread=false;// close can received thread
+} // end main
\ No newline at end of file