mbed 6502 emulator with BBC Basic

This is the first startup of a mbed 6502 emulator running BBC Basic

/media/uploads/gertk/_scaled_mbed_bbc_6502_2.png /media/uploads/gertk/_scaled_mbed_bbc_6502.png

It incorrectly states 32k, I have only 16k of RAM active at the moment, HIMEM, LOMEM and PAGE are set correctly. At the moment the character output code is quite 'kludgy' as the original BBC roms never seem to make a call to &FFEE (OSWRCH) to output a character other than CR and LF. I guess this has something to do with the original code not recognizing my emulated 'hardware' (aka no hardware at all).

2 comments on mbed 6502 emulator with BBC Basic :

13 Apr 2012

Hi, I am a old fan of BBC Computer. I will be very happy to test your program. I still have the BBC manuals. How can I have the source of the emulator ?

Best regards Georges

24 Nov 2016

Super project! Expand it with composit output and ps/2 (or USB) keyborad input.


May can run this project in my Nucleo board (F411)?

Thx, Amerigo

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