Twitter client with OAuth library

Twitter sample code using OAuth library: By using the OAuth library, you can directly tweet without proxy services such as

Set up on

  1. Create a Twitter account if needed.
  2. Access "Twitter Developers" web site by using the account:
  3. "Create a new application" in "My applications" menu. Then, fill the form with appropriate information.
  4. "(Re)create my access token" with an appropriate "Access level." "Read and Write" is required for posting tweets. You can change the Access level in "Application Type" on "Settings" tab later.
  5. Note "Consumer key", "Consumer secret", "Access token", and "Access token secret" described in "Details" tab.

Set up on mbed

  1. Import the sample program:
  2. Replace "Consumer key", "Consumer secret", "Access token", and "Access token secret" in main.cpp with yours.
  3. Compile the code with libraries and install the output binary into your mbed.

2 comments on Twitter client with OAuth library:

21 May 2012

Very useful. Thanks, Oka-yan.

21 May 2012

u r welcome. :)

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