Wireless Connection Breakout Board

Team Members

Anthony Jones - Section B

Garren Boggs - Section B

David Cox - Section A

Parth Patel - Section A


The purpose of this project was to simplify the usage of the Adafruit WiFi Huzzah chip and the Adafruit Bluetooth LE chip. Both chips are hooked up to the mbed with a total of three wires, one tx, one rx, and one select. A tri-state buffer was used to split up the inputs and outputs of the serial connection from the mbed to the two chips. An inverter was used to correctly place the needed value of the select line from the mbed to the tri-state buffer.

The first part of the project was to implement these features on a breadboard for testing and demonstration purposes. The second part entailed the designing of a PCB breakout board for these chips.

Needed Components



Breadboard Hookup Guide

This is a guide to how the needed components were hooked up to a breadboard for testing purposes. The PCB design detailed further below would replace this.

  • Note: A barrel jack was needed to power the wifi chip as it sucks too much current.
mbedTri-State Buffer
p22p1 - 1G
p22p10 - 3G
p27p3 - 1Y
p27p6 - 2Y
p28p9 - 3A
p28p12 - 4A
p22p5 - 3A
p22p9 - 4A
InverterTri-State Buffer
p6 - 3Yp4 - 2G
p8 - 4Yp13 - 4G
Tri-State BufferHuzzah ESP8266
p2 - 1ATx
p8 - 3YRx
Tri-State BufferBluetooth LE UART
p5 - 2ATx
p11 - 4YRx

WiBt Breakout PCB Board

This is the second part of the project where the creation of a WiFi and Bluetooth (or the WiBt) breakout board is detailed.

Schematic of Pin Hookups



As previously mentioned, the second part of this project included the creation of a PCB breakout board. The schematic, shown below, was created through the use of EAGLE PCB Design Software. /media/uploads/gboggs3/board.png

The ultimate purpose of this board and project is to simplify the usage of both WiFi and Bluetooth. After hooking up three pins, the tx and rx pins of a serial connection, and the select pin, to the breakout board, one would have to import the library posted further below on this page. Afterwards, including the one header file in code would potentially allow the user to access both WiFi and Bluetooth in their project.

Board Hookup to Mbed

mbedWiBt Breakout
N/AVin (+5v External)
p26 (optional)RST




Library for use with the WiBt breakout board.

Import libraryWirelessInterface

ECE 4180 final project. Used to connected with both Adafruit Huzzah WiFi and Adafruit Bluetooth LE UART.

Test Program

Program used with the breadboard to test the WirelessInterface library linked above.

Import programWirelessInterface_Demo

Program to test WirelessInterface library.

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