Wheel nodes for CAN messages



File content as of revision 97:819c446d97e3:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "stats_report.h"
#include <array>

#define FL 0
#define FR 1
#define RR 2
#define RL 3
#define CAN_NODE RL  

#define SAMPLING_RATE 0.01          // in sec
#define SAMPLING_RATE_WS 0.1       // in sec, for pulse counting
#define CAN1_BAUD_RATE 1000000      // 1 Mb/s
#define FAULT_RATE 0.25             // in sec

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);            // Serial COM to PC

InterruptIn event(p18);
Timer t;
Timer fault_timer;

Ticker fault;
double newestEdgeTime = 0;
int16_t rpm_fault = 0;

Ticker sensors;
Ticker wheelSpeedCounter; 
bool sensorFlag = 0;

Ticker test;

// Variables for Weel Speed Functions
int16_t rpm_integer = 0;
double rpm_calculation;
double rpm_average = 0;
double rpm_history [10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
double t_o = 0;
double t_f;
double freq;
int window = 10;
int index = 1;
int ws_state = 0;
double rpm, new_rpm;
int i = 0, num_pulses = 0, error_count = 0, max_error_count = 25; 

// Variables for CAN Communication
int can_id;
int can_multiplier = 1000;
CAN can1(p30, p29); // CAN1 pin init
char data[8];

//Variables for analog inputs

// LP is connected to analog0 which goes to pin 15 which is A0
// BT is connected to analog1 which goes to pin 16 which is A2

AnalogIn input1(A0);                // p15, linpot
AnalogIn input2(A1);                // p16, brake temp
//AnalogIn input3(A3);                // p17, strain gauge
uint32_t analogIn0, analogIn1, analogIn2, analogIn3;
int analogToVoltage = 19859;

// Function Raises flag every SAMPLING_RATE
void readSensors()
    sensorFlag = 1;

void checkWSFault()
    if(rpm_fault == 0) {
        double currTime = t;
        if((currTime - newestEdgeTime) > FAULT_RATE) {
            rpm_fault = 1;
            rpm_integer = 0;
            rpm_history[0] = 0;
            rpm_history[1] = 0;
            rpm_history[2] = 0;
            rpm_history[3] = 0;
            rpm_history[4] = 0;
            rpm_history[5] = 0;
            rpm_history[6] = 0;
            rpm_history[7] = 0;
            rpm_history[8] = 0;
            rpm_history[9] = 0;
            rpm_average = 0;
            rpm_integer = 0;

// Wheel Speed Decoding:
// ***** Moving average method ******
//void fall()
//    newestEdgeTime = t;
//    rpm_fault = 0;
//    if(index == window) index = 0;
//    t_f = t;
//    freq = (1/(t_f - t_o));
//    t_o = t_f;
//    rpm_calculation = (60/20 * freq)/(window-1);
//    rpm_history[index%window] = rpm_calculation;
//    rpm_average = rpm_average + rpm_calculation - rpm_history[(++index)%window];
//    rpm_integer = static_cast<uint16_t>(rpm_average);

// ***** No filtering pulse timing method ******
void fall() 
{                                       // create interrupt function   
    rpm_fault = 0;                                
    t_f = t;
    freq = (1/(t_f - t_o));
    rpm_integer = 60/20 * freq;         // 60 seconds / magnet passes 20 holes in spindle per revolution

    t_o = t_f; 

// ***** Pulse counting method ******
//void fall()
//    num_pulses++;
//void pulsecount()
//    rpm_integer = 60 * num_pulses/(20 * SAMPLING_RATE_WS);   // num_pulses * SAMPLING_RATE is frequency * 60 sec / 20 holes per rev is rpm 
//    num_pulses = 0; 

char toCharH(uint32_t value)
    uint16_t val = static_cast<uint16_t>(value);
    return (char) ((uint16_t) (val >> 8));

char toCharL(uint32_t value)
    uint16_t val = static_cast<uint16_t>(value);
    return (char) val;

uint32_t convToVoltage(uint32_t ADC)
    //This function assumes ADC is taking with read_u16 ie. a value from 0 to FFFF representing voltage
    uint32_t voltage = (ADC * can_multiplier) / analogToVoltage;
    return voltage;

uint32_t getBrakeTemperature(uint32_t voltage)
    //This function is from the INFKL-800 infrared Temperature Sensor Data Sheet
    //Recall that voltages on chip are passed through voltage divider shifting 5V to 3.3V
    //Voltages are represented using fixed int @ 1000 times size
    uint32_t temp = 0;
    if((voltage*303) > 100000) {
        temp = voltage*303 - 100000;

    return temp/100; //Temperature is represented as fixed int @10 times the size

uint32_t getLinPot(uint32_t voltage)
    uint32_t position = 0;

    switch(CAN_NODE) {
        case FL:      //Transfer Function of 'FL' y = -0.2379x + 837.95
            position = (8379500 - (2379*voltage))/1000;
            return position;
        case FR:      //Transfer Function of 'A'  y = -0.2235x + 731.91
            position = (7319100 - (2235*voltage))/1000;
            return position;
        case RR:      //Transfer Function of 'RR' y = -0.234x + 781.61
            position = (7816100 - (2340*voltage))/1000;
            return position;
        case RL:      //Transfer Function of 'RL' y = 0.3291x - 2.8199
            position = (7816100 - (2340*voltage))/1000;
            return position;

    return position; //Position is 10 times greater than actual position and unit is mm. ie 700 = 70mm

void testCAN(){
    char data1[8];
    // Send CAN Message
    can1.write(CANMessage(0x84, data1, 8, CANData, CANStandard));

int main()
    // Start WS Decoding

    // Start CAN

    // Sensor flag callback
    sensors.attach(&readSensors, SAMPLING_RATE);
    fault.attach(&checkWSFault, FAULT_RATE);
    //wheelSpeedCounter.attach(&pulsecount, SAMPLING_RATE_WS);
    test.attach(&testCAN, 1);

    switch(CAN_NODE) {
        case FL:
            can_id = 0x80;
        case FR:
            can_id = 0x81;
        case RR:
            can_id = 0x82;
        case RL:
            can_id = 0x83;

    while(1) {

        if(sensorFlag) {
            sensorFlag = 0;

            analogIn1 = getLinPot(convToVoltage(input1.read_u16()));
            // Include BrakeTemp if FL or RL
            if(CAN_NODE == FL || CAN_NODE == RL){
                analogIn2 = getBrakeTemperature(convToVoltage(input2.read_u16()));
                analogIn3 = input2.read_u16();
                analogIn2 = 0;
            pc.printf("Analog1: %i   Analog2: %i   RPM_Fault: %i WheelSpeed: %i \n", analogIn1, analogIn2, rpm_fault, rpm_integer);
            // Packaging data into CAN Message
            data[0] = toCharH(rpm_integer);
            data[1] = toCharL(rpm_integer);
            data[2] = toCharH(analogIn1);
            data[3] = toCharL(analogIn1);
            data[4] = toCharH(analogIn2);
            data[5] = toCharL(analogIn2);
            data[6] = toCharH(rpm_fault);
            data[7] = toCharL(rpm_fault);

            // Send CAN Message
            can1.write(CANMessage(can_id, data, 8, CANData, CANStandard));