These are the examples provided for [[/users/frank26080115/libraries/LPC1700CMSIS_Lib/]] Note, the entire "program" is not compilable!

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Cortex-M3/MPU/mpu_test.c	Sun Mar 20 05:38:56 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ * @file		dac_speaker.c
+ * @purpose		This example used to test DAC peripheral through speaker
+ * @version		1.0
+ * @date		16. July. 2010
+ * @author		NXP MCU SW Application Team
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
+ * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
+ * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
+ * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
+ * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
+ * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
+ * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
+ * use without further testing or modification.
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h"
+#include "lpc17xx_pinsel.h"
+#include "debug_frmwrk.h"
+#include "lpc17xx_gpio.h"
+/************************** PUBLIC DEFINITIONS *************************/
+/* Region size definitions */
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_32B		0x04
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_64B		0x05
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_128B	0x06
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_256B	0x07
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_512B	0x08
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_1KB		0x09
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_2KB		0x0A
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_4KB		0x0B
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_8KB		0x0C
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_16KB	0x0D
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_32KB	0x0E
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_64KB	0x0F
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_128KB	0x10
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_256KB	0x11
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_512KB	0x12
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_1MB		0x13
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_2MB		0x14
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_4MB		0x15
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_8MB		0x16
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_16MB	0x17
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_32MB	0x18
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_64MB	0x19
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_128MB	0x1A
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_256MB	0x1B
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_512MB	0x1C
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_1GB		0x1D
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_2GB		0x1E
+#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_4GB		0x1F
+/* Access permission definitions */
+#define MPU_NO_ACCESS							0x00
+#define MPU_FULL_ACCESS							0x03
+#define MPU_UNPREDICTABLE						0x04
+#define MPU_READ_ONLY							0x06
+/* RASR bit definitions */
+#define MPU_RASR_REGION_SIZE(n)			((uint32_t)(n<<1))
+#define MPU_RASR_ACCESS_PERMISSION(n)	((uint32_t)(n<<24))
+#define MPU_REGION_ENABLE				((uint32_t)(1<<0))
+/* Example group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @defgroup Cortex_M3_MPU	MPU
+ * @ingroup Cortex_M3_Examples
+ * @{
+ */
+/************************** PRIVATE VARIABLES *************************/
+uint8_t menu[]=
+	"********************************************************************************\n\r"
+	"Hello NXP Semiconductors \n\r"
+	"MPU demo \n\r"
+	"\t - MCU: LPC17xx \n\r"
+	"\t - Core: ARM CORTEX-M3 \n\r"
+	"\t - Communicate via: UART0 - 115200 bps \n\r"
+	"Set up 6 region memory and try to access memory that don't allow to invoke\n\r"
+	"Memory Management Handler\n\r"
+	"********************************************************************************\n\r";
+Bool Led_State = FALSE;
+/************************** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *************************/
+void MemManage_Handler(void);
+/*----------------- INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINES --------------------------*/
+ * @brief		Memory Management interrupt handler sub-routine
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return 		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void MemManage_Handler(void)
+	uint32_t i;
+	//Blink LED P1.28
+	if(Led_State == FALSE)
+	{
+		GPIO_SetValue(1,(1<<28));
+		Led_State = TRUE;
+		for(i = 0;i<0x70000;i++);//delay
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		GPIO_ClearValue(1,(1<<28));
+		Led_State = FALSE;
+		for(i = 0;i<0x70000;i++);//delay
+	}
+/*-------------------------MAIN FUNCTION------------------------------*/
+ * @brief		c_entry: Main MPU program body
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return 		int
+ **********************************************************************/
+int c_entry(void)
+	uint32_t test;
+	/* Initialize debug via UART0
+	 * – 115200bps
+	 * – 8 data bit
+	 * – No parity
+	 * – 1 stop bit
+	 * – No flow control
+	 */
+	debug_frmwrk_init();
+	_DBG(menu);
+	//Turn off all LEDs
+	GPIO_SetDir(1,(1<<28)|(1<<29)|(1<<31),1);
+	GPIO_SetDir(2,(1<<2)|(1<<3)|(1<<4)|(1<<5)|(1<<6),1);
+	/* - Region 0: 0x00000000 - 0x0007FFFF --- on-chip non-volatile memory
+	 * 		+ Size: 512kB
+	 * 		+ Acess permission: full access
+	 */
+	MPU->RNR = 0;//indicate MPU region 0
+	MPU->RBAR = 0x00000000; // update the base address for the region 0
+				|MPU_REGION_ENABLE;								//region enable
+	/* - Region 1: 0x10000000 - 0x10007FFF --- on-chip SRAM
+	 * 		+ Size: 32kB
+	 * 		+ Access permission: full access
+	 */
+	MPU->RNR = 1;
+	MPU->RBAR = 0x10000000; // update the base address for the region 1
+	 /* - Region 2:	0x40000000 - 0x400FFFFF --- APB peripheral
+	 * 		+ Size: 1MB
+	 * 		+ Access permission: full access
+	 */
+	MPU->RNR = 2;
+	MPU->RBAR = 0x40000000; // update the base address for the region 2
+	 /* - Region 3: 0x50000000 - 0x501FFFFF --- AHB peripheral
+	 * 		+ Size: 2MB
+	 * 		+ AP=b011: full access
+	 */
+	MPU->RNR = 3;
+	MPU->RBAR = 0x50000000; // update the base address for the region 3
+	 /* - Region 4: 0xE0000000 - 0xE00FFFFF --- System control
+	 * 	 	+ Size: 1MB
+	 * 		+ Access permission: full access
+	 */
+	MPU->RNR = 4;
+	MPU->RBAR = 0xE0000000; // update the base address for the region 4
+	 /* - Region 5:0x2007C000 - 0x2007FFFF --- on chip SRAM
+	 * 	 	+ Size: 16kB
+	 * 		+ Access permission: full access
+	 */
+	MPU->RNR = 5;
+	MPU->RBAR = 0x2007C000; // update the base address for the region 5
+	 /* - Region 6: 0x20080000 - 0x20083FFF --- on chip SRAM
+	 * 		+ Size: 16kB
+	 * 		+ Access permission: no access
+	 */
+	MPU->RNR = 6;
+	MPU->RBAR = 0x20080000; // update the base address for the region 6
+	 /* - Region 5:0x2009C000 - 0x2009FFFF --- GPIO peripheral
+	 * 	 	+ Size: 16kB
+	 * 		+ Access permission: full access
+	 */
+	MPU->RNR = 7;
+	MPU->RBAR = 0x2009C000; // update the base address for the region 6
+	_DBG_("Setup MPU: \n\r"
+		  "This provide 8 regions: \n\r"
+		  "Region 0 - Privileged code: 0x00000000 - 0x0007FFFF(512kB)\n\r"
+		  "Region 1 - Privileged data: 0x10000000 - 0x10007FFF(32kB)\n\r"
+		  "Region 2 - APB Peripheral:  0x40000000 - 0x400FFFFF(1MB)\n\r"
+		  "Region 3 - AHB peripheral:  0x50000000 - 0x501FFFFF(2MB)\n\r"
+		  "Region 4 - System control:  0xE0000000 - 0xE00FFFFF(1MB)\n\r"
+		  "Region 5 - On-chip SRAM:    0x2007C000 - 0x2007FFFF(16kB)\n\r"
+		  "Region 6 - Private SRAM:    0x20080000 - 0x20083FFF(16kB)\n\r"
+		  "Region 7 - GPIO peripheral: 0x2009C000 - 0x2009FFFF(16Kb)\n\r" 
+		  "Region 6 can not access (just used for testing)");
+	SCB->SHCSR |=(1<<16); //Enable Memory management fault
+	MPU->CTRL =(1<<0); //Enable the MPU
+	_DBG_("Enable MPU!");
+	//try to access to this memory range
+	_DBG_("Press '1' to try to read memory from region 1");
+	while(_DG !='1');
+	test = (*(unsigned int *)0x10000000);
+	_DBG_("Read successful!!!");
+	_DBG_("Press '2' to try to read memory from region 6\n\r"
+		  "Read memory at this region is not allow, LED p1.28 will blink...");
+	while(_DG !='2');
+	test = (*(unsigned int *)0x20080004);
+	test++;
+	while(test);
+	return 1;
+/* With ARM and GHS toolsets, the entry point is main() - this will
+   allow the linker to generate wrapper code to setup stacks, allocate
+   heap area, and initialize and copy code and data segments. For GNU
+   toolsets, the entry point is through __start() in the crt0_gnu.asm
+   file, and that startup code will setup stacks and data */
+int main(void)
+    return c_entry();
+#ifdef  DEBUG
+* @brief		Reports the name of the source file and the source line number
+* 				where the CHECK_PARAM error has occurred.
+* @param[in]	file Pointer to the source file name
+* @param[in]    line assert_param error line source number
+* @return		None
+void check_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line)
+	/* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,
+	 ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */
+	/* Infinite loop */
+	while(1);
+ * @}
+ */