Proyecto ABInBev para la tarjeta Guaria 1/2.

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00001 /**
00002  * @file gpio_exe.cpp
00003  * @author Felícito Manzano (
00004  * @brief 
00005  * @version 0.1
00006  * @date 2020-10-01
00007  * 
00008  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020
00009  * 
00010  */
00012 #include "mbed.h"
00013 #include "inputDebounce.hpp "
00014 #include "BufferedSerial.h"
00015 #include "New_GT521Fx.hpp "
00016 #include "jq8400_voice.hpp "
00017 #include "voice_cn_pa.hpp"
00018 #include "teltonika_fmu130.hpp "
00019 #include "gpio_exe.hpp "
00020 #include "fireup_exe.hpp "
00021 #include "safety_tip_exe.hpp "
00022 #include "USBSerial.h"
00025 //Objetos Entradas Digitales / Seriales
00026 /**
00027  * @brief 
00028  * 
00029  */
00030 extern BufferedSerial   avl_uart;
00031 extern BufferedSerial   voice_uart;
00032 extern BufferedSerial   fingerprint;
00033 extern DigitalIn        in1_ignition;
00034 extern DigitalIn        in2_pilot;
00035 extern DigitalIn        in3_copilot;
00036 extern DigitalIn        in4_crew;
00037 extern DigitalIn        in5_rain_sensor;
00038 extern DigitalIn        bluetooth_state;
00039 extern USBSerial        myPC_debug;
00040 extern Ticker           tick_fingerprint;
00041 extern Ticker           tick_safety_tip;
00042 extern Ticker           tick_fri_ics;
00045 // Variables Externas
00046 /**
00047  * @brief 
00048  * 
00049  */
00050 extern bool    ignition;
00051 extern bool    ignition_prev;
00052 extern bool    ignition_samples[4];
00053 extern int     ignition_counter;
00055 extern bool    pilot_seatbelt;
00056 extern bool    pilot_seatbelt_prev;
00057 extern bool    pilot_seatbelt_samples[4];
00058 extern int     pilot_seatbelt_c;
00060 extern bool    copilot_seatbelt;
00061 extern bool    copilot_seatbelt_prev;
00062 extern bool    copilot_seatbelt_samples[4];
00063 extern int     copilot_seatbelt_c;
00065 extern bool    crew_seatbelt;
00066 extern bool    crew_seatbelt_prev;
00067 extern bool    crew_seatbelt_samples[4];
00068 extern int     crew_seatbelt_c;
00070 extern bool    ble_connection_state;
00071 extern bool    ble_connection_state_prev;
00072 extern bool    ble_connection_state_samples[4];
00073 extern int     ble_connection_state_samples_c;
00075 extern bool    rg9_raining;
00076 extern bool    rg9_raining_prev;
00077 extern bool    rg9_raining_samples[4];
00078 extern int     rg9_raining_samples_c;
00080 extern int     flag_fingerprint_turOn;
00081 extern int     flag_fingerprint_Sleep;
00082 extern int     flag_ignition;
00083 extern int     flag_pilot_seatbelt;
00084 extern int     flag_copilot_seatbelt;
00085 extern int     flag_crew_pilot_seatbelt;
00086 extern int     flag_fingerprint_query;
00087 extern int     flag_ble_connection_state; 
00089 extern bool    functionality_fingerprint_reader;
00090 extern bool    fingerprint_remotly_disable;
00091 extern bool    flag_driver_loggin;
00092 extern bool    finterprint_flag_working;
00093 extern bool    fingerprint_flag_poweroff;
00094 extern bool    functionality_force_driver_buclke; 
00095 extern bool    functionality_seatbelt_reading;
00096 extern bool    functionality_safety_tip;
00097 extern bool    flag_read_inputs;
00098 extern bool    flag_query_rain_sensor;
00099 extern bool    functionality_rain_sensor;
00100 extern bool    functionality_rainSensor_silentMode;
00101 extern int     flag_rainsensorDigInput;
00103 extern char     wet_Speed_CMD[30];
00104 extern char     dry_Speed_CMD[30];
00105 extern int      pilot_buckleUp;
00106 extern int      pilot_unfasten;
00107 extern int      copilot_buckleUp;
00108 extern int      copilot_unfasten;
00109 extern int      crew_buckleUp;
00110 extern int      crew_unfasten;
00112 // Variables locales
00113 /**
00114  * @brief 
00115  * 
00116  */
00117 char        gpio_buffer[64];
00118 bool        estado_actual_cinturon_piloto;
00119 bool        estado_actual_cinturon_copiloto;
00120 bool        estado_actual_cinturon_tripulante;
00121 bool        estado_actual_sensor_lluvia;
00122 extern bool estado_actual_ignicion;
00123 const char  TCA_ID_PILOTO[]     = "TCA|101|";
00124 const char  TCA_ID_COPILOTO[]   = "TCA|102|";
00125 const char  TCA_ID_TRIPULANTE[] = "TCA|103|";
00126 const char  TCA_ID_LECTOR_HUE[] = "TCA|111|";
00127 const char  TCA_ID_BLUETOOTH[]  = "TCA|124|";
00128 const char  TCA_ID_WEATHER[]    = "TCA|120|";
00129 const char  IO_ENGINE_LOCK[]    = "setdigout 0?? ? ? ? ? ? ?";
00130 const char  IO_ENGINE_UNLOCK[]  = "setdigout 1?? ? ? ? ? ? ?";
00132 #define DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00133 #define IO_FP_READER_GT521     1
00135 /**
00136  * @brief 
00137  * 
00138  */
00139 void process_Inputs () {
00140     flag_read_inputs = false;
00141     memset(gpio_buffer, '\0', sizeof(gpio_buffer));
00144     /**
00145      * @brief 
00146      * 
00147      */
00148     flag_ignition = exeIgnition (&in1_ignition, ignition_samples, &ignition, &ignition_prev, &ignition_counter);
00150     /**
00151      * @brief Construct a new if object
00152      * 
00153      */
00154     if (flag_ignition == 1) {
00155         #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00156             myPC_debug.printf("\r\nGPIO - Ign ON\r\n");
00157         #endif
00158         estado_actual_ignicion = true;
00159         tick_fri_ics.detach();
00160         tick_fri_ics.attach(&send_fri_ics, 300.0);
00161         process_Engine_FireUp();
00162         if (rg9_raining) {
00163             if (!(functionality_rainSensor_silentMode)) {
00164                 jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_TRACK_CONDITION_WET);
00165             }
00166         }
00168     } else if (flag_ignition == -1) {
00169         jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_DOOR_SAFETY_REMINDER);
00170         tick_fri_ics.detach();
00171         tick_fri_ics.attach(&send_fri_ics, 1800.0);
00172         if (functionality_fingerprint_reader) {
00173             #if IO_FP_READER_GT521 == 1
00174                 FP_Close();
00175             #else
00176             #endif
00177             wait_us(1000000);
00178             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00179                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Pendiente apagar FP GT521Fx...\r\n");
00180             #endif
00181             fingerprint_flag_poweroff = true;
00182         }
00183         #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00184             myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Ign OFF\r\n");
00185         #endif
00186         estado_actual_ignicion = false;
00187         flag_driver_loggin = false;
00188         if (functionality_force_driver_buclke || functionality_fingerprint_reader) {
00189             tx_fmu130_command(IO_ENGINE_LOCK, &avl_uart);        // No se debe enviar a desactivar la entrada.
00190             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00191                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", IO_ENGINE_LOCK);
00192             #endif
00193         }
00194         flag_fingerprint_turOn = false;
00195         tick_fingerprint.detach();
00196         if (functionality_safety_tip) {
00197             tick_safety_tip.detach();
00198             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00199                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Ticker de Tip de Seguridad Detenido\r\n");
00200             #endif
00201         }
00202         sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s3", TCA_ID_LECTOR_HUE);
00203         tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00204         #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00205             myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00206         #endif
00207         // Se deja activado el lector para la siguiente interacción
00208         if (!(fingerprint_remotly_disable)) {
00209             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00210                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - FP Activado automaticamente\r\n");
00211                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", IO_ENGINE_LOCK);
00212             #endif
00213             functionality_fingerprint_reader = true;
00214             tx_fmu130_command(IO_ENGINE_LOCK, &avl_uart);        // No se debe enviar a desactivar la entrada.
00215         } else {
00216             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00217                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - FP Desactivado remotamente\r\n");
00218             #endif
00219         }
00220     } else {
00221         #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00222             myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Ign sin cambio:%d\r\n", ignition);
00223         #endif
00224     }
00227      /**
00228      * @brief 
00229      * 
00230      */
00231     flag_ble_connection_state = exeDigInput (&bluetooth_state, ble_connection_state_samples, &ble_connection_state, &ble_connection_state_prev, &ble_connection_state_samples_c);
00232     if (flag_ble_connection_state == 1) {
00233         //jq8400_addQueue(VOICE_BLE_FMU130_CONNECTED);
00234         flag_ble_connection_state = 0;
00235         sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s1", TCA_ID_BLUETOOTH);
00236         tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00237         #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00238             myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Bluetooth Conectado\r\n");
00239             myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00240         #endif
00241     } else if  (flag_ble_connection_state == -1) {
00242         //jq8400_addQueue(VOICE_BLE_FMU130_DISCONNECTED);
00243         flag_ble_connection_state = 0;
00244         sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s0", TCA_ID_BLUETOOTH);
00245         tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00246         #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00247             myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Bluetooth Desconectado\r\n");
00248             myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00249         #endif
00250     }
00252     if (functionality_seatbelt_reading) {
00253         /**
00254          * @brief 
00256          * Normalmente Cerrado
00257          *      Abrochado = -1      (buckleUp)
00258          *      Desabrochado = 1    (unfasten)
00259          * 
00260          * Livianos y cinturones Chinos:
00261          * Normalmente Abierto
00262          *      Abrochado = 1
00263          *      Desabrochado = -1
00264          */
00267         /**
00268          * @brief 
00269          * Lectura del Cinturón del piloto
00270          * 
00271          */
00272         flag_pilot_seatbelt = exeDigInput (&in2_pilot, pilot_seatbelt_samples, &pilot_seatbelt, &pilot_seatbelt_prev, &pilot_seatbelt_c);
00273         if (flag_pilot_seatbelt == pilot_buckleUp) {
00274             estado_actual_cinturon_piloto = true;
00275             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00276                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Piloto Abrochado\r\n");
00277             #endif
00278             if (estado_actual_ignicion) {
00279                 jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_DRIVER_SEATBELT_FASTENED);
00280             }
00281             flag_pilot_seatbelt = 0;
00282             process_SeatBelt_FireUp();
00283             sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s1", TCA_ID_PILOTO);
00284             tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00285             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00286                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00287             #endif
00289         } else if  (flag_pilot_seatbelt == pilot_unfasten) {
00290             estado_actual_cinturon_piloto = false;
00291             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00292                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Piloto Desabrochado\r\n");
00293             #endif
00294             if (estado_actual_ignicion) {
00295                 jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_DRIVER_SEATBELT_UNFASTENED);           // Evaluar si se corta el audio.
00296             }
00297             flag_pilot_seatbelt = 0;
00298             sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s0", TCA_ID_PILOTO);
00299             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00300                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00301             #endif
00302             tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00303             if (functionality_fingerprint_reader && functionality_force_driver_buclke) { ///// PENDIENTE
00304                 #if IO_FP_READER_GT521 == 1
00305                     FP_Close();
00306                 #else
00307                 #endif
00308                 wait_us(1000000);
00309                 #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00310                     myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Pendiente apagar FP GT521Fx...\r\n");
00311                 #endif
00312                 fingerprint_flag_poweroff = true;
00313             }
00314         }
00317         /**
00318          * @brief 
00319          * 
00320          */
00321         flag_copilot_seatbelt = exeDigInput (&in3_copilot, copilot_seatbelt_samples, &copilot_seatbelt, &copilot_seatbelt_prev, &copilot_seatbelt_c);
00322         if (flag_copilot_seatbelt == copilot_buckleUp) {
00323             estado_actual_cinturon_copiloto = true;
00324             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00325                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Copiloto Abrochado\r\n");
00326             #endif
00327             if (estado_actual_ignicion) {
00328                 jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_COPILOT_SEATBELT_FASTENED);
00329             }
00330             flag_copilot_seatbelt = 0;
00331             sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s1", TCA_ID_COPILOTO);
00332             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00333                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00334             #endif
00335             tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00336         } else if  (flag_copilot_seatbelt == copilot_unfasten) {
00337             estado_actual_cinturon_copiloto = false;
00338             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00339                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - copiloto Desabrochado\r\n");
00340             #endif
00341             if (estado_actual_ignicion) {
00342                 jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_COPILOT_SEATBELT_UNFASTENED);
00343             }
00344             flag_copilot_seatbelt = 0;
00345             sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s0", TCA_ID_COPILOTO);
00346             tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00347             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00348                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00349             #endif
00350         }
00353         /**
00354          * @brief 
00355          * 
00356          */
00357         flag_crew_pilot_seatbelt = exeDigInput (&in4_crew, crew_seatbelt_samples, &crew_seatbelt, &crew_seatbelt_prev, &crew_seatbelt_c);
00358         if (flag_crew_pilot_seatbelt == crew_buckleUp) {
00359             estado_actual_cinturon_tripulante = true;
00360             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00361                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Tripulante Abrochado\r\n");
00362             #endif
00363             if (estado_actual_ignicion) {
00364                 jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_CREW_SEATBELT_FASTENED);
00365             }
00366             flag_crew_pilot_seatbelt = 0;
00367             sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s1", TCA_ID_TRIPULANTE);
00368             tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00369             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00370                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00371             #endif
00372         } else if  (flag_crew_pilot_seatbelt == crew_unfasten) {
00373             estado_actual_cinturon_tripulante = false;
00374             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00375                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - Tripulante Desabrochado\r\n");
00376             #endif
00377             if (estado_actual_ignicion) {
00378                 jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_CREW_SEATBELT_UNFASTENED);
00379             }
00380             flag_crew_pilot_seatbelt = 0;
00381             sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s0", TCA_ID_TRIPULANTE);
00382             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00383                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00384             #endif
00385             tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00386         }
00387     }
00388 }
00391 void process_inputRainSensor() {
00392     flag_query_rain_sensor = false;
00393     if (functionality_rain_sensor) {
00394         memset(gpio_buffer, '\0', sizeof(gpio_buffer));
00395         flag_rainsensorDigInput = exeDigRain (&in5_rain_sensor, rg9_raining_samples, &rg9_raining, &rg9_raining_prev, &rg9_raining_samples_c);
00396         if (flag_rainsensorDigInput == 1) {
00397             estado_actual_sensor_lluvia = true;
00398             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00399                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - RG9 Lloviendo \r\n");
00400             #endif
00401             flag_rainsensorDigInput = 0;
00402             sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s%d", TCA_ID_WEATHER, 1);
00403             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00404                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00405             #endif
00406             tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);   
00407             if (functionality_rainSensor_silentMode) { 
00408                 #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00409                     myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - RG9 Modo silencioso no se notifica voz ni cambia velocidad\r\n");
00410                 #endif
00411             } else {    
00412                 if (estado_actual_ignicion) {   
00413                     #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00414                         myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - RG9 - Condicion de pista mojada\r\n");
00415                     #endif   
00416                     jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_TRACK_CONDITION_WET);
00417                 }
00418                 tx_fmu130_var_command(wet_Speed_CMD, &avl_uart);
00419             }
00420         } else if  (flag_rainsensorDigInput == -1) {
00421             estado_actual_sensor_lluvia = false;
00422             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00423                 myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - RG9 Seco\r\n");
00424             #endif
00425             flag_rainsensorDigInput = 0;
00426             sprintf(gpio_buffer, "%s%d", TCA_ID_WEATHER, 0);
00427             tx_fmu130_message (gpio_buffer, &avl_uart);
00428             #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00429                 myPC_debug.printf("%s\r\n", gpio_buffer);
00430             #endif
00431             if (functionality_rainSensor_silentMode) {
00432                 #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00433                     myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - RG9 Modo silencioso no se notifica voz ni cambia velocidad\r\n");
00434                 #endif
00435             } else {
00436                 if (estado_actual_ignicion) {
00437                     #ifdef DEBUG_GPIO_CPP
00438                         myPC_debug.printf("GPIO - RG9 - Condicion de pista seca\r\n");
00439                     #endif
00440                     jq8400_addQueue (VOICE_TRACK_CONDITION_DRY);
00441                 }
00442                 tx_fmu130_var_command(dry_Speed_CMD, &avl_uart);
00443             }
00444         }
00445     }
00446 }