library for using LSM303DM chip

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API Documentation at this revision

Mon Sep 08 01:46:11 2014 +0000
Commit message:
soft iron correction scale added

Changed in this revision

LSM303.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LSM303.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 9786e0a13a3a -r 22556393747b LSM303.cpp
--- a/LSM303.cpp	Tue Aug 12 11:43:45 2014 +0000
+++ b/LSM303.cpp	Mon Sep 08 01:46:11 2014 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 I2C i2c(P0_5, P0_4);
-int LSM303::setup()
+void LSM303::setup()
 #ifdef CALIBRATING //set in LSM303.h
     m_max.x = 1;
@@ -22,28 +22,28 @@
     a_min.y = 0;
     a_min.z = 0;
-    m_min.x = -671;
-    m_min.y = -704;
-    m_min.z = -450;
-    m_max.x = 462;
-    m_max.y = 419;
-    m_max.z = 578; 
+    m_min.x = -690;
+    m_min.y = -702;
+    m_min.z = -433;
+    m_max.x = 480;
+    m_max.y = 414;
+    m_max.z = 589; 
-    a_min.x = -584;
-    a_min.y = -776;
-    a_min.z = -664; 
-    a_max.x = 48;
-    a_max.y = 32;
-    a_max.z = 992;
+    a_min.x = -542;
+    a_min.y = -644;
+    a_min.z = -632; 
+    a_max.x = 496;
+    a_max.y = 472;
+    a_max.z = 566;
+    getScale(&scale);
     LSM303_write(0x27, CTRL_REG1_A);
     LSM303_write(0x00, CTRL_REG4_A);
-    LSM303_write(MAG_SCALE_1_3, CRB_REG_M); //magnetic scale = +/-1.3Gauss
+    LSM303_write(MAG_SCALE_1_3 , CRB_REG_M); //magnetic scale = +/-1.3Gauss
     LSM303_write(0x00, MR_REG_M);  // 0x00 = continouous conversion mode
-    return 1; //success
 int LSM303::testAcc()
     if (i2c.write(LSM303_ACC, NULL, 0) ==0) return LSM303_ACC;
@@ -62,16 +62,54 @@
     return 255;
+void LSM303::getScale(Plane *scale)  {
+    Plane vmax;
+    Plane vmin;
+    Plane avgs;
+    //First the hard iron errors are removed from the maximums and minimum magnetometer vectors. 
+    //These minimum and maximum vectors are the same as the ones being used to correct for hard iron errors.
+    vmax.x= m_max.x - ((m_min.x + m_max.x)/2.0);
+    vmax.y= m_max.y - ((m_min.y + m_max.y)/2.0);
+    vmax.z =m_max.z - ((m_min.z + m_max.z)/2.0);
+    vmin.x = m_min.x - ((m_min.x + m_max.x)/2.0);
+    vmin.y = m_min.y - ((m_min.y + m_max.y)/2.0);
+    vmin.z = m_min.z - ((m_min.z + m_max.z)/2.0);
+    //The average distance from the centre is now calculated. We want to know how far from the centre, so the negative values are inverted.
+    //avgs = vmax + (vmin*-1); //multiply by -1 to make negative values positive
+    //avgs = avgs / 2.0;
+    avgs.x = (vmax.x + vmin.x*-1)/2.0;
+    avgs.y = (vmax.y + vmin.y*-1)/2.0;
+    avgs.z = (vmax.z + vmin.z*-1)/2.0;
+    //The components are now averaged out
+    float avg_rad = avgs.x + avgs.y + avgs.z;
+    avg_rad /= 3.0;
+    //Finally calculate the scale factor by dividing average radius by average value for that axis.
+    scale->x = (avg_rad/avgs.x);
+    scale->y = (avg_rad/avgs.y);
+    scale->z = (avg_rad/avgs.z);
 float LSM303::getTiltHeading()
+    getLSM303_accel();        
+    getLSM303_mag();  // get the accel and magnetometer values, store them in a and m
     a.x -= ((int32_t)a_min.x + a_max.x) / 2;
     a.y -= ((int32_t)a_min.y + a_max.y) / 2;
     a.z -= ((int32_t)a_min.z + a_max.z) / 2;
     // subtract offset (average of min and max) from magnetometer readings
     m.x -= ((int32_t)m_min.x + m_max.x) / 2;
     m.y -= ((int32_t)m_min.y + m_max.y) / 2;
     m.z -= ((int32_t)m_min.z + m_max.z) / 2;
+    m.x *= scale.x;
+    m.y *= scale.y;
+    m.z *= scale.z;
     //see appendix A in app note AN3192
diff -r 9786e0a13a3a -r 22556393747b LSM303.h
--- a/LSM303.h	Tue Aug 12 11:43:45 2014 +0000
+++ b/LSM303.h	Mon Sep 08 01:46:11 2014 +0000
@@ -1,54 +1,6 @@
 #ifndef LSM303_h
 #define LSM303_h
 #include "mbed.h"
-/* LSM303DLM  mbed code based on AN3192 Application note and LSM303DLH example code by Jim Lindblom SparkFun Electronics 
-  modified by Frankie.Chu to arduino in year 2012.
-   date: 13/10/13
-   license: Use this with your own risk:-)
-   Calibration is a must to make your compass to work:
-   //displays integer value with sign in 4 digit led display and waits delay seconds
-   void displayInt(TM1637 &tm, int value, float delay)...
-   // displays a digit in position of 4 digit led display
-   void TM1637::display(uint8_t position,int8_t digit)...
-   //calibration loop
-   for(int i = 0; i <200; i++) {
-        lsm.getLSM303_mag();
-// Mmin handler
-        if(lsm.m.x  <  lsm.m_min.x)
-            lsm.m_min.x  =  lsm.m.x;
-        if(lsm.m.y  <  lsm.m_min.y)
-            lsm.m_min.y  =  lsm.m.y;
-        if(lsm.m.z  <  lsm.m_min.z)
-            lsm.m_min.z  =  lsm.m.z;
-// Mmax handler
-        if(lsm.m.x  >  lsm.m_max.x)
-            lsm.m_max.x  =  lsm.m.x ;
-        if(lsm.m.y  >  lsm.m_max.y)
-            lsm.m_max.y =  lsm.m.y;
-        if(lsm.m.z  >  lsm.m_max.z)
-            lsm.m_max.z  =  lsm.m.z;
-        tm.clearDisplay();
-        tm.display(i%4,0);
-        wait(0.1);
-    }
-    displayInt(tm, lsm.m_min.x, 8);
-    displayInt(tm, lsm.m_min.y, 8);
-    displayInt(tm, lsm.m_min.z, 8);
-    displayInt(tm, lsm.m_max.x, 8);
-    displayInt(tm, lsm.m_max.y, 8);
-    displayInt(tm, lsm.m_max.z, 8);
 /* LSM303 Address definitions */
 #define LSM303_MAG  0x3C  // assuming SA0 grounded
@@ -99,42 +51,85 @@
 #define PI                    3.14159265
 //#define CALIBRATING //uncomment when calibrating
+/** LSM303DLM  mbed code based on AN3192 Application note and LSM303DLH example code by Jim Lindblom SparkFun Electronics 
+  modified by Frankie.Chu to arduino in year 2012.
+   date: 13/10/13
+   license: Use this with your own risk:-)
+   Calibration the compass and accelometer is a must to make your compass to work:
+   //calibration loop
+   for(int i = 0; i <200; i++) {
+        lsm.getLSM303_mag();
+// Mmin handler
+        if(lsm.m.x  <  lsm.m_min.x)
+            lsm.m_min.x  =  lsm.m.x;
+        if(lsm.m.y  <  lsm.m_min.y)
+            lsm.m_min.y  =  lsm.m.y;
+        if(lsm.m.z  <  lsm.m_min.z)
+            lsm.m_min.z  =  lsm.m.z;
+// Mmax handler
+        if(lsm.m.x  >  lsm.m_max.x)
+            lsm.m_max.x  =  lsm.m.x ;
+        if(lsm.m.y  >  lsm.m_max.y)
+            lsm.m_max.y =  lsm.m.y;
+        if(lsm.m.z  >  lsm.m_max.z)
+            lsm.m_max.z  =  lsm.m.z;
+        wait(0.1);
+    }
 class LSM303
-{// I am  LSM303DLM
+    //! A plane with x,y and z axis
     typedef struct Plane {
         float x, y, z;
     } Plane;
-    Plane a; // accelerometer readings
+    //! accelerometer readings
+    Plane a; 
     Plane a_max;
     Plane a_min;
-    Plane m; // magnetometer readings
+    //! magnetometer readings
+    Plane m; 
     Plane m_max; // maximum magnetometer values, used for calibration
     Plane m_min; // minimum magnetometer values, used for calibration
+    Plane scale; //soft magneting field scaling
+    //! Initialises LSM303DLM chip
+    void setup();
+    //!Tests Accelometer. Returns 0xFF on error, 0x30 if succesful.
+    int testAcc();
+    //!Tests Compass. Returns 0xFF on error, 0x0F if succesful and LSM303DLM; 0x3C if LSM303DH.
+    int testMag();   
+    //! Returns compass heading in degrees   
+    float getTiltHeading();
+    //! Reads magnetometer values to m
+    void getLSM303_mag();
+    //! Reads accelerometer values to a
+    void getLSM303_accel();
+    int _i2c_address;
     float pitch;
     float roll;
-    int setup();
-    void getLSM303_mag();
-    void getLSM303_accel();
     int LSM303_read(int address);
-    int LSM303_write(int data, int address);
-    int testAcc();
-    int testMag();
-    float getTiltHeading();
+    int LSM303_write(int data, int address);    
     // Plane functions
     static void vector_cross(const Plane *a, const Plane *b, Plane *out);
     static float vector_dot(const Plane *a,const Plane *b);
     static void vector_normalize(Plane *a);
-    int _i2c_address;
+    void getScale(Plane *scale);