
Dependencies:   Si5351A NeoPixel

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Wed Jun 16 17:12:18 2021 +0000
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Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 2c78f22e6081 -r 05c2c10b6bb3 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun May 30 15:40:19 2021 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jun 16 17:12:18 2021 +0000
@@ -2,37 +2,46 @@
 #include "neopixel.h"
 #include "si5351a.h"
-NeoPixelOut neoPixel(D9);
-DigitalOut reset=D4;
-DigitalOut strobe=D3;
-int NumColumn=3;
-//AnalogIn ColumnAnalog_1=A3;
-//AnalogIn ColumnAnalog_2=A2;
-AnalogIn analog1_7=A0;
-AnalogIn analog8_14=A6;
-float freqData[14];
-Timeout PeakDecrease;   
+I2C i2c(D0, D1);                   //通信Si5351A
+SI5351A clk(i2c, 25000000UL);      //基础时钟25MHz
+Pixel Column[20];                  //单个数组
+Pixel Column_All[280];             //全局数组
+NeoPixelOut neoPixel(D9);          //数据输出
+Timeout PeakDecrease;              
-I2C i2c(D0, D1);       // communication with Si5351A
-SI5351A clk(i2c, 25000000UL);     // Base clock = 25MHz
-Pixel Column[20];//全局数组
-Pixel Column_All[280];
-int Peak[14]={0};
-int ColorBegin=0x00FF00;              //初始颜色
-int ColorLadder=0x00000C;          //颜色级变化量                   
-int PeakDecreaseTime_us=1000*80;//peak下降延迟时间
+DigitalOut reset=D4;               //重置MSGEQ7
+DigitalOut strobe=D3;              //选择MSGEQ7输出
+AnalogIn analog1_7=A0;             //数据读取1-7
+AnalogIn analog8_14=A1;            //数据读取8-14
+//AnalogIn mod=A2;                  //选择模式输入
+AnalogIn sensitive=A5;
+AnalogIn brightness=A6;
+int NumColumn=14;                  //灯柱数量
+int Peak[14]={0};                 
+int PeakDecreaseTime_us=50*1e3;    //peak下降延迟时间
+int colorPeak;           //peak颜色
+int __mode;
+float freqData[14];
+float noise=0.1;
+float mode=0.1;
+int num=0;
 void toggleOff(void);
 void toggleOn(void){
     for(int i=0;i<NumColumn;i++){
         if(Peak[i]>-2) Peak[i]--;    
+    num++;
+    if(num==200){
+        if(mode<=0.5) mode=mode+0.1;
+        else mode=0.1;
+        num=0;
+    }
 void toggleOff(void){
@@ -46,47 +55,128 @@
     if(i>j)return i;
     else return j;
 void Read() {
     reset = 1;
-    wait_us(3000);
+    //wait_ns(150);    //最小值100ns
     reset = 0;
-    wait_us(1000);
+    wait_us(200);
     for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++){
         strobe = 0;
-        wait_us(1000);
-        freqData[i]=analog1_7;
-        freqData[i+7]=analog8_14;
+        wait_us(50);                      //待输出稳定
+        freqData[i*2]=analog1_7*(0.5+2*sensitive);
+        freqData[i*2+1]=analog8_14*(0.5+2*sensitive);
         strobe = 1;
-      //  wait_us(40); 
+        wait_us(40);             //strobe最小间隔72us,此处取90us 
+    }
+int colorBegin(){
+    int __mode=(int)(mode*10);    //__mode范围为1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
+    switch(__mode){
+        case 1:
+            colorPeak=0xFF0000;
+            return 0x00FF00;//
+        case 2:
+            colorPeak=0xFF0000;
+            return 0x0000FF;//
+        case 3:
+            colorPeak=0xFFFF00;
+            return 0xFF33CC;//
+        case 4:
+            colorPeak=0x990099;
+            return 0xFF3366;//
+        case 5:
+            colorPeak=0x0000FF;
+            return 0x000000;//
+        case 6:
+            colorPeak=0xFF0000;
+            return 0x00FF00;
+        case 7:
+            colorPeak=0xFF0000;
+            return 0x00FF00;
+        case 8:
+            colorPeak=0xFF0000;
+            return 0x00FF00;
+        case 9:
+            colorPeak=0xFF0000;
+            return 0x00FF00;
+        default:
+            colorPeak=0xFF0000;
+            return 0x00FF00;
+int colorTransformation(int __color,int i){
+    switch(__mode){
+        case 1:
+            return __color+0x060009-0x000B00;//绿色
+        case 2:
+            return __color+0x0B0000-0x00000C;//蓝色
+        case 3:
+            switch(i){
+                case 0:return   0xFF33CC;    case 1:return   0xFF33FF;    case 2:return   0xCC33FF;    case 3:return   0x9933FF;     case 4:return    0x6633FF;    
+                case 5:return   0x3333FF;    case 6:return   0x3366FF;    case 7:return   0x3399FF;    case 8:return   0x33CCFF;     case 9:return    0x33FFFF;    
+                case 10:return  0x33FFCC;    case 11:return  0x33FF99;    case 12:return  0x33FF66;    case 13:return  0x33FF33;     case 14:return   0x66FF33;    
+                case 15:return  0x99FF33;    case 16:return  0xCCFF33;    case 17:return  0xFFFF33;    case 18:return  0xFFCC33;     case 19:return   0xFF9933;   
+                default: return  0x000000;
+            }//粉黄
+        case 4:
+            switch(i){
+                case 0:return   0xFF3366;    case 1:return   0xFF33CC;    case 2:return   0xCC33FF;    case 3:return   0x6633FF;     case 4:return    0x3366FF;    
+                case 5:return   0x33CCFF;    case 6:return   0x33FFCC;    case 7:return   0x33FF66;    case 8:return   0x66FF33;     case 9:return    0xCCFF33;    
+                case 10:return  0xFFCC33;    case 11:return  0xFF6633;    case 12:return  0xFF33CC;    case 13:return  0xFF33FF;     case 14:return   0x9933FF;    
+                case 15:return  0x3333FF;    case 16:return  0x3399FF;    case 17:return  0x33FFFF;    case 18:return  0x33FF99;     case 19:return   0x33FF33;   
+                default: return  0x000000;
+            }//
+        case 5:
+            return 0X000000;//红色无
+        case 6:
+            return __color;
+            break;
+        case 7:
+            return __color;
+            break;
+        case 8:
+            return __color;
+            break;
+        case 9:
+            return __color;
+        default:
+            return __color+0x06000C;
+    }
+void run(int j){
+    __mode=mode*10;
+    int __color=colorBegin();
+    int H=((freqData[j]-noise)*19);
+    for(int i=0; i<20; i++) {
+        if(i>H) Column[i].hex=0;
+        else Column[i].hex=__color;
+        __color=colorTransformation(__color,i);  
+    }
+    Column[max(Peak[j],H)].hex=colorPeak;
+    if(Peak[j]<H) Peak[j]=H;//当Peak小于H时,上拉Peak到最顶端
-void run(int j){
-    int __ColorBegin=ColorBegin;
-    int H=(freqData[j+3]*19);
-    for(int i=0; i<20; i++) {
-        if(i>=H) Column[i].hex=0;
-        else Column[i].hex=__ColorBegin;
-        __ColorBegin+=ColorLadder;  
-    }
-    __ColorBegin=ColorBegin;//重置初始颜色
-    Column[max(Peak[j],H)].hex=0xFF0000;
-    if(Peak[j]<H) Peak[j]=H;//当Peak小于H时,上拉Peak到最顶端
 int main()
-    reset=0;
+    reset=0;                     //initialize
     clk.set_frequency(SI5351_CLK1, 104570);
-    clk.set_frequency(SI5351_CLK0, 166280);
+    clk.set_frequency(SI5351_CLK0, 190000);
     wait_us(200*1000); // 等待HSE稳定
-    neoPixel.global_scale = 0.05f; //亮度调节
     neoPixel.normalize = false; // 使r+g+b=255 均匀每个led亮度
     while(1) {
+        neoPixel.global_scale = brightness; //亮度调节
+        //for(int x=0;x<14;x++) printf("%4.d ",(int)(freqData[x]*100));//test
+        //printf("\n");//test
         for(int j=0;j<NumColumn;j++){     
             for(int k=20*j;k<20*(j+1);k++){
@@ -94,6 +184,5 @@
         neoPixel.send(Column_All, NumColumn*20);
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