
Dependencies:   OLED USBDevice max32630fthr

Fork of FTHR_OLED by Greg Steiert

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "max32630fthr.h"
00003 #include "Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
00004 #include "USBSerial.h"
00006 MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
00008 I2C oledI2C(P3_4, P3_5); // SDA, SCL
00010 // Hardware serial port over DAPLink
00011 Serial daplink(P2_1, P2_0);
00013 // serial port for pm1003
00014 Serial pmSerial(P3_1, P3_0);
00015 //for 595 drive LED bar
00016 DigitalOut ledbarClk(P5_3);
00017 DigitalOut ledbardat(P5_4);
00018 DigitalOut ledbarlatch(P5_5);
00019 DigitalOut ledEnable(P5_6);
00020 int airBufferPrcess( float a, float b);
00021 void shirftDate(unsigned int date);
00022 /* Analog inputs 0 and 1 have internal dividers to allow measuring 5V signals  
00023  * The dividers are selected by using inputs AIN_5 and AIN_5 respectively.
00024  * The full scale range for AIN0-3 is 1.2V
00025  * The full scale range for AIN4-5 is 6.0V
00026  */
00027 AnalogIn fireAir(AIN_4); 
00028 AnalogIn alcohol(AIN_5); 
00030 // main() runs in its own thread in the OS
00031 // (note the calls to Thread::wait below for delays)
00032 int main()
00033 {
00034     char incomeByte[32];
00035     unsigned int pm25;
00036     unsigned int pm1;
00037     unsigned int pm10;
00038     unsigned int airDisplayDate;
00039     //unsigned int alcoholDate,fireAirDate;
00041     //daplink.printf("start \r\n");
00042     pmSerial.baud(9600);
00044     Thread::wait(50);  // Give the supplies time to settle before initializing the display
00045     Adafruit_SSD1306_I2c OLED(oledI2C);  
00046     //OLED.printf("%ux%u OLED Display\r\n", OLED.width(), OLED.height());
00047     //OLED.printf("HelloWorld \r");
00048     //OLED.display();
00050     //daplink.printf("OLED init over \r\n");
00051     while(1) {
00052         Thread::wait(250);
00054         while(pmSerial.getc() !=0x42){}
00055             if(pmSerial.getc() == 0x4d){
00056                 for(int i = 2; i < 32; i++){
00057                     incomeByte[i] = pmSerial.getc();
00058                 }
00060                 unsigned int calcsum = 0;
00061                 incomeByte[0] = 0x42;
00062                 incomeByte[1] = 0x4d;
00063                 unsigned int exptsum = (incomeByte[30]<<8) + incomeByte[31];
00064                 for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++){
00065                     calcsum += incomeByte[i];
00066                    // daplink.printf("income[%d],%d\n",i,incomeByte[i]);
00067                 }
00068                 if( calcsum == exptsum)
00069                 {
00070                    //daplink.printf("check ok \n");
00071                    pm1 = incomeByte[10] + incomeByte[11];
00072                    pm25 = incomeByte[12] + incomeByte[13];
00073                    pm10 = incomeByte[14] + incomeByte[15];
00075                    //daplink.printf("pm1:%d\n",pm1);
00076                    //daplink.printf("pm2.5:%d\n",pm25);
00077                    //daplink.printf("pm10:%d\n",pm10);
00079                 }
00081         }
00083         Thread::wait(10);
00084         OLED.clearDisplay();
00085         OLED.setTextCursor(0,0);
00086         OLED.printf("Car air memter \n");
00087         OLED.printf("CO: %1.2f\n", (6.0f * fireAir) );  // fireAir inputs 4
00088         OLED.printf("alcohol: %1.2f\n", (6.0f * alcohol) );  // alcohol inputs 5
00089         OLED.printf("PM2.5: %d \n", pm25 );  //
00090         OLED.printf("PM10 : %d \n", pm10 );  // 
00091         OLED.printf("PM1  : %d \n", pm1 );  // 
00092         OLED.display();
00093         daplink.printf("CO     : %1.2f\n", (6.0f * fireAir) );
00094         daplink.printf("alcohol: %1.2f\n", (6.0f * alcohol) );
00096         airDisplayDate = airBufferPrcess( (6.0f * fireAir), (6.0f *alcohol) );
00097         daplink.printf("date for shirtf:%d\n",airDisplayDate);
00098         ledEnable = 1;
00099         ledEnable = 0;
00100         shirftDate( (~airDisplayDate)<<4 );
00101         Thread::wait(500); 
00102         //shirftDate( 0x00ffff);
00104         while((pm25 > 100)||(fireAir > 1)||(alcohol > 1)){
00106             OLED.clearDisplay();
00107             Thread::wait(50);
00108             OLED.printf("ERROR \n");
00109             OLED.printf("ERROR \n");
00110             OLED.printf("ERROR \n");
00111             OLED.printf("ERROR \n");
00112             OLED.printf("ERROR \n");
00113             OLED.printf("ERROR \n");
00114             OLED.display();
00115             Thread::wait(500);            
00116             }
00119     }
00120 }
00122 /*传入LB数据,共24位取低位24*/
00123 /*低20位用于两个LED bar*/
00124 void shirftDate(unsigned int date){
00125     unsigned int _date = date;
00126     //_date &= 0xfffff;
00127     for( int i = 24; i >= 0; i-- ){
00128         if( _date  & (0x01 << i ) ){
00129             ledbardat = 1;            
00130         }else{
00131             ledbardat = 0;
00132         }
00133        // daplink.printf("date ledbardat:%d\n",ledbardat);
00134         Thread::wait(0.5);
00135         ledbarClk = 0;
00136         Thread::wait(0.5);
00137         ledbarClk = 1;
00138     }
00139     // /*补充4位空白*/
00140     // for(int i= 0; i < 4 ; i++){
00141     //         ledbardat = 0;
00142     //         ledbarClk = 1;
00143     //         Thread::wait(0.5);
00144     //         ledbarClk = 0;
00145     // }
00147     ledbarlatch = 0;
00148     Thread::wait(0.5);
00149     ledbarlatch = 1;
00151 }
00153 //空气模拟数据处理,a,b分别表示 CO与acohol;
00154 //采用对数级浓度增加对应一位,
00155 int airBufferPrcess( float a, float b)
00156 {
00157     unsigned int _a , _b;
00158      _a = (unsigned int)( a / 0.1);
00159      _b = (unsigned int)( b / 0.1);
00160      daplink.printf("airDisplayDate:%d\n",_a);
00161      daplink.printf("airDisplayDate:%d\n",_b);
00162     unsigned int _ProcessDate[3]={1,1,0};
00163     for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
00164         _a >>= 1;
00165         _b >>= 1;
00166         if(_a > 0){
00167             _ProcessDate[0] <<= 1;
00168             _ProcessDate[0]++;
00169         }
00170         if(_b > 0){
00171             _ProcessDate[1] <<= 1;
00172             _ProcessDate[1]++;
00173         }
00174     _ProcessDate[2] = ( _ProcessDate[0] << 10);
00175     _ProcessDate[2] += _ProcessDate[1];
00176     }
00178     return _ProcessDate[2];
00179 }