A first try to test how interrupt, timeout and ticker interact.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Aug 30 14:28:53 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+ * @file    main.cpp
+ * @brief   main file.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup test
+ * @author  fdufnews
+ * @date    23.08.2014
+ * @brief   Main module to test led, button and ticker interraction
+ * @note    required LEDs on pin D9 and D11 in addition to that on the board
+ * @{
+ */
+#define F_DELAY1 1.5
+#define F_DELAY2 0.25
+void offEnd(void);
+Timeout redOn, redOff; // 2 timeout that call each other to make some sort of programmable oscillator
+Ticker flipperPWM; // Ticker that ramp up and down an LED
+InterruptIn button1(USER_BUTTON); // button that light an LED and modify timeouts period
+DigitalOut led1(LED1); // The green LED onboard
+DigitalOut redLED(D9); // a red LED on a breadboard
+PwmOut orangeLED(D11); // an orange one on the breadboard
+/** Function to toggle led1
+ evry time the button is pushed this function is called
+ and led1 state toggled*/
+void toggleLed1(void){
+    led1 = !led1;
+/** Function called at end of onEnd timeout, sets new timeout defined by led1 state
+onEnd calls offEnd which calls onEnd making an oscillator*/
+void onEnd(void){
+    redLED=0; // led off
+    float delay = led1?F_DELAY1:F_DELAY2; // sets new delay conditionned by led1 state
+    redOff.attach(&offEnd,delay); // update delay
+/** Function called at end ofEnd off timeout, sets new timeout defined by led1 state
+offEnd calls onEnd which calls offEnd making an oscillator*/
+void offEnd(void){
+    redLED=1; // led on
+    float delay = led1?F_DELAY1:F_DELAY2; // sets new delay conditionned by led1 state
+    redOn.attach(&onEnd,delay); // update delay
+/** Function to manage PWM for orange LED
+at each new tick rampPWM is called changing PWM value ramping up and down the LED*/
+void rampPWM(void){
+    static int rampDir=0;
+    float curVal = orangeLED.read(); // read current programmed PWM value
+    if (rampDir==0){ // if ramping up
+        curVal+=0.05; // increment current PWM value
+        orangeLED=curVal; // sets PWM
+        if (curVal>=1.0){ // if limit reached
+            rampDir=1; // toggle direction
+        }
+    }else if (rampDir==1){ // if ramping down
+        curVal-=0.1; // decrement current PWM value
+        orangeLED=curVal; // sets PWM
+        if (curVal<=0.0){ // if limit reached
+            rampDir=0; // toggle direction
+        }
+    }
+/** main function
+ sets system up by
+   initializing LEDs state
+   attaching interrupt
+   launching ticker and timeout
+   then enters an infinite while(1) loop
+int main(void){
+    // sets LED default state
+    led1=0;
+    redLED=1;
+    orangeLED.write(0.0);
+    // attach functions called by ISR
+    redOn.attach(&onEnd,F_DELAY1); // toggle redLED state
+    flipperPWM.attach(&rampPWM,0.1); // change PWM value every 100ms
+    button1.fall(&toggleLed1);
+   while(1){}; // do nothing
+/** @} */
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