test AnalogIn_Diff.lib for board K64F

Dependencies:   AnalogIn_Diff_ok mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Aug 26 13:42:58 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Dec 05 15:46:02 2014 +0000
@@ -1,152 +1,39 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 LAAS-CNRS
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "AnalogIn_Diff.h"
-#include "math.h"
-#include "MovingAverage.h"
-#define VERSION "26_08_2014"
+#define VERSION "AnalogIn_Diff_helloworld_2014_12_02"
 #define CIBLE "K64F"
-#define max(a,b) (a>=b?a:b)
-#define min(a,b) (a<=b?a:b)
-#define R1 1.0E6
-#define R2 510.0
-#define ADCVREF 3.3
-#define GAIN_ACPL_C78 0.125
-#define GAIN ((double)((R1+R2)*2.0*GAIN_ACPL_C78*ADCVREF/R2)/65535.0)
-#define UAC_NON 230.0
-#define UAC_MAX ((int32_t)((double)UAC_NON*1.1/(double)GAIN))
-#define UAC_MIN ((int32_t)((double)UAC_NON*0.9/(double)GAIN))
-#define UAC_NON2 ((int32_t)((double)UAC_NON/(double)GAIN*(double)UAC_NON/(double)GAIN))
-#define UAC_MAX2 ((int32_t)((double)UAC_MAX*(double)UAC_MAX))
-#define UAC_MIN2 ((int32_t)((double)UAC_MIN*(double)UAC_MIN))
-#define FREQ 50//en HZ
-#define TSAMPLE 500 //en µS
-#define NSAMPLE ((int32_t)(1/(double)FREQ *1.0E6/(double)TSAMPLE))
-#define NADC 0
-#define NCHANNEL 1
-AnalogIn_Diff a2d(NADC);
-struct {
-    float   gain;
-    float   offset;
-//AnalogIn adc;
-} adc_volt,adc_curr;
-Timer timer_min;
-bool F_timer_min=false;
-Timer timer_max;
-bool F_timer_max=false;
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-//AnalogIn adc_1(PTB2);
-//AnalogIn adc_2(PTB3);
 Ticker flipperADC;
-DigitalOut led1(LED_RED);
-DigitalOut led2(LED_GREEN);
-DigitalOut led3(LED_BLUE);
-MovingAverage<int32_t> Trms(NSAMPLE,0);
-MovingAverage<float> moy(NSAMPLE,0.0);
-int32_t min=UAC_NON2;
-int32_t max=UAC_NON2;
-int32_t time_min=0;
-int32_t time_max=0;
-bool min_OK=false;
+bool flag_TX=false;
 void flipADC()
-    float val;
-    int32_t  val_i32;
-    led1=1;
-    val_i32=a2d.read_16(NCHANNEL);
-    val=(float)val_i32*adc_volt.gain-adc_volt.offset;
-    moy.Insert(val);
-    Trms.Insert(val_i32*val_i32);
-    val_i32=Trms.GetAverage();
-    //START
-    if(val_i32<UAC_MIN2 && F_timer_min ==false) {
-        timer_min.reset();
-        timer_min.start();
-        F_timer_min = true;
-        min=UAC_NON2;
-    }
-    if(val_i32>UAC_MAX2 && F_timer_max ==false) {
-        timer_max.reset();
-        timer_max.start();
-        F_timer_max = true;
-        max=UAC_NON2;
-    }
-    //STOP
-    if(val_i32>UAC_MIN2 && F_timer_min ==true) {
-        timer_min.stop();
-        F_timer_min = false;
-    }
-    if(val_i32<UAC_MAX2 && F_timer_max ==true) {
-        timer_max.stop();
-        F_timer_max = false;
-    }
-    if(timer_min.read_ms()>20 && F_timer_min ==true)  {
-        time_min=timer_min.read_ms();
-        min=min(val_i32,min);
-    }
-    if(timer_max.read_ms()>20 && F_timer_max ==true) {
-        time_max=timer_max.read_ms();
-        max=max(val_i32,max);
-    }
-    led1=0;
-int k64f_vref(int v)
-// v min 0x0 //-16mV
-// V mon 0x20 //0mV
-// V max 0x3F //+16mV
-    BW_VREF_SC_VREFEN(1); //The module is enabled
-    BW_VREF_SC_REGEN(1); //Internal 1.75 V regulator is enabled
-    BW_VREF_SC_MODE_LV(0); //Bandgap on only, for stabilization and startup
-    while(BR_VREF_SC_VREFST);// Internal Voltage Reference stable
-    BW_VREF_SC_MODE_LV(1); //High power buffer mode enabled
-    return 0;
+    flag_TX=true;
 int main()
-    led1=1;
-    led2=0;
-    led3=1;
-    pc.baud(115200);
-    pc.printf("LAAS-CNRS ,TRMS ,%s ,%s\r\n",CIBLE,VERSION);
-    pc.printf("Tsample:%d ,Nsample:%d\r\n",TSAMPLE,NSAMPLE);
-    pc.printf("Umin:%d ,Umax:%d\r\n",UAC_MIN,UAC_MAX);
-    pc.printf("Umin2:%d ,Umax2:%d\r\n",min,max);
-    pc.printf("gain:%f ,Umon:%0.0f\r\n",GAIN,UAC_NON);
-    //k64f_vref(0x20);
-    adc_volt.gain=GAIN;
-    adc_volt.offset=0.0;
-    flipperADC.attach_us(&flipADC, TSAMPLE);
-    wait (5);
+    pc.printf("%s %s\r\n",VERSION,CIBLE);
+    flipperADC.attach(&flipADC, 1.0);
+    AnalogIn_Diff adc_diff(ADC_DIFF(0,1));
     while (true) {
-        led3=1;
-        pc.printf("RMS= %f ",sqrt((float)Trms.GetAverage())*adc_volt.gain);
-        pc.printf("min=%0.0f t=%d max=%0.0f t=%d ",sqrt((float)min)*adc_volt.gain,time_min,sqrt((float)max)*adc_volt.gain,time_max);
-        pc.printf("moy= %f \r\n",moy.GetAverage());
-        led3=0;
-        wait (1);
+        if(flag_TX) {
+            pc.printf("V= %f \r\n",adc_diff.read()*6.6);
+            flag_TX=false;
+        }
\ No newline at end of file