Library for debouncing inputs, originally by Andres Mora Bedoya. Updated to include PinMode capability and class documentation.

Fork of DebouncedIn by Andrés Mora Bedoya

--- a/DebouncedIn.h	Tue Nov 05 19:29:03 2013 +0000
+++ b/DebouncedIn.h	Wed Oct 08 14:44:47 2014 +0000
@@ -1,14 +1,62 @@
+ * DebouncedIn class version 1.0
+ * Created by Andres Moya Bedoya, updated by Ben Faucher
+ */
 #include "mbed.h"
+#ifndef _DEBOUNCED_IN_H_
+#define _DEBOUNCED_IN_H_
+ * DebouncedIn object, uses software tickers to debounce mechanical inputs.
+ */
     class DebouncedIn {
+             /** Create a DebouncedIn connected to the specified pin
+              *
+              *  @param in DigitalIn pin to connect to
+              *  @param mode (optional) Set pull mode - PullUp, PullDown, PullNone, OpenDrain
+              */
              DebouncedIn(PinName in);
+             DebouncedIn(PinName in, PinMode mode);
+             /** Read the input state, represented as 0 or 1 (int)
+              *
+              *  @returns
+              *    An integer representing the state of the input pin,
+              *    0 for logical 0, 1 for logical 1
+              */
              int read (void);
+             /** An operator shorthand for read()
+              */
              operator int();
+             /** Register the input changing from low to high (int)
+              *
+              *  @returns
+              *    An integer representing if the input changed from low to high,
+              *    0 for logical 0, 1 for logical 1
+              */
              int rising(void);
+              /** Register the input changing from high to low (int)
+              *
+              *  @returns
+              *    An integer representing if the input changed from high to low,
+              *    0 for logical 0, 1 for logical 1
+              */
              int falling(void);
+              /** Check steady state of input (int)
+              *
+              *  @returns
+              *    An integer representing if the input has remained 
+              *    steady for a set amount of time,
+              *    0 for logical 0, 1 for logical 1
+              */
              int steady(void);
         private :    
@@ -27,4 +75,6 @@
                int _falling_flag;
                int _state_counter;
-    };
\ No newline at end of file
+    };
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