A collection of examples organized from basics to advanced.

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystem

Mbed online compiler has no facility to easily manage a lot of programs or organized them in to related folders. This makes creating an examples and sample pack difficult.

This repository contains a single main.cpp file (which does very little), and a BuildOptions.h file. Simply uncomment the example you would like to compile from the build options. Each example is wrapped in a compiler directive.

If the directive does not include a description comment, it likely does not exist yet. If you would like to contribute to the Examples project, please contact me or fork and issue a pull request.



File content as of revision 2:17a5c34b3a79:

/* uncomment only ONE file to build in the example set
 * if there is no description, there is likely no code file yet. 
 * (feel free to support the project by adding one and issuing a pull request ;)
 * BE CAREFUL when updating the MBED library!
 * New versions often break libraries.
 * Example: the included SDFileSystem library requires Release 165, dated Feb 20, 2019. Updates will break it.

// 01_Basics:
//#define COMPILE_Blink
//#define COMPILE_Button
//#define COMPILE_DigitalReadSerial
//#define COMPILE_Fade
//#define COMPILE_Analog_In                     // reads analog value, converts to voltage, set LED high or low, prints to terminal

// 02_Digital:
//#define COMPILE_Button_Interrupt              // reads a button using interrupts
//#define COMPILE_BlinkWithoutDelay
//#define COMPILE_Debounce                        // reads button using interrupt and timer + callback to debounce the input
//#define COMPILE_DigitalInputPullup
//#define COMPILE_StateChangeDetection
//#define COMPILE_ToneKeyboard
//#define COMPILE_ToneMelody
//#define COMPILE_ToneMultiple
//#define COMPILE_TonePitchFollower

// 03_Analog:
//#define COMPILE_ADC_Internal                  // reads the uController internal temperature, VREF and VBAT inputs.
//#define COMPILE_AnalogInOutSerial
//#define COMPILE_AnalogInput
//#define COMPILE_AnalogWrite
//#define COMPILE_Calibration
//#define COMPILE_Fading
//#define COMPILE_Smoothing

// 04_Control:
//#define COMPILE_arrays
//#define COMPILE_for loop itteration
//#define COMPILE_if statement conditional
//#define COMPILE_switch case
//#define COMPILE_switch case 2
//#define COMPILE_while statement conditional
//#defien COMPILE_compiler_directives

// 05_strings:
//#define COMPILE_character analysis
//#define COMPILE_string addition operator
//#define COMPILE_string append
//#define COMPILE_string case change
//#define COMPILE_string characters
//#define COMPILE_strinc comparison
//#define COMPILE_string constructor
//#define COMPILE_string index of
//#define COMPILE_string length
//#define COMPILE_length trim
//#define COMPILE_string replace
//#define COMPILE_string starts ends with
//#define COMPILE_substring
//#define COMPILE_string to int

// 06_Communication:
//#define COMPILE_AScii table
//#define COMPILE_Dimmer
//#define COMPILE_Graph
//#define COMPILE_Midi
//#define COMPILE_Multiserial
//#define COMPILE_physicalPixel
//#define COMPILE_ReadAScii string
//#define COMPILE_serial call response
//#define COMPILE_serial call response ascii
//#define COMPILE_serial event
//#define COMPILE_serial pass through
//#define COMPILE_virtual color mixer

// 07_Special_Hardware:
//#define COMPILE_I2C
//#define COMPILE_SPI
//#define COMPILE_PWM
//#define COMPILE_CaptureCompare
//#define COMPILE_

// 08_USB:
//#define COMPILE_Keyboard
//#define COMPILE_key and mouse
//#define COMPILE_mouse

// 09_Files_SD:
//#define COMPILE_SD_Speed_Test                 // Mounts card, creates file, builds random data buffer, write, read, then report speeds
#define COMPILE_SD_Index_File                    // reads an index.txt file for an integer (as charactor binary), creates new file with that number+1, writes data. Closes.
//#define COMPILE_SD_Hello
//#define COMPILE_FatFileSystem
//#define COMPILE_Index_and_CSV

// 10_Sensors:
//#define COMPILE_ADXL3xx
//#define COMPILE_Knock
//#define COMPILE_Memsic2125
//#define COMPILE_Ping
//#define COMPILE_GPS
//#define COMPILE_BNO055
//#define COMPILE_BMP280
//#define COMPILE_BQ27441
//#define COMPILE_LM335
//#define COMPILE_MCP9700

// 11_RTOS:

// 12_Ethernet:

// 13_Projects:

// reorganizing
// display
//#define COMPILE_bar graph
//#define COMPILE_row column scanning