Echo Server based on the legacy EthernetNetIf libraries used for a performance comparison with the new networking libraries

Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf mbed

Fork of EchoServer by ryosuke kojima

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00001 #ifndef TCP_ECHO_HANDLER_H
00002 #define TCP_ECHO_HANDLER_H
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "TCPSocket.h"
00006 #include <netservice.h>
00007 // Constant: ECHO_TIMOUT
00008 // The timeout period for inactivity in milliseconds
00009 #define ECHO_TIMEOUT 5000
00011 /*
00012     Class: TCPEchoHandler
00013     A class instantiated to handle the incoming TCP client connection
00014     Extends NetService to hook into the TCP/IP stack's polling
00015     and destruction service
00016 */
00017 class TCPEchoHandler : public NetService {
00018 public:
00019     // Constructor: TCPEchoHandler
00020     // Setup and handle the incoming connection
00021     TCPEchoHandler(TCPSocket*);
00022     virtual ~TCPEchoHandler();
00023 private:
00024     // Variable: clientSocket
00025     // The incoming TCP socket from the client
00026     TCPSocket* clientSocket;
00027     // Variable: closed
00028     // A marker to say whether this socket is already closed
00029     int closed;
00030     // Variable: timeoutWatchdog
00031     // A timer to countdown from during inactivity and close
00032     // dormant connections
00033     Timeout timeoutWatchdog;
00035     // Function: onNetTcpSocketEvent
00036     // The callback function called by the network stack whenever an
00037     // event occurs on the TCP socket
00038     // Parameter: e - The event that has occurred
00039     void onTCPSocketEvent(TCPSocketEvent e);
00040     // Function: close
00041     // Closes the client socket and marks this class as done with
00042     // for the TCP/IP stack to destroy
00043     virtual void close();
00044     // Function: setTimeout
00045     // Parameter: timeout - The length of time to wait for more activity in milliseconds
00046     void setTimeout(unsigned int timeout);
00047     // Function: onTimeout
00048     // The handler called by the timeout watchdog to close the connection when timed out
00049     void onTimeout();
00050 };
00052 #endif