BY: Date: 08-12-2017 Ver. 1.0 Example for Servo Motor: MG996R This example was tested on NUCLEO-F401RE If you use a terminal emulator (9600,8,1) on your PC you also see the commands sends do RC motor.
BY:; Date: 08-12-2017; Ver. 1.0; Example for Servo Motor: MG996R ; This example was tested on NUCLEO-F401RE; If you use a terminal emulator (9600,8,1) on your PC ; you also see the commands sends do RC motor.
2017-12-08, by emcu [Fri, 08 Dec 2017 11:15:39 +0000] rev 0
BY:; Date: 08-12-2017; Ver. 1.0; Example for Servo Motor: MG996R ; This example was tested on NUCLEO-F401RE; If you use a terminal emulator (9600,8,1) on your PC ; you also see the commands sends do RC motor.