Code Demonstrate most of the feature of application board/ /like LED, Speaker,RGB,Joystick,LCD,POT,Accelerometer,temperature sensor/ /by using component of real time operating system such as Mutex, Threads/ Signals,Queue and Memory pool Video at

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd LCD_fonts LM75B MMA7660 MMA7660FC mbed-rtos mbed

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00002 /************Author embedded nerd**********************/
00003 /****************************/
00004 /**************Free to use Lic************************/
00005 /*************Date 28 Aug 2014***********************/
00006 /* Code Demonstarte most of the feature of application board/
00007 /like LED, Speaker,RGB,Joystick,LCD,POT,Accelomenter,temprature sensor/
00008 /by using component of real time oprating system such as Mutex, Threads/
00009 Signals,Queue and  Memorypool//////////////////////////////////////////*/
00011 /////////////////////////////////////////Header Files//////////////////////
00012 #include "mbed.h"
00013 #include "rtos.h"    // real time os
00014 #include "Small_6.h"  // LCD
00015 #include "Small_7.h"  // LCD
00016 #include "Arial_9.h"   // LCD
00017 #include "stdio.h"     
00018 #include "C12832_lcd.h"   // LCD
00019 #include "LM75B.h"      // temprature 
00020 #include "MMA7660FC.h"  
00021 #include "MMA7660.h"    // Axix
00022 #include <string>
00023 #define SET 1
00024 #define RESET 0 
00025 #define ADDR_MMA7660 0x98  //// I2C SLAVE ADDR MMA7660FC
00028 /****************************Defination and Object Creation*****************************/
00029 C12832_LCD LCD;  // LCD object
00030 BusOut leds(LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4); // Led decration 
00031 AnalogIn Pot1(p19);              // Analog pin name decration 
00032 AnalogIn Pot2(p20);              // Analog pin name decration
00033 BusIn Up(p15);                   //Joy stick
00034 BusIn Down(p12);                 //Joy stick
00035 BusIn Left(p13);                    //Joy stick
00036 BusIn Right(p16);                //Joy stick 
00037 BusOut Reset(p14);              //Joy stick
00038 PwmOut spkr(p26);              //Speaker 
00039 PwmOut r (p23);                //RGB red  
00040 PwmOut g (p24);                //RGB green
00041 PwmOut b (p25);                // RGB blue 
00042 LM75B sensor(p28,p27);          // I2c  
00043 MMA7660FC Acc(p28, p27, ADDR_MMA7660);      //sda, scl, Addr
00044 MMA7660 MMA(p28, p27);
00045 /*****************************************************************************************/
00046 //r.period(0);  
00048                             //     0      1        2       3       4       5     6        7
00049 const string display_menu[]   = {"     ","LED  ","POT  ","Temp ","Axix ","Spker","RGB ","POT2"}; // aray to display modules on LCD
00050 unsigned char oprate_menu[] =   {0,       0,      0,      0,       0,     0,       0,     0};     // Store Flags for module
00053 typedef struct {
00054     float    voltage;  
00055     float    current;   
00056     uint32_t counter;   
00057 } message_t;
00058 MemoryPool<message_t, 16> mpool;
00059 Queue<message_t, 16> queue;
00062 //Mutex decleration of LCD
00063 Mutex lcd_mutex;
00065 // Semaphore Declearation of Calcualtion with two slots 
00066 Semaphore calculate(2);
00067 int count= 0,menu = 0;
00068 /*////////////////////// Thread led/////////////////////////
00069 Input:
00070 Output: LED 
00071  if module flag is set than it will turn led on from 0X00 to 0X0F 
00072  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
00073 void led(void const *args)
00074 {
00076     char out =0;
00077     while(true) {       // thread loop
00078                  if (oprate_menu[1] == SET)     // Checking flag for module 
00079                  {
00080                      leds = out;                 // Turning LEd on   
00081                      out++;
00082                      if(out>16) out = 0;         // Reseting count  
00083                  }
00084                  else  leds = 0;                // If flag not set than turn of the module 
00085                  Thread::wait(100);             // Thread wait .1s
00086                 }
00088 }  // thread close 
00090 /*////////////////////// Thread menu_sel/////////////////////////
00091 Input: Joustick
00092 Output: Set flag in oprate_menu
00093 By using left right key user in enable to change module and by up
00094 cown key user is able to set module on or off bye pressinf enter key 
00095  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
00096 void menu_sel(void const *args)
00097 {
00098     int k;
00099     while(true) {       // thread loop
00100         //LCD.locate(0,5);LCD.printf("                 ");
00102         LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
00103         if (Left)              // Checking keys 
00104            {
00105             count = 0 ;
00106             menu--;       // manipulating menue number as per key response 
00107             if(menu<1){ menu = 7;}  //
00108             lcd_mutex.lock();
00109             LCD.locate(50,10);
00110             LCD.printf(" %s",display_menu[menu]);    // displaying menue on LCD
00111             lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
00112              wait(1); 
00113            }           
00114         if (Right)
00115            {
00116             count = 0 ;
00117             menu++;
00118             if(menu>7) {menu = 1;}
00120             lcd_mutex.lock();
00121             LCD.locate(50,10);
00122             LCD.printf(" %s",display_menu[menu]); 
00123             lcd_mutex.unlock();
00124              wait(1); 
00125            //while(Right); 
00126            }    
00127          if(Up) 
00128                  {
00129                         count = 1 ;           // Manipulating flag as per selection from user 
00130                      LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
00131                          lcd_mutex.lock();
00132                          LCD.locate(50,20);
00133                          LCD.printf(" ON "); 
00134                          lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
00135                  }
00136                 if(Down)
00137                  {
00138                      count = 0;
00139                       LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
00140                         lcd_mutex.lock();
00141                          LCD.locate(50,20);
00142                          LCD.printf(" OFF"); 
00143                          lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
00144                  }                  
00145         if (Reset)
00146             {
00147                      LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
00148                         lcd_mutex.lock();
00149                          LCD.locate(50,20);
00150                          LCD.printf("   "); 
00151                          lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
00152                oprate_menu[menu] = count;
00153                //if menu = 1 thread.signal_set(0x1);
00154             }    
00156         Thread::wait(10); // wait 0.5s
00157     }
00158 }
00161 /*////////////////////// Thread spk/////////////////////////
00162 Input: 
00163 Output: Turn on speaker on board 
00164 Turn on PWM on speaker pin for specific period of time 
00165  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
00166 void spk(void const *args)
00167 {
00168    while (1) {
00169         if (oprate_menu[5] == SET)
00170         {
00171                 for (float i=2000.0; i<10000.0; i+=500) {
00172                     spkr.period(1.0/i);
00173                     spkr=0.5;
00174                     wait(0.1);}
00175             }
00176         else {spkr.period(0); spkr=0;}
00177         Thread::wait(50);   
00178         }
00180 }
00183 /*////////////////////// Thread pot/////////////////////////
00184 Input: Analog in
00185 Output: 
00186 Read the analog value and manupulate it for further use
00187  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
00188 void pot(void const *args)
00189 {
00190     int k;
00191     while(true)   // thread loop
00192     {         
00193       if (oprate_menu[2] == SET)
00194        {
00195             k = Pot1.read_u16();  // get the value of poti 2
00196             k = k >> 5;          // we need only 6 bit for contrast
00197              lcd_mutex.lock();
00198              LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_6);
00199              LCD.locate(0,10);
00200              LCD.printf("Pot: %d",k);
00201              lcd_mutex.unlock();
00202             //Thread::wait(500);    // wait 0.5s
00203        }    
00204        else 
00205        {
00206            lcd_mutex.lock();
00207              LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_6);
00208              LCD.locate(0,10);
00209              LCD.printf("        ");
00210              lcd_mutex.unlock();
00211        }     
00212        Thread::wait(50);      
00213 }
00214 }
00215 /*////////////////////// Thread pot/////////////////////////
00216 Input:
00217 Output: PWM output to RGB led Pin 
00218 Multicolor LED display diffrent colors as per PWM cycle in set
00219  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
00220 void rgb(void const *args)
00221 {
00222       while(1) {
00223         if (oprate_menu[6] == SET)
00224         {
00226                        r = 0.5 + (rand() % 11)/20.0;
00227                         g = 0.5 + (rand() % 11)/20.0;
00228                         b = 0.5 + (rand() % 11)/20.0;
00230         }    
00232         else {r =.1;g=0;b=0;}
00233         Thread::wait(500); 
00234     }
00235 }
00237 /*////////////////////// Thread temp/////////////////////////
00238 Input:
00239 Output: PWM output to RGB led Pin 
00240 Multicolor LED display diffrent colors as per PWM cycle in set
00241  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
00243 void temp(void const *args)
00244 {
00246   int k;
00247     while(true)   // thread loop
00248     {  
00249         if (oprate_menu[3] == SET)       
00250            {
00251              lcd_mutex.lock();
00252             LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_6);
00253             LCD.locate(0,20);
00254             LCD.printf("Temp:%.1f", (float)sensor);
00255             lcd_mutex.unlock();
00256             Thread::wait(50);
00257            }
00258          else 
00259            {
00260               lcd_mutex.lock();
00261              LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_6);
00262              LCD.locate(0,20);
00263             LCD.printf("          ");
00264             lcd_mutex.unlock();
00265             Thread::wait(50);
00266            }       
00269     Thread::wait(50);    // wait 0.5s
00270 }
00271 }
00273 /*////////////////////// Thread AXIX/////////////////////////
00274 Input: I2C data 
00275 Output: 
00276 Draw a circle and a buble in it. Buble move with respond to 
00277 change in axix of board 
00278  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
00279 void axix(void const *args)
00280 {
00281    // Acc.init(); 
00282    float x=0, y=0, z=0;
00283     while(1)
00284     {   
00285         //int x=0,y=0;
00286         if (oprate_menu[4] == SET) 
00287         {    
00289              Acc.read_Tilt(&x, &y, &z); 
00290             lcd_mutex.lock();
00291             x = (x + MMA.x() * 32.0)/2.0;
00292         y = (y -(MMA.y() * 16.0))/2.0;
00293        // if(y>25) y = 0; //else if(y<0) y = 0;
00294         if(y>8) y =8; if(y<-8) y =-8; if(x>8) x =8; if(x<-8) x =-8; // confining 
00295         LCD.fillcircle(x+115, y+17, 2, 1); //draw bubble
00296, 17, 8, 1);
00297         wait(.1); //time delay
00298         LCD.fillcircle(x+115, y+17, 2, 0); //erase bubble
00300             lcd_mutex.unlock();
00301            // LCD.locate(0,3);
00302             wait_ms(100); 
00303         }
00304         else 
00305         {
00306              lcd_mutex.lock();
00307     , 17, 8, 0);
00308              // LCD.locate(0,3);
00309             lcd_mutex.unlock();
00310           }
00311           Thread::wait(10);  
00312     }
00313 }
00315 /*////////////////////// Memory pool example and Semaphore///////////////
00316 Output: 
00318  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ 
00319 void calci(void const *args) {
00320     uint32_t i = 0;
00321     while (true) {
00322         calculate.wait();  //semaphore 
00323         i = Pot2.read_u16();; 
00324         i = (i>>5)/2;
00325         message_t *message = mpool.alloc();
00326         message->voltage = (i * 3.3) / 1024; 
00327         message->current = ((i * 3.3) / 2048);
00328         message->counter = i;
00329         queue.put(message);
00330         calculate.release();
00331         Thread::wait(100000);
00332     }
00333 }          
00335 // print the actual contrast 
00336 int main()
00337 {
00338     int j;
00339   //  r =0; b=0;g=0;
00340     LCD.cls();
00341      LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
00342     LCD.locate(0,0);
00343     LCD.printf("");
00344    /////////////////////////////Threads///////////////////
00345     Thread t1(led); //start thread1
00346     Thread t2(menu_sel); //start thread2
00347     Thread t3(spk); //start thread3
00348     Thread t4(pot); //start thread4
00349     Thread t5(rgb); //start thread4
00350     Thread t6(temp); //start thread4
00351     Thread t7(axix);
00352     Thread t8(calci);
00353     Thread t9(calci);
00354   ////////////////////////////////////////////////  
00355     while(true) {       // main is the next thread
00357          if (oprate_menu[7] == SET)
00358          {
00359                      LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
00360                     LCD.locate(0,0);
00362                     osEvent evt = queue.get();
00363                     if (evt.status == osEventMessage) {
00364                         message_t *message = (message_t*)evt.value.p;
00365                         lcd_mutex.lock();
00366                         LCD.printf("   V:%.2fv"   , message->voltage);
00367                         LCD.printf(" I:%.2fA"     , message->current);
00368                         LCD.printf(" R: %u  ", message->counter);
00369                         lcd_mutex.unlock();
00370               ;
00373                     // wait(.2);
00374          }
00375          else 
00376           {          LCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_7);
00377                     LCD.locate(0,0);
00378                     lcd_mutex.lock();
00379                     LCD.printf("");
00380                      lcd_mutex.unlock(); 
00381           }         
00383          Thread::wait(100);   // wait 0.5s
00384     }
00385 }
00386 }