Example showing how to create a file system on the QSPI flash.

Dependencies:   EALib mbed

The app_qspi_memstick application cannot create a QSPI file system - it can only modify an existing one. This application will create a file system for you. Modify the application by changing DESIRED_SIZE_IN_MB to get the desired size of the file system, compile it, download and run to format the QSPI FLASH.


Updated to latest version of EALib and mbed. default tip

2014-08-26, by embeddedartists [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:47:52 +0000] rev 2

Updated to latest version of EALib and mbed.

Updated to latest version of EALib

2014-04-09, by embeddedartists [Wed, 09 Apr 2014 10:32:17 +0000] rev 1

Updated to latest version of EALib

First version

2013-09-26, by embeddedartists [Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:37:11 +0000] rev 0

First version