Library files for using Seeed Studio TFT Touch Shield for Arduino (ST7781R controller) together with ELMICRO TestBed for mbed. Featuring a short example program of how to calibrate the touch screen. Some basic drawing functions are also included (circle, rectangle, lines, text).

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2d_draw.c	Thu Jun 28 10:12:07 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+#include "2d_draw.h"
+#include "TFT.h"
+#include "touch.h"
+//unsigned char DispDir;
+/* ===================================================================
+    routine:    DrawCircle
+    purpose:    Guess what?!
+    parameters: <posX, posY>    Middlepoint of circle (pixel-aligned)
+                <radius>        radius of circle (in pixels)
+                <color>                         
+    date:       2012-06-27
+    author:     Seeed Studio
+    co-author:  Stefan Guenther
+                Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void DrawCircle(unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY, unsigned int radius, unsigned int color)
+    int x = -radius, y = 0, err = 2 - 2 * radius, e2; 
+    do {
+        SetPixel(posX - x, posY + y, color); 
+        SetPixel(posX + x, posY + y, color); 
+        SetPixel(posX + x, posY - y, color); 
+        SetPixel(posX - x, posY - y, color); 
+        e2 = err;
+        if (e2 <= y) { 
+            err += ++y*2+1;
+            if (-x == y && e2 <= x) e2 = 0; 
+        }
+        if (e2 > x) err += ++x*2+1; 
+    } while (x <= 0);    
+/* ===================================================================
+    routine:    DrawHorizontalLine    
+    parameters: <posX, posY>    starting point (pixel-aligned)
+                <length>        length of line (in pixels)
+                <color>                         
+    date:       2012-06-27
+    author:     Seeed Studio
+    co-author:  Stefan Guenther
+                Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void DrawHorizontalLine(unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY,unsigned int length,unsigned int color)
+    SetXY(posX, posY);
+    SetOrientation(0);
+    if(length + posX > TFTData.XRes)
+    {
+        length = TFTData.XRes - posX;
+    }
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<length; i++)
+    {
+        SendData(color);
+    }
+/* ===================================================================
+    routine:    DrawVerticalLine    
+    parameters: <posX, posY>    starting point (pixel-aligned)
+                <length>        length of line (in pixels)
+                <color>                         
+    date:       2012-06-27
+    author:     Seeed Studio
+    co-author:  Stefan Guenther
+                Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void DrawVerticalLine(unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY,unsigned int length,unsigned int color)
+    SetXY(posX,posY);
+    SetOrientation(1);
+    if(length + posY > TFTData.YRes)
+    {
+        length = TFTData.YRes - posY;
+    }
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<length; i++)
+    {
+        SendData(color);
+    }
+ /* ===================================================================
+    routine:    DrawLine
+    purpose:    Connects two points by a line with width of 1 pixel
+    parameters: <xstart, xend>  starting point (pixel-aligned)
+                <xstart, xend>  ending point (pixel-aligned)
+                <iColor>                         
+    date:       2012-06-27
+    note:       Based on the Bresenham-Algorithm for rasterizing
+                vector elements
+    author:     (C)2006 Stefan Kleinwort (
+    co-author:  Stefan Guenther
+                Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void DrawLine(int xstart, int ystart, int xend ,int yend, int iColor)
+    int x, y, t, dist, xerr, yerr, dx, dy, incx, incy;
+    /* calculate distances of both directions */
+     dx = xend - xstart;
+     dy = yend - ystart;
+    /* calculate polarity */
+    if(dx<0)
+    {
+      incx = -1;
+      dx = -dx;
+    }
+    else
+      incx = dx ? 1 : 0;
+    if(dy < 0)
+    {
+      incy = -1;
+      dy = -dy;
+    }
+    else
+      incy = dy ? 1 : 0;
+    /* determine larger distance */
+    dist = (dx > dy) ? dx : dy;
+    /* loop init */
+    x = xstart;
+    y = ystart;
+    xerr = yerr = (dist) >> 1; //dx;
+    /* Calculate pixel */
+    for(t = 0; t < dist; ++t)
+    {
+       SetPixel(x,y,iColor);
+       xerr += dx;
+       yerr += dy;
+       if(xerr >= dist)
+       {
+          xerr -= dist;
+          x += incx;
+       }
+       if(yerr >= dist)
+       {
+         yerr -= dist;
+         y += incy;
+       }
+     }    
+     SetPixel(x, y, iColor);
+/* ===================================================================
+    routine:    DrawRectangle  
+    purpose:    Draws outlined rectangle with width of 1 pixel
+    parameters: <posX, posY>    starting point (pixel-aligned)
+                <length>        length of rectangle (in pixels)
+                <height>        height of rectangle (in pixels)
+                <color>                         
+    date:       2012-06-27
+    author:     Seeed Studio
+    co-author:  Stefan Guenther
+                Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void DrawRectangle(unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY, unsigned int length, unsigned int height, unsigned int color)
+    DrawHorizontalLine(posX,           posY,        length, color);
+    DrawHorizontalLine(posX,           posY+height, length, color);
+    DrawVerticalLine  (posX,           posY,        height,  color);
+    DrawVerticalLine  (posX + length,  posY,        height,  color);
+/* ===================================================================
+    routine:    FillRectangle  
+    purpose:    Draws solid rectangle
+    parameters: <posX, posY>    starting point (pixel-aligned)
+                <length>        length of rectangle (in pixels)
+                <height>        height of rectangle (in pixels)
+                <color>                         
+    date:       2012-06-27
+    author:     Seeed Studio
+    co-author:  Stefan Guenther
+                Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void FillRectangle(unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY, unsigned int length, unsigned int width, unsigned int color)
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<width; i++)
+    {
+        switch(DispDir)
+        {                
+            case DOWN2UP:
+              DrawHorizontalLine(posX, posY-i, length, color);
+              break;
+            case RIGHT2LEFT:
+              DrawHorizontalLine(posX, posY-i, length, color);
+              break;
+            case UP2DOWN:
+              DrawHorizontalLine(posX, posY+i, length, color);
+              break;
+            case LEFT2RIGHT:
+            default:
+              DrawHorizontalLine(posX, posY+i, length, color);
+        }                
+    }
+/* ===================================================================
+    routine:    DrawAscii  
+    purpose:    Displays single character
+    parameters: <ascii>         character to display
+                <posX, posY>    pixel-aligned starting point
+                <size>          scaling factor of character
+                                (size=1 means no scaling, 2 doubles the size)
+                <fgcolor>                         
+    note:       Needs a rastered font definition table with 8 
+                bytes per character (const unsigned char simpleFont[][8])
+    date:       2012-06-27
+    author:     Seeed Studio
+    co-author:  Stefan Guenther
+                Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void DrawAscii(unsigned char ascii,unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY,unsigned int size, unsigned int fgcolor)
+    SetXY(posX, posY);
+    if( (ascii < 0x20) || (ascii > 0x7e) )      //check for valid ASCII char
+    {
+        ascii = '?';                            //char not supported
+    }
+    for(unsigned char i=0; i<8; i++)
+    {
+        unsigned char temp = simpleFont[ascii - 0x20][i];
+        for(unsigned char f=0; f<8; f++)
+        {
+            if( (temp>>f) & 0x01 )
+            {
+                switch(DispDir)
+                {                
+                case DOWN2UP:
+                    FillRectangle(posX+f*size, posY-i*size, size, size, fgcolor);
+                    break;
+                case RIGHT2LEFT:
+                     FillRectangle(posX-i*size, posY-f*size, size, size, fgcolor);
+                     break;
+                case UP2DOWN:
+                     FillRectangle(posX-f*size, posY+i*size, size, size, fgcolor);
+                     break;
+                case LEFT2RIGHT:
+                default:
+                       FillRectangle(posX+i*size, posY+f*size, size, size, fgcolor);
+                }
+            }    
+        }
+    }
+/* ===================================================================
+    routine:    DrawString
+    purpose:    Displays string of characters
+    parameters: <*string>       pointer to null-terminated (!) character
+                                array
+                <posX, posY>    pixel-aligned starting point
+                <size>          scaling factor of characters (see DrawAscii)
+                <fgcolor>                         
+    note:       based on DrawAscii function
+    date:       2012-06-27
+    author:     Seeed Studio
+    co-author:  Stefan Guenther
+                Elektronikladen | ELMICRO
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void DrawString(char *string,unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY,unsigned int size,unsigned int fgcolor)
+    while(*string)
+    {
+        DrawAscii(*string, posX, posY, size, fgcolor);
+        *string++;
+        switch(DispDir)
+        {        
+        case DOWN2UP:          
+            if(posY > 0) posY-=8*size;              //Change position to next char 
+              break;
+        case RIGHT2LEFT:        
+            if(posX > 0) posX-=8*size;                       
+            break;
+        case UP2DOWN:          
+            if(posY < TFTData.YRes) posY+=8*size;   
+            break;
+        case LEFT2RIGHT:
+        default:        
+              if(posX < TFTData.XRes) posX+=8*size; 
+        }          
+    }
+void DispPolygon2D(int *pIn, int iCorners, int iColor)
+	int x, x1,y1;
+	x1=*pIn;
+	y1=*(pIn+1);
+	for(x=2; x<=iCorners; x++)
+	{
+		DrawLine(*pIn, *(pIn+1), *(pIn+2), *(pIn+3), iColor);
+		pIn+=2;
+	}
+	DrawLine(*pIn, *(pIn+1), x1, y1, iColor);