Fork of the official mbed C/C SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications for RenBED.

Dependents:   1-RenBuggyTimed RenBED_RGB RenBED_RGB_PWM RenBED_RGB

Fork of mbed by mbed official

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Apr 04 08:26:28 2016 +0000
Commit message:
-fixed pin names; -added pin names

Changed in this revision

TARGET_LPC11U24/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC11UXX/TARGET_LPC11U24_401/PinNames.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/TARGET_LPC11U24/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC11UXX/TARGET_LPC11U24_401/PinNames.h	Wed Mar 30 11:51:09 2016 +0200
+++ b/TARGET_LPC11U24/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC11UXX/TARGET_LPC11U24_401/PinNames.h	Mon Apr 04 08:26:28 2016 +0000
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
     P1_31 = 63,
-    // mbed DIP Pin Names
+    // RenBED DIP Pin Names
     p5  = P0_9,
     p6  = P0_8,
     p7  = P1_29,
@@ -103,28 +103,54 @@
     p11 = P1_22,
     p12 = P1_21,
     p13 = P1_20,
-    p14 = P1_23,
+    p14 = P0_10,
     p15 = P0_11,
     p16 = P0_12,
     p17 = P0_13,
     p18 = P0_14,
-    p19 = P0_16,
+    p19 = P0_15,
     p20 = P0_22,
     p21 = P0_7,
     p22 = P0_17,
-    p23 = P1_17,
-    p24 = P1_18,
+    p23 = P0_1,
+    p24 = P1_14,
     p25 = P1_24,
     p26 = P1_25,
     p27 = P0_4,
     p28 = P0_5,
-    p29 = P1_5,
-    p30 = P1_2,
+    p29 = P0_18,
+    p30 = P0_19,
     p33 = P0_3,
     p34 = P1_15,
     p35 = P0_20,
     p36 = P0_21,
+    //RenBED AKAs
+    AD0 = P0_10,
+    AD1 = P0_11,
+    AD2 = P0_12,
+    AD3 = P0_13,
+    AD4 = P0_14,
+    AD5 = P0_15,
+    AD6 = P0_22,
+    PWM0 = P0_9,
+    PWM1 = P0_8,
+    PWM2 = P1_27,
+    PWM3 = P1_26,
+    PWM4 = P1_24,
+    PWM5 = P0_18,
+    PWM6 = P0_19,
+    LED_A = P1_23,
+    LED_B = P1_28,
+    LED_C = P0_16,
+    LED_D = P1_31,
+    LED_E = P1_13,
+    LED_F = P1_16,
+    LED_G = P1_19,
+    LED_DP = P0_23,
     // Other mbed Pin Names
     LED1 = P1_8,