CooCox 1.1.4 on mbed with simple blinky example

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00001 /**
00002  *******************************************************************************
00003  * @file       time.c
00004  * @version    V1.1.4    
00005  * @date       2011.04.20
00006  * @brief      time management implementation code of CooCox CoOS kernel.    
00007  *******************************************************************************
00008  * @copy
00009  *
00011  * 
00012  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox </center></h2>
00013  *******************************************************************************
00014  */  
00018 /*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/
00019 #include <coocox.h>
00021 #if CFG_TASK_WAITTING_EN > 0
00023 /*---------------------------- Variable Define -------------------------------*/
00024 P_OSTCB DlyList    = 0;               /*!< Header pointer to the DELAY list.*/
00027 /**
00028  *******************************************************************************
00029  * @brief      Insert into DELAY list             
00030  *   
00031  * @param[in]  ptcb    Task that want to insert into DELAY list. 
00032  * @param[in]  ticks   Delay system ticks.     
00033  * @param[out] None   
00034  * @retval     None.          
00035  *
00036  * @par Description
00037  * @details    This function is called to insert task into DELAY list.
00038  *******************************************************************************
00039  */
00040 void InsertDelayList(P_OSTCB ptcb,U32 ticks)
00041 {
00042     S32 deltaTicks;
00043     P_OSTCB dlyNext;
00045     if(ticks == 0)                      /* Is delay tick == 0?                */
00046         return;                         /* Yes,do nothing,return              */
00047     if(DlyList == 0)                 /* Is no item in DELAY list?          */
00048     {
00049         ptcb->delayTick  = ticks;        /* Yes,set this as first item         */
00050         DlyList         = ptcb;
00051     }
00052     else
00053     {    
00054         /* No,find correct place ,and insert the task */
00055         dlyNext    = DlyList ; 
00056         deltaTicks = ticks;             /* Get task delay ticks               */
00058         /* Find correct place */
00059         while(dlyNext != 0)
00060         {        
00061             /* Get delta ticks with previous item */ 
00062             deltaTicks -= dlyNext->delayTick ;  
00063             if(deltaTicks < 0)          /* Is delta ticks<0?                  */
00064             {      
00065                 /* Yes,get correct place */
00066                 if(dlyNext->TCBprev  != 0)   /* Is head item of DELAY list? */
00067                 {                               
00068                     dlyNext->TCBprev ->TCBnext  = ptcb;   /* No,insert into     */ 
00069                     ptcb->TCBprev              = dlyNext->TCBprev ;
00070                     ptcb->TCBnext              = dlyNext;
00071                     dlyNext->TCBprev           = ptcb;
00072                 }
00073                 else                    /* Yes,set task as first item         */
00074                 {                               
00075                     ptcb->TCBnext     = DlyList ;
00076                     DlyList->TCBprev  = ptcb;
00077                     DlyList          = ptcb;
00078                 }
00079                 ptcb->delayTick            = ptcb->TCBnext ->delayTick +deltaTicks;
00080                 ptcb->TCBnext ->delayTick  -= ptcb->delayTick ; 
00081                 break;
00082             }
00083             /* Is last item in DELAY list? */
00084             else if((deltaTicks >= 0) && (dlyNext->TCBnext  == 0) )
00085             {                                   
00086                 ptcb->TCBprev     = dlyNext; /* Yes,insert into                */
00087                 dlyNext->TCBnext  = ptcb;    
00088                 ptcb->delayTick   = deltaTicks;
00089                 break;
00090             }
00091             dlyNext = dlyNext->TCBnext ; /* Get the next item in DELAY list    */
00092         }
00093     }
00095     ptcb->state   = TASK_WAITING;        /* Set task status as TASK_WAITING    */
00096     TaskSchedReq = Co_TRUE;
00097 }
00100 /**
00101  *******************************************************************************
00102  * @brief      Remove from the DELAY list              
00103  * @param[in]  ptcb   Task that want to remove from the DELAY list. 
00104  * @param[out] None   
00105  * @retval     None          
00106  *
00107  * @par Description
00108  * @details    This function is called to remove task from the DELAY list.
00109  *******************************************************************************
00110  */
00111 void RemoveDelayList(P_OSTCB ptcb)
00112 {
00114     /* Is there only one item in the DELAY list?   */
00115     if((ptcb->TCBprev  == 0) && ( ptcb->TCBnext  == 0))
00116     {
00117         DlyList = 0;                    /* Yes,set DELAY list as Co_NULL         */
00118     }
00119     else if(ptcb->TCBprev  == 0)      /* Is the first item in DELAY list?   */
00120     {   
00121         /* Yes,remove task from the DELAY list,and reset the list             */
00122         DlyList                      = ptcb->TCBnext ;
00123         ptcb->TCBnext ->delayTick  += ptcb->delayTick ;
00124         ptcb->TCBnext ->TCBprev     = 0;
00125         ptcb->TCBnext              = 0;
00127     }
00128     else if(ptcb->TCBnext  == 0)      /* Is the last item in DELAY list?    */
00129     {                                    
00130         ptcb->TCBprev ->TCBnext  = 0;  /* Yes,remove task form DELAY list    */
00131         ptcb->TCBprev           = 0;
00132     }
00133     else                                /* No, remove task from DELAY list    */
00134     {                                    
00135         ptcb->TCBprev ->TCBnext     = ptcb->TCBnext ;    
00136         ptcb->TCBnext ->TCBprev     = ptcb->TCBprev ;    
00137         ptcb->TCBnext ->delayTick  += ptcb->delayTick ;
00138         ptcb->TCBnext                = 0;
00139         ptcb->TCBprev              = 0;
00140     }
00141     ptcb->delayTick  = INVALID_VALUE;  /* Set task delay tick value as invalid */        
00142 }
00144 /**
00145  *******************************************************************************
00146  * @brief      Get current ticks             
00147  * @param[in]  None     
00148  * @param[out] None   
00149  * @retval     Return current system tick counter.          
00150  *
00151  * @par Description
00152  * @details    This function is called to obtain current system tick counter.
00153  *******************************************************************************
00154  */
00155 U64 CoGetOSTime(void)
00156 {
00157     return OSTickCnt ;                   /* Get system time(tick)              */
00158 }
00161 /**
00162  *******************************************************************************
00163  * @brief      Delay current task for specify ticks number      
00164  * @param[in]  ticks    Specify system tick number which will delay.             
00165  * @param[out] None  
00166  * @retval     E_CALL   Error call in ISR.
00167  * @retval     E_OK     The current task was insert to DELAY list successful,it
00168  *                      will delay specify time.         
00169  * @par Description
00170  * @details    This function delay specify ticks for current task.
00171  *
00172  * @note       This function be called in ISR,do nothing and return immediately.
00173  *******************************************************************************    
00174  */
00175 StatusType CoTickDelay(U32 ticks)
00176 {
00177     if(OSIntNesting  >0)                    /* Is call in ISR?                    */
00178     {
00179         return E_CALL;                  /* Yes,error return                   */
00180     }
00182     if(ticks == INVALID_VALUE)          /* Is tick==INVALID_VALUE?            */
00183     {
00184         return E_INVALID_PARAMETER;     /* Yes,error return                   */
00185     }    
00186     if(ticks == 0)                      /* Is tick==0?                        */
00187     {
00188         return E_OK;                    /* Yes,do nothing ,return OK          */
00189     }
00190     if(OSSchedLock  != 0)                /* Is OS lock?                        */
00191     {
00192         return E_OS_IN_LOCK;            /* Yes,error return                   */
00193     }    
00194     OsSchedLock();                      /* Lock schedule                      */
00195     InsertDelayList(TCBRunning ,ticks);    /* Insert task in DELAY list          */
00196     OsSchedUnlock();                /* Unlock schedule,and call task schedule */
00197     return E_OK;                        /* Return OK                          */
00198 }
00201 /**
00202  *******************************************************************************
00203  * @brief      Reset task delay ticks     
00204  * @param[in]  ptcb    Task that want to insert into DELAY list.
00205  * @param[in]  ticks   Specify system tick number which will delay .             
00206  * @param[out] None  
00207  * @retval     E_CALL               Error call in ISR.
00208  * @retval     E_INVALID_ID         Invalid task id.
00209  * @retval     E_NOT_IN_DELAY_LIST  Task not in delay list.
00210  * @retval     E_OK                 The current task was inserted to DELAY list 
00211  *                                  successful,it will delay for specify time.         
00212  * @par Description
00213  * @details    This function delay specify ticks for current task.
00214  *******************************************************************************     
00215  */
00216 StatusType CoResetTaskDelayTick(OS_TID taskID,U32 ticks)
00217 {
00218     P_OSTCB ptcb;
00221 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
00222     if(taskID >= CFG_MAX_USER_TASKS + SYS_TASK_NUM)
00223     {
00224         return E_INVALID_ID;
00225     }
00226 #endif
00228     ptcb = &TCBTbl [taskID];
00229 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 
00230     if(ptcb->stkPtr  == Co_NULL)
00231     {
00232         return E_INVALID_ID;
00233     }
00234 #endif
00236     if(ptcb->delayTick  == INVALID_VALUE)  /* Is tick==INVALID_VALUE?          */
00237     {
00238         return E_NOT_IN_DELAY_LIST;       /* Yes,error return                 */
00239     }
00240     OsSchedLock();                        /* Lock schedule                    */
00241     RemoveDelayList(ptcb);                /* Remove task from the DELAY list  */
00243     if(ticks == 0)                        /* Is delay tick==0?                */
00244     {
00245         InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb);         /* Insert task into the DELAY list  */
00246     }
00247     else
00248     {                                    
00249         InsertDelayList(ptcb,ticks);      /* No,insert task into DELAY list   */
00250     }
00251     OsSchedUnlock();                /* Unlock schedule,and call task schedule */
00252     return E_OK;                          /* Return OK                        */
00253 }
00256 /**
00257  *******************************************************************************
00258  * @brief      Delay current task for detail time       
00259  * @param[in]  hour      Specify the number of hours.
00260  * @param[in]  minute    Specify the number of minutes.
00261  * @param[in]  sec       Specify the number of seconds.
00262  * @param[in]  millsec   Specify the number of millseconds.     
00263  * @param[out] None  
00264  * @retval     E_CALL               Error call in ISR.
00265  * @retval     E_INVALID_PARAMETER  Parameter passed was invalid,delay fail.
00266  * @retval     E_OK                 The current task was inserted to DELAY list
00267  *                                  successful,it will delay for specify time.                             
00268  * @par Description
00269  * @details    This function delay specify time for current task.     
00270  *
00271  * @note       If this function called in ISR,do nothing and return immediately.
00272  *******************************************************************************
00273  */
00274 #if CFG_TIME_DELAY_EN >0
00275 StatusType  CoTimeDelay(U8 hour,U8 minute,U8 sec,U16 millsec)
00276 {
00277     U32    ticks;
00278 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
00279     if(OSIntNesting  > 0)
00280     {
00281         return E_CALL;
00282     }
00283     if((minute > 59)||(sec > 59)||(millsec > 999))
00284         return E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
00285 #endif
00286     if(OSSchedLock  != 0)                /* Is OS lock?                        */
00287     {
00288         return E_OS_IN_LOCK;            /* Yes,error return                   */
00289     }    
00291     /* Get tick counter from time */
00292     ticks = ((hour*3600) + (minute*60) + (sec)) * (CFG_SYSTICK_FREQ)\
00293             + (millsec*CFG_SYSTICK_FREQ + 500)/1000;
00295     CoTickDelay(ticks);                 /* Call tick delay                    */
00296     return E_OK;                        /* Return OK                          */
00297 }
00298 #endif
00303 /**
00304  *******************************************************************************
00305  * @brief      Dispose time delay     
00306  * @param[in]  None     
00307  * @param[out] None 
00308  * @retval     None 
00309  *
00310  * @par Description
00311  * @details    This function is called to dispose time delay of all task.  
00312  *******************************************************************************
00313  */
00314 void TimeDispose(void)
00315 {  
00316     P_OSTCB    dlyList;
00318     dlyList = DlyList ;                  /* Get first item of DELAY list       */
00319     while((dlyList != 0) && (dlyList->delayTick  == 0) )
00320     {    
00322 #if CFG_EVENT_EN > 0
00323         if(dlyList->eventID  != INVALID_ID) /* Is task in event waiting list?  */
00324         {                                   
00325             RemoveEventWaittingList(dlyList); /* Yes,remove task from list    */    
00326         }
00327 #endif
00329 #if CFG_FLAG_EN  > 0
00330         if(dlyList->pnode  != 0)          /* Is task in flag waiting list?  */
00331         {
00332             RemoveLinkNode((P_FLAG_NODE)dlyList->pnode ); /* Yes,remove task from list      */    
00333         }
00334 #endif
00335         dlyList->delayTick  = INVALID_VALUE; /* Set delay tick value as invalid*/
00336         DlyList = dlyList->TCBnext ; /* Get next item as the head of DELAY list*/
00337         dlyList->TCBnext    = 0;
00339         InsertToTCBRdyList(dlyList);        /* Insert task into READY list    */
00341         dlyList = DlyList ;                /* Get the first item of DELAY list */
00342         if(dlyList != 0)                 /* Is DELAY list as Co_NULL?         */
00343         {
00344             dlyList->TCBprev  = 0;        /* No,initialize the first item   */
00345         }
00346     }
00347 }
00350 /**
00351  *******************************************************************************
00352  * @brief      Dispose time delay in ISR      
00353  * @param[in]  None     
00354  * @param[out] None 
00355  * @retval     None 
00356  *
00357  * @par Description
00358  * @details    This function is called in systick interrupt to dispose time delay   
00359  *             of all task.
00360  *******************************************************************************
00361  */
00362 void isr_TimeDispose(void)
00363 {
00364     if(OSSchedLock  > 1)                 /* Is schedule lock?                  */
00365     {
00366         IsrReq = Co_TRUE;
00367         TimeReq  = Co_TRUE;                 /* Yes,set time request Co_TRUE          */
00368     }
00369     else
00370     {
00371         TimeDispose();                  /* No,call handler                    */
00372     }
00373 }
00376 #endif