CooCox 1.1.4 on mbed with simple blinky example

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00001 /**
00002  *******************************************************************************
00003  * @file       port.c
00004  * @version    V1.14    
00005  * @date       2011.04.20
00006  * @brief      Compiler adapter for CooCox CoOS kernel.    
00007  *******************************************************************************
00008  * @copy
00009  *
00011  * 
00012  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2010 CooCox </center></h2>
00013  *******************************************************************************
00014  */ 
00016 /*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/
00017 #include <coocox.h>
00020 /**
00021  ******************************************************************************
00022  * @brief      Plus a byte integers and Saved into memory cell
00023  * @param[in]  data    byte integers.     
00024  * @param[out] None  
00025  * @retval     Returns Original value.         
00026  *
00027  * @par Description
00028  * @details    This function is called to Plus a byte integers 
00029  *             and Saved into memory cell.
00030  ******************************************************************************
00031  */
00032 __asm U8  Inc8 (volatile U8 *data)
00033 {
00034     PUSH    {R1}
00035     CPSID   I
00036     LDRB    R1,[R0]
00037     ADDS    R1,#1
00038     STRB    R1,[R0]
00039     CPSIE   I
00040     SUBS    R1,#1
00041     MOVS    R0,R1
00042     POP     {R1}
00043     BX      LR    
00044     ALIGN
00045 }
00048 /**
00049  ******************************************************************************
00050  * @brief      Decrease a byte integers and Saved into memory cell
00051  * @param[in]  data    byte integers.     
00052  * @param[out] None  
00053  * @retval     Returns Original value.         
00054  *
00055  * @par Description
00056  * @details    This function is called to Decrease a byte integers 
00057  *             and Saved into memory cell.
00058  ******************************************************************************
00059  */
00060 __asm U8 Dec8 (volatile U8 *data)
00061 {
00062     PUSH    {R1}
00063     CPSID   I
00064     LDRB    R1,[R0]
00065     SUBS    R1,#1
00066     STRB    R1,[R0]
00067     CPSIE   I
00068     MOVS    R0,R1
00069     POP     {R1}
00070     BX      LR
00071     ALIGN
00072 }
00074 /**
00075  ******************************************************************************
00076  * @brief      ENABLE Interrupt
00077  * @param[in]  None     
00078  * @param[out] None  
00079  * @retval     None         
00080  *
00081  * @par Description
00082  * @details    This function is called to ENABLE Interrupt.
00083  ******************************************************************************
00084  */
00085 __asm void IRQ_ENABLE_RESTORE(void)
00086 {   CPSIE   I
00087     BX      LR
00088 }
00090 /**
00091  ******************************************************************************
00092  * @brief      Close Interrupt
00093  * @param[in]  None     
00094  * @param[out] None  
00095  * @retval     None         
00096  *
00097  * @par Description
00098  * @details    This function is called to close Interrupt.
00099  ******************************************************************************
00100  */
00101 __asm void IRQ_DISABLE_SAVE(void)
00102 {   CPSID   I
00103     BX      LR
00104 }
00106 /**
00107  ******************************************************************************
00108  * @brief      Set environment    for Coocox OS running
00109  * @param[in]  pstk    stack pointer     
00110  * @param[out] None  
00111  * @retval     None.         
00112  *
00113  * @par Description
00114  * @details    This function is called to Set environment
00115  *              for Coocox OS running.
00116  ******************************************************************************
00117  */
00118 __asm  void SetEnvironment(OS_STK *pstk)
00119 {
00120     SUBS    R0,#28
00121     MSR     PSP, R0             ; Mov new stack point to PSP
00122     BX      LR    
00123     ALIGN
00124 }
00127 /**
00128  ******************************************************************************
00129  * @brief      Do ready work to Switch Context for task change
00130  * @param[in]  None     
00131  * @param[out] None  
00132  * @retval     None.         
00133  *
00134  * @par Description
00135  * @details    This function is called to Do ready work to 
00136  *              Switch Context for task change
00137  ******************************************************************************
00138  */
00139 __asm void SwitchContext(void)
00140 {
00141     LDR     R0, =0xE000ED04  ; Trigger the PendSV exception (causes context switch)
00142     LDR     R1, =0x10000000
00143     STR     R1, [R0]
00144     BX      LR
00145     ALIGN    
00146 }
00149 /**
00150  ******************************************************************************
00151  * @brief      Switch Context for task change
00152  * @param[in]  None     
00153  * @param[out] None  
00154  * @retval     None.         
00155  *
00156  * @par Description
00157  * @details    This function is called to Switch Context for task change.
00158  ******************************************************************************
00159  */
00160 #if CFG_CHIP_TYPE == 2
00161 extern "C" __asm  void PendSV_Handler()
00162 {
00163     IMPORT  TCBRunning 
00164     IMPORT  TCBNext 
00165     IMPORT  OSSchedLock 
00166     LDR     R3,=TCBRunning 
00167     LDR     R1,[R3]             ; R1 == running tcb
00168     LDR     R2,=TCBNext 
00169     LDR     R2,[R2]             ; R2 == next tcb
00171     CMP     R1,R2
00172     BEQ     exitPendSV                
00173     MRS     R0, PSP             ; Get PSP point (can not use PUSH,in ISR,SP is MSP )
00175     SUBS    R0,R0,#32
00176     STR     R0,[R1]             ; Save orig PSP
00177                                 ; Store r4-r11,r0 -= regCnt * 4,r0 is new stack 
00178                                 ; top point (addr h->l r11,r10,...,r5,r4)
00179     STMIA   R0!,{R4-R7}         ; Save old context (R4-R7)
00180     MOV     R4,R8
00181     MOV     R5,R9
00182     MOV     R6,R10
00183     MOV     R7,R11
00184     STMIA   R0!,{R4-R7}         ; Save old context (R8-R11)
00187 popStk  
00188     STR     R2, [R3]            ; TCBRunning   = TCBNext ;
00189     LDR     R0, [R2]            ; Get SP of task that be switch into.
00191     ADDS    R0,    R0,#16
00192     LDMIA   R0!,{R4-R7}         ; Restore new Context (R8-R11)
00193     MOV     R8,R4
00194     MOV     R9,R5
00195     MOV     R10,R6
00196     MOV     R11,R7
00197     SUBS    R0,R0,#32
00198     LDMIA   R0!,{R4-R7}         ; Restore new Context (R4-R7)
00199     ADDS    R0,    R0,#16
00200     MSR     PSP, R0             ; Mov new stack point to PSP
00202 exitPendSV    
00203    LDR     R3,=OSSchedLock 
00204    MOVS    R0, #0x0
00205    STRB    R0, [R3]
00206    MOVS    R0,#4
00207    RSBS    R0,#0               ; =0xFFFFFFFC,Ensure exception return uses process stack
00208    BX      R0                  ; Exit interrupt
00209    ALIGN
00210 }
00211 #endif
00214 #if CFG_CHIP_TYPE == 1
00215 extern "C" __asm  void PendSV_Handler()
00216 {
00217     IMPORT  TCBRunning 
00218     IMPORT  TCBNext 
00219     IMPORT  OSSchedLock 
00220     LDR     R3,=TCBRunning 
00221     LDR     R1,[R3]             ; R1 == running tcb
00222     LDR     R2,=TCBNext 
00223     LDR     R2,[R2]             ; R2 == next tcb
00225     CMP     R1,R2
00226     BEQ     exitPendSV                
00227     MRS     R0, PSP             ; Get PSP point (can not use PUSH,in ISR,SP is MSP )
00228     STMDB   R0!,{R4-R11}        ; Store r4-r11,r0 -= regCnt * 4,r0 is new stack 
00229                                 ; top point (addr h->l r11,r10,...,r5,r4)
00230     STR     R0,[R1]             ; Save orig PSP
00231 popStk  
00232     STR     R2, [R3]            ; TCBRunning   = TCBNext ;
00233     LDR     R0, [R2]            ; Get SP of task that be switch into.
00234     LDMIA   R0!,{R4-R11}        ; POP (R4-R11),R0 += regCnt * 4
00235     MSR     PSP, R0             ; Mov new stack point to PSP
00237 exitPendSV    
00238     LDR     R3,=OSSchedLock 
00239     MOVS    R0, #0x0
00240     STRB    R0, [R3]
00241     ORR     LR, LR, #0x04       ; Ensure exception return uses process stack
00242     BX      LR                  ; Exit interrupt
00244     ALIGN
00245 }
00246 #endif