CooCox 1.1.4 on mbed with simple blinky example

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00001 /**
00002  *******************************************************************************
00003  * @file       mbox.c
00004  * @version    V1.1.4    
00005  * @date       2011.04.20
00006  * @brief      Mailbox management implementation code of CooCox CoOS kernel.    
00007  *******************************************************************************
00008  * @copy
00009  *
00011  * 
00012  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox </center></h2>
00013  *******************************************************************************
00014  */ 
00016 /*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/
00017 #include <coocox.h>
00020 #if CFG_MAILBOX_EN > 0
00023 /**
00024  *******************************************************************************
00025  * @brief      Create a mailbox  
00026  * @param[in]  sortType     Mail box waiting list sort type.             
00027  * @param[out] None  
00028  * @retval     E_CREATE_FAIL   Create mailbox fail.
00029  * @retval     others          Create mailbox successful.        
00030  *
00031  * @par Description
00032  * @details    This function is called to create a mailbox. 
00033  * @note 
00034  *******************************************************************************
00035  */
00036 OS_EventID CoCreateMbox(U8 sortType)
00037 {
00038     P_ECB pecb;
00040     /* Create a mailbox type event control block                              */
00041     pecb = CreatEvent(EVENT_TYPE_MBOX,sortType,Co_NULL);
00042     if(pecb == Co_NULL)                    /* If failed to create event block    */
00043     {
00044         return E_CREATE_FAIL;
00045     }
00046     pecb->eventCounter  = 0;
00047     return (pecb->id );      /* Create a mailbox successfully, return event ID */        
00048 }
00052 /**
00053  *******************************************************************************
00054  * @brief      Delete a mailbox    
00055  * @param[in]  id     Event ID.
00056  * @param[in]  opt    Delete option.     
00057  * @param[out] None      
00058  * @retval     E_INVALID_ID         Invalid event ID.
00059  * @retval     E_INVALID_PARAMETER  Invalid parameter.
00060  * @retval     E_TASK_WAITTING      Tasks waitting for the event,delete fail.
00061  * @retval     E_OK                 Event deleted successful. 
00062  *
00063  * @par Description
00064  * @details    This function is called to delete a mailbox.  
00065  * @note 
00066  *******************************************************************************
00067  */
00068 StatusType CoDelMbox(OS_EventID id,U8 opt)
00069 {
00070     P_ECB pecb;
00072 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0
00073     if(id >= CFG_MAX_EVENT)               /* Judge id is valid or not?        */ 
00074     {
00075         return E_INVALID_ID;              /* Id is invalid ,return error      */
00076     }
00077 #endif
00078     pecb = &EventTbl [id];
00079 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0
00080     if(pecb->eventType  != EVENT_TYPE_MBOX)/* Validate event control block type*/    
00081     {
00082         return E_INVALID_ID;              /* The event is not mailbox         */    
00083     }
00084 #endif  
00085     return (DeleteEvent(pecb,opt)); /* Delete the mailbox event control block */
00086 }
00090 /**
00091  *******************************************************************************
00092  * @brief      Accept a mailbox  
00093  * @param[in]  id    Event ID.       
00094  * @param[out] perr  A pointer to error code.  
00095  * @retval     Co_NULL
00096  * @retval     A pointer to mailbox accepted.            
00097  *
00098  * @par Description
00099  * @details    This function is called to accept a mailbox. 
00100  * @note 
00101  *******************************************************************************
00102  */
00103 void* CoAcceptMail(OS_EventID id,StatusType* perr)
00104 {
00105     P_ECB pecb;
00106     void* pmail;
00107 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0
00108     if(id >= CFG_MAX_EVENT)                 
00109     {
00110         *perr = E_INVALID_ID;             /* Invalid 'id'                     */
00111         return Co_NULL;
00112     }
00113 #endif
00114     pecb = &EventTbl [id];
00116 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0
00117     if(pecb->eventType  != EVENT_TYPE_MBOX)/* Invalid event control block type */
00118     {
00119         *perr = E_INVALID_ID;   
00120         return Co_NULL;
00121     }
00122 #endif
00123     OsSchedLock();
00124     if(pecb->eventCounter  == 1)             /* If there is already a message  */
00125     {
00126         *perr = E_OK;
00127         pmail = pecb->eventPtr ;             /* Get the message                */
00128         pecb->eventPtr      = Co_NULL;          /* Clear the mailbox              */
00129         pecb->eventCounter  = 0;
00130         OsSchedUnlock();
00131         return pmail;                       /* Return the message received    */        
00132     }
00133     else                                    /* If the mailbox is empty        */
00134     {   
00135         OsSchedUnlock();
00136         *perr = E_MBOX_EMPTY;               /* Mailbox is empty,return Co_NULL   */
00137         return Co_NULL;
00138     }
00139 }
00143 /**
00144  *******************************************************************************
00145  * @brief      Wait for a mailbox    
00146  * @param[in]  id       Event ID.    
00147  * @param[in]  timeout  The longest time for writting mail.     
00148  * @param[out] perr     A pointer to error code.      
00149  * @retval     Co_NULL
00150  * @retval     A pointer to mailbox accept.
00151  *
00152  * @par Description
00153  * @details    This function is called to wait a mailbox.    
00154  * @note 
00155  *******************************************************************************
00156  */
00157 void* CoPendMail(OS_EventID id,U32 timeout,StatusType* perr)
00158 {
00159     P_ECB pecb;
00160     void* pmail;
00161     P_OSTCB  curTCB;
00163     if(OSIntNesting  > 0)                /* If the caller is ISR               */
00164     {
00165         *perr = E_CALL;
00166         return Co_NULL;
00167     }
00169 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0
00170     if(id >= CFG_MAX_EVENT)              
00171     {
00172         *perr = E_INVALID_ID;           /* Invalid 'id',retrun error          */
00173         return Co_NULL;
00174     }
00175 #endif
00177     pecb = &EventTbl [id];
00178 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0
00179     if(pecb->eventType  != EVENT_TYPE_MBOX)
00180     {
00181         *perr = E_INVALID_ID;       /* Invalid event type,not EVENT_TYPE_MBOX */
00182         return Co_NULL;
00183     }
00184 #endif
00186     if(OSSchedLock  != 0)                /* Judge schedule is locked or not?   */
00187     {   
00188         *perr = E_OS_IN_LOCK;           /* Schedule is locked                 */                                 
00189         return Co_NULL;                    /* return Co_NULL                        */
00190     }
00191     OsSchedLock();
00192     if( pecb->eventCounter  == 1)        /* If there is already a message      */
00193     {
00194         *perr = E_OK;
00195         pmail = pecb->eventPtr ;         /* Get the message                    */
00196         pecb->eventPtr      = Co_NULL;      /* Clear the mailbox                  */
00197         pecb->eventCounter  = 0;
00198         OsSchedUnlock();
00199         return pmail;                   /* Return the message received        */
00200     }
00201     else                       /* If message is not available, task will pend */ 
00202     {
00203         OsSchedUnlock();
00204         curTCB = TCBRunning ;
00205         if(timeout == 0)                /* If time-out is not configured      */
00206         {
00207             EventTaskToWait(pecb,curTCB); /* Block task until event occurs    */
00208             *perr = E_OK;
00210             /* Have recived a message or the mailbox have been deleted        */
00211             pmail = curTCB->pmail ;          
00212             curTCB->pmail  = Co_NULL;
00213             return pmail;               /* Return received message or Co_NULL    */
00214         }
00215         else                            /* If time-out is configured          */
00216         {
00217             OsSchedLock();
00219             /* Block task until event or timeout occurs                       */
00220             EventTaskToWait(pecb,curTCB);   
00221             InsertDelayList(curTCB,timeout);
00222             OsSchedUnlock();
00223             if( curTCB->pmail  == Co_NULL)  /* Time-out occurred                  */
00224             {
00225                 *perr = E_TIMEOUT;
00226                 return Co_NULL;
00227             }
00228             else    /* Have recived a message or the mailbox have been deleted*/
00229             {
00230                 *perr = E_OK;
00231                 pmail = curTCB->pmail ;
00232                 curTCB->pmail  = Co_NULL;
00233                 return pmail;           /* Return received message or Co_NULL    */
00234             }           
00235         }   
00236     }
00237 }
00240 /**
00241  *******************************************************************************
00242  * @brief      Post a mailbox     
00243  * @param[in]  id      Event ID.
00244  * @param[in]  pmail   Pointer to mail that want to send.        
00245  * @param[out] None   
00246  * @retval     E_INVALID_ID 
00247  * @retval     E_OK      
00248  *
00249  * @par Description
00250  * @details    This function is called to post a mail. 
00251  * @note 
00252  *******************************************************************************
00253  */
00254 StatusType CoPostMail(OS_EventID id,void* pmail)
00255 {
00256     P_ECB pecb;
00257 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0
00258     if(id >= CFG_MAX_EVENT)                 
00259     {
00260         return E_INVALID_ID;            /* Invalid id,return error            */
00261     }
00262 #endif
00264     pecb = &EventTbl [id];
00265 #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0
00266     if(pecb->eventType  != EVENT_TYPE_MBOX)/* Validate event control block type*/
00267     {
00268         return E_INVALID_ID;              /* Event is not mailbox,return error*/
00269     }
00270 #endif
00272     if(pecb->eventCounter  == 0)   /* If mailbox doesn't already have a message*/    
00273     {
00274         OsSchedLock();
00275         pecb->eventPtr      = pmail;       /* Place message in mailbox         */
00276         pecb->eventCounter  = 1;
00277         EventTaskToRdy(pecb);             /* Check waiting list               */
00278         OsSchedUnlock();
00279         return E_OK;    
00280     }
00281     else                          /* If there is already a message in mailbox */              
00282     {
00283         return E_MBOX_FULL;       /* Mailbox is full,and return "E_MBOX_FULL" */
00284     }
00285 }
00287 /**
00288  *******************************************************************************
00289  * @brief      Post a mailbox in ISR        
00290  * @param[in]  id      Event ID.
00291  * @param[in]  pmail   Pointer to mail that want to send.        
00292  * @param[out] None   
00293  * @retval     E_INVALID_ID 
00294  * @retval     E_OK      
00295  *
00296  * @par Description
00297  * @details    This function is called to post a mail in ISR. 
00298  * @note 
00299  *******************************************************************************
00300  */
00302 StatusType isr_PostMail(OS_EventID id,void* pmail)
00303 {
00304     if(OSSchedLock  > 0)         /* If scheduler is locked,(the caller is ISR) */
00305     {
00306         /* Insert the request into service request queue                      */
00307         if(InsertInSRQ(MBOX_REQ,id,pmail) == Co_FALSE)
00308         {
00309             return E_SEV_REQ_FULL;        /* If service request queue is full */
00310         }           
00311         else                              /* Operate successfully             */
00312         {
00313             return E_OK;
00314         }
00315     }
00316     else
00317     {
00318         return(CoPostMail(id,pmail));     /* Sends the message to the mailbox */ 
00319     }
00320 }
00321 #endif
00323 #endif