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00001 /**
00002  *******************************************************************************
00003  * @file       OsTimer.h
00004  * @version    V1.1.4    
00005  * @date       2011.04.20
00006  * @brief      Timer manage header file 
00007  * @details    This file including some declares and defines related to timer 
00008  *             management.
00009  *******************************************************************************
00010  * @copy
00011  *
00013  * 
00014  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox </center></h2>
00015  *******************************************************************************
00016  */ 
00018 #ifndef _TIMER_H
00019 #define _TIMER_H
00021 #define   TMR_STATE_RUNNING     0       /*!< Timer State: Running             */
00022 #define   TMR_STATE_STOPPED     1       /*!< Timer State: Stopped             */
00024 /**
00025  * @struct   tmrCtrl  timer.h   
00026  * @brief    Timer control block 
00027  * @details  This struct is use to manage user timer. 
00028  *  
00029  */
00030 typedef struct tmrCtrl                  /* Timer Control Block Define.        */
00031 {
00032     OS_TCID          tmrID ;             /*!< Timer ID.                        */
00033     U8               tmrType ;           /*!< Timer Type.                      */
00034     U8               tmrState ;          /*!< Timer State.                     */
00035     U32              tmrCnt ;            /*!< Timer Counter.                   */
00036     U32              tmrReload ;         /*!< Timer Reload Counter Value.      */    
00037     vFUNCPtr         tmrCallBack ; /*!< Call-back Function When Timer overrun. */    
00038     struct tmrCtrl*  tmrNext ;       /*!< Point to Next Timer Control Block.   */
00039     struct tmrCtrl*  tmrPrev ;       /*!< Point to Previous Timer Control Block*/
00041 }TmrCtrl,*P_TmrCtrl;
00043 /*---------------------------- Variable declare ------------------------------*/
00044 extern P_TmrCtrl  TmrList ;              /*!< A pointer to the timer list.     */ 
00045 extern U32        TmrIDVessel ;
00046 /*---------------------------- Function declare ------------------------------*/
00047 extern void  TmrDispose(void);          /*!< Timer counter function.          */
00048 extern void  isr_TmrDispose(void);
00049 #endif