A rouge-like rpg, heavily inspired on the binding of isaac. Running on a FRDM-K64F Mbed board. C++.

Dependencies:   mbed MotionSensor

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00001 #include "Snake.h"
00002 #include "math.h"
00003 #include <complex>
00005 // Constructor
00006 Snake::Snake(float pos_x, float pos_y)
00007 {
00008     _hp = 4;
00009     _attack = 1;
00010     _face = 0;
00011     _prev_face = 0;
00012     _hp_drop_chance = 10; // out of 100
00014     _hitbox.width = 4;
00015     _hitbox.height = 7;
00017     _position.x = pos_x;
00018     _position.y = pos_y;
00020     _sprite_size.width = 6;
00021     _sprite_size.height = 12;
00022     _sprite_size.offset_x = -1;
00023     _sprite_size.offset_y = -6;
00025     _frame.count = 0;
00026     _frame.number = 0;
00027     _frame.max = 6;
00029     _velocity = 0;
00030     _velocity_index = 0;
00031 }
00032 // Member Function
00033 void Snake::update_prev_face()
00034 {
00035     _prev_face = _face;
00036 }
00038 // Member Mutator
00039 void Snake::update_hitbox(int _hitbox_width, int _hitbox_height, int _sprite_size_width, int _sprite_size_height, int _sprite_size_offset_x, int _sprite_size_offset_y, int max_frame)     // Offset, Hitbox and Frame Count update
00040 {
00041     if (_prev_face != _face) {
00042         _frame.number = 0;   // Resets animation everytime face changes
00043         _hitbox.width = _hitbox_width;
00044         _hitbox.height = _hitbox_height;
00046         _sprite_size.width = _sprite_size_width;
00047         _sprite_size.height = _sprite_size_height;
00048         _sprite_size.offset_x = _sprite_size_offset_x;
00049         _sprite_size.offset_y = _sprite_size_offset_y;
00051         _frame.max = max_frame;
00052     }
00053 }
00055 // Functions
00056 void Snake::move(float player_x, float player_y, char * map, bool * doorways)
00057 {
00058     float diff_x = player_x - _position.x;
00059     float diff_y = player_y - _position.y;
00060     _velocity = snake_velocity_pattern[_velocity_index]; // Creating slithering effect, changing velocity of movement
00061     update_prev_face();
00063     // Setting Face
00064     update_face(diff_x, diff_y);
00066     // Movement
00067     move_snake(); // Movement and updating _hitboxes
00069     undo_move_x(entity_to_map_collision_test(_position.x, _prev_pos.y, map, doorways));
00070     undo_move_y(entity_to_map_collision_test(_prev_pos.x, _position.y, map, doorways));
00072     increment_frame();
00073 }
00075 void Snake::update_face(float diff_x, float diff_y) // Depending on the displacement of player from snake, after a full slither effect, change the face
00076 {
00077     if (_velocity_index == 0) {
00078         if (abs(diff_x) > abs(diff_y)) {
00079             if (diff_x > 0) {
00080                 _face = 1;
00081             } else {
00082                 _face = 3;
00083             }
00084         } else {
00085             if (diff_y > 0) {
00086                 _face = 2;
00087             } else {
00088                 _face = 0;
00089             }
00090         }
00091     }
00092 }
00094 void Snake::move_snake()    // Moves the Snake according to velocity, updates the _hitboxes everytime it changes face
00095 {
00096     if (_face == 0) {
00097         _position.y -= _velocity;
00098         update_hitbox(4, 7, 6, 12, -1, -6, 6);
00099     } else if (_face == 1) {
00100         _position.x += _velocity;
00101         update_hitbox(7, 4, 12, 7, -6, -4, 4);
00102     } else if (_face == 2) {
00103         _position.y += _velocity;
00104         update_hitbox(4, 7, 6, 12, -1, -5, 6);
00105     } else if (_face == 3) {
00106         _position.x -= _velocity;
00107         update_hitbox(7, 4, 12, 7, 0, -4, 4);
00108     }
00109 }
00111 void Snake::increment_frame()   // Frame increment and velocity index increment
00112 {
00113     _frame.count++;
00114     if (_frame.count >= 10) {    // Every 10 frames, sprite_frames increments and velocity_index increments
00115         _frame.count = 0;
00116         _velocity_index++;
00117         _frame.number++;
00118         if (_velocity_index >= 6) { // Velocity_index max; reset
00119             _velocity_index = 0;
00120         }
00121         if (_frame.number >= _frame.max) {    // Frame.number max; reset
00122             _frame.number = 0;
00123         }
00124     }
00125 }
00127 void Snake::take_damage(int damage)
00128 {
00129     _hp -= damage;
00130 }
00132 char * Snake::get_frame()   // Returns the frame needed
00133 {
00134     if(_face == 0) {
00135         return (char *) sprite_snake_y[0][_frame.number];
00136     } else if(_face == 1) {
00137         return (char *) sprite_snake_x[0][_frame.number];
00138     } else if(_face == 2) {
00139         return (char *) sprite_snake_y[1][_frame.number];
00140     } else if(_face == 3) {
00141         return (char *) sprite_snake_x[1][_frame.number];
00142     }
00143     return 0;
00144 }
00146 void Snake::draw(N5110 &lcd)
00147 {
00148     lcd.drawSpriteTransparent(get_pos_x()+_sprite_size.offset_x,
00149                               get_pos_y()+_sprite_size.offset_y,
00150                               _sprite_size.height,
00151                               _sprite_size.width,
00152                               get_frame());
00153 }