A rouge-like rpg, heavily inspired on the binding of isaac. Running on a FRDM-K64F Mbed board. C++.

Dependencies:   mbed MotionSensor

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00001 #ifndef BULLETS_H
00002 #define BULLETS_H
00003 #include "Entity.h"
00005 /**Bullets Class
00006 @author Steven Mahasin
00007 @brief Creates a Bullet which inherits the Entity class, this will be a created projectile by the player class
00008 @date May 2019
00009 */
00010 class Bullets : public Entity
00011 {
00013 public:
00014     /** Constructor 
00015     *   @brief creates a bullet at positions pos_x and pos_y travelling at face dir
00016     *   @param pos_x @details initialise _position.x
00017     *   @param pos_y @details initialise _position.y
00018     *   @param dir @details initialise _face
00019     */
00020     Bullets(float pos_x, float pos_y, int dir);
00022     // Functions
00023     /**
00024     *   @brief function moves the bullet on it's face at a speed
00025     *   @param speed @details the speed of the bullet
00026     *   @param unused @details not used
00027     *   @param map @details not used
00028     *   @param doorways @details not used
00029     */
00030     virtual void move(float speed, float unused, char * map, bool * doorways);
00031     /**
00032     *   @brief draws the bullet onto the screen
00033     *   @param lcd @details the screen where the bullet is drawn
00034     */
00035     virtual void draw(N5110 &lcd);
00036     /**
00037     *   @brief reduce _hp by damage
00038     *   @param damage @details the amount of damage to be taken
00039     */
00040     virtual void take_damage(int damage);
00041     /**
00042     *   @brief checks if the bullet is out of bounds (hit wall or out of screen)
00043     *   @param map @details the 2d map array that dictates where there are walls or empty space
00044     *   @param doorways @details an array that dictates which side of the wall has a doorway
00045     *   @returns true if bullet is out of bounds
00046     */
00047     bool out_of_bounds_check(char * map, bool * doorways);
00048 };
00050 const char bullets_sprite[3][3] = {{1,1,1},
00051     {1,1,1},
00052     {1,1,1}
00053 };
00055 #endif