
Dependencies:   mbed

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for el16ccn


Ball Ball Class contains necessary parameters to draw the ball; at the appropriate position, with the given size and selected type
Bitmap A black & white bitmap that can be rendered on an N5110 screen
Gamepad Gamepad Class
Maze Maze Class contains mazes to be drawn (as sprites or series of lines)
MazeEngine Maze Engine Class runs the game loop, draws the mazes ,checks for wall collisions and checks if mazes have been finished
Menu MainMenu Class runs the main menu which the program uses as a base
N5110 N5110 Class
Polar Polar coordinate struct
Vector2D Vector 2D struct
Visuals Visuals Class made up of all onscreen visuals within game


Ball.cpp [code]
Ball.h [code]
BallTest.h [code]
Bitmap.cpp [code]
Bitmap.h [code]
Gamepad.cpp [code]
Gamepad.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
Maze.cpp [code]
Maze.h [code]
MazeEngine.cpp [code]
MazeEngine.h [code]
Menu.cpp [code]
Menu.h [code]
N5110.cpp [code]
N5110.h [code]
tests.h [code]
Visuals.cpp [code]
Visuals.h [code]